The Rich Lady, She Tore Up the Script of White Moonlight

Chapter 536: She won the special contribution award

Ling Linlin stood on the spot and felt her head buzzing, as if something shattered.

She remembered that in addition to the selection of scholarships this time, there was also an award for the top ten college students. Although the bonus won was not as much as the scholarship, the honor had a high gold content, and there was a chance to recommend it to those popular professors.

Of course, it's not realistic to do research with professors during the undergraduate period.

But she intends to continue her studies, which can increase the gold content of her resume, and she is very likely to be selected!

Ling Linlin's eyes instantly turned red. Yan Xi, a person who didn't study seriously and took a month's leave in the first semester, what qualifications did she have to compete with her?

"Teacher! Yan Xi has been on vacation for a long time this semester, and she failed even in her daily conduct. There is a high probability that she will fail the final exam this time. I'm afraid she won't be able to convince her to apply for the top ten college students?" Ling Linlin Relying on the good relationship with the counselor, he directly pulls the person aside and makes a righteous and stern suggestion.

The counselor was a little surprised: "What are you talking about!"

"And even if you register for the school, I'm afraid Yan Xi's competitiveness is not enough. It's easy to waste this place. Why don't you recommend someone else, teacher, what do you think?" Ling Linlin said directly, "I am willing to give up the election of outstanding student leaders. , to participate in the election of the top ten college students, I think my chances of winning are still very high, and it can be regarded as winning glory for the class."

There are excellent student leaders in any class, but the honor of the top ten college students is a competition in the whole school. Ling Linlin knows very well which one is more important.

She took a step back. Of course, she didn't really intend to give up the election of outstanding student leaders. She just made progress by retreating.

The counselor frowned: "You better prepare materials for outstanding student leaders. Don't think too much about other things."

Ling Linlin was very excited and couldn't help raising her voice: "Teacher, you can't do this! I know that the Yan family has money and can interfere with some people, but this is a school, so you don't need to worry so much..."

Counselor: "Okay, stop talking, it's not what you think!"

The counselor simply felt inexplicable, why did he suddenly mention the Yan family? She was so embarrassed that her toes were almost digging.

This student has always been in trouble. When he took the initiative to run for monitor, he always had a positive look when he got along with him in private.

Who would have thought that such a radical personality would lead to such speculation?

"Teacher, I don't approve of your approach. You don't consider the feelings of the whole class at all!" Ling Linlin's eyes were red, "Apart from hyping, marketing and packaging, does Yan Xi have any real talent? She doesn't even care about learning. Seriously, as soon as she entered the university, there was a lot of fuss about falling in love, what's the difference between her and those people who wasted her time!"

With such a person stepping on her own, she is not convinced no matter what.

The counselor looked at her in shock and was speechless.

Ling Linlin's voice was so loud that almost all the students in the class heard it.

Xie Chang raised his eyes slightly and glanced at the other party, but there was no smile in his cold eyes.

Yan Xi originally had something to say to the counselor, and she had been waiting patiently for the two to speak, but she did not expect such a follow-up.

It seems that the other party has a lot of opinions on him, and he doesn't hesitate to make trouble in front of his classmates.

The people who were listening to the gossip attentively were also a little confused. Combined with what the counselor had just given to Yan Xi, they probably understood what was going on.

It is estimated that it is for scholarships and awards... Anyway, this is everyone's cake, and those who are qualified to compete can't help but **** up their ears.

Ling Linlin pursed her lower lip and said stubbornly, "Teacher, for the sake of fairness, I suggest voting publicly in the class."

The counselor is a bit funny and has some atmosphere. She is the first year to be a counselor this year, and she is indeed inexperienced at a young age.

Ling Linlin's family has some connections in the school. One of her relatives is a professor in the department. She is the kind of person who greets her respectfully when she meets her.

Probably because of this, Ling Linlin didn't say anything on the surface, but she didn't obey her counselor very much in her heart.

She pressed her temples and said blankly, "Well, let's vote openly. All awards are openly voted, including outstanding student leaders and top ten college students."

Ling Linlin doesn't care, she usually pays great attention to maintaining the relationship with the students. Even if He Shi left, the personal connections are still there, and she has successfully served in the student union. She doesn't believe it anymore, and the classmates will still turn to Yan Xi.

Counselor: "By the way, there is no need to vote for Yan Xi's awards."

Ling Linlin: "Why?"

"She won the special contribution award!" the counselor said.

The Special Contribution Award is not a regular award, the conditions are very harsh, and it is not awarded every year.

This award is not an independent declaration by each class, but the school directly determines the candidates based on their contribution.

Ling Linlin was stunned, and looked at Yan Xi in disbelief: "You Yan family have such a big appetite, you even dare to reach out for a special contribution award?!"

"Ling Linlin, you've had enough! Look at what you said yourself?" The counselor was very angry. After talking about this, why was she still obsessed?

The classmates in the class also looked at Yan Xi in shock. They were not fools. Of course, they knew how important the special contribution award was to the school, so there could be no controversy.

Ling Linlin opened her mouth and said that the Yan family had intervened. It was indeed a little over-speculation.

So it turns out that classmate Yan Xi is so powerful?

Counselor: "Yan Xi and Xie Chang are both top scorers in the college entrance What are you questioning about, you want to question their grades? Asking for leave does not mean that others have not studied hard. This special contribution award, the whole school Only the two of them got it."

"Impossible!" Ling Linlin retorted subconsciously.

"Why is it not possible? Xie Chang is a student of Ling Sheng, director of the Xihe Research Institute, and he developed the anti-cancer Chinese medicine pill. As for Yan Xi, the actual controller of the QC laboratory, she gave up the patent for the targeted drug for skin cancer. , so that ordinary people can afford medicine, do you think these contributions are enough?"

The students were so shocked that everyone knew more or less about the cooperation between the Xihe Research Institute and the school. It turned out that it was Xie Changze's project for a long time?

God, they are also envious of doctoral seniors. If they can follow the professor to do such a project, they are afraid that they will have a bright future in the future.

Alright, after working for a long time, the "professor" is actually his undergraduate classmate...

Sure enough, the gap between people is sometimes bigger than the gap between people and pigs.

Hu Xiao looked at Xie Changze with bright eyes and was very excited. She still wanted to say, Xie Changze is really handsome!

Ling Linlin's head buzzed, her whole body was stunned, how could this happen?

She looked at the two of them as if they didn't know each other, especially Xie Changze. Isn't he just a little white face who eats soft rice?

She was not reconciled at all when an excellent senior like He Shi was planted in the hands of such a small white face, and felt that it was not worth it.

Was it really Senior Sister He Shi who was climbing high?







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