The Rich Lady, She Tore Up the Script of White Moonlight

Chapter 540: Do you really make money doing research?

Chapter 540 Do You Really Make So Much Money in Scientific Research?

During the time she returned to Beiqiao City, a lot of things in the company had piled up. Although Aunt Yao, Cindy and Yang Mei could handle it very well, she still needed to make decisions about some things.

Especially at the end of the year and the beginning of the year, the annual summary, annual planning and budget are all on the agenda, and someone has to master the general direction.

Xie Chang was worried, worried that Yan Xi's body would not be able to bear it: "Don't be too busy, just take it easy."

Yan Xi raised her head, thought about it, and handed the project to Xie Changze: "What do you think, give me some advice, boyfriend."

She also has to read the company's emails and annual business summary, and keep typing on the computer.

Xie Chang was stunned for a moment.

Yan Xi didn't lift his head: "Speaking of the part of the shares written in my will, it refers to the shares of Shengyu Media. In the will, you hold 5% of the shares, and Shengyu Media also has a part of you, but you can't in spite of."

Xie Chang's breathing was slightly stagnant, his palms supported the desk, and he laughed silently.

When he laughed, it was as if flowers were flying all over the city, and he felt the radiance of spring even indoors in winter.

Seeing that Yan Xi was busy, he didn't say much. He pulled the chair and sat down opposite Yan Xi, and began to focus on the documents.

Xie Chang took care of those documents and made suggestions and notes, and Yan Xi's side had almost finished processing the emails.

At the end of the year, there were many complicated affairs, and the amount accumulated was amazing. Whether Rao passed it to Yan Xi for decision-making was filtered, or it took her a lot of energy.

As soon as Yan Xi raised her head, she bumped into those beautiful and cold eyes.

Xie Changze's pupils were pitch-black, his eyes were clear and cold, and he didn't seem to be close to him.

You can cast your gaze, focused and gentle. Just like now, the color of the eyes is dark, heavy and thick, which makes the heart skip a beat.

"Have you read it yet?" Yan Xi looked away, took the document, and looked at it. The other party did it very carefully, classifying it into different categories, and also posted a sticky note and handling comments. The four quadrants of priorities were sorted out, and nothing was sloppy at all. .

"It's really great, you've helped me a lot, thank you, you've helped me share a lot." Yan Xi said with a smile.

"Why thank you, didn't you say the company has a part of me too?"

In the quiet room, there was a sound of fabric rubbing, and soon Yan Xi felt that her vision was blocked by shadows.

Yan Xi raised her head and was stunned for a moment, "You're right."

Xie Chang turned the chair around and supported both sides of the chair with both hands, with a helpless and frustrated expression, "Yan Yan!"

After a pause, he said softly, "The bank called me a few days ago, saying that there was an early expiry of financial management recently, and the settlement was received. You bought this money for financial management, right? Their manager Qian Qian Thank you so much."

Yan Xi blinked: "Are you talking about the card you gave me? Yes, it's a full 30 million. I don't know if I don't check it. I was shocked when I checked it. It's a lot of money. With more than 100 million yuan, do you actually make so much money doing scientific research?"

Xie Chang's hand supporting the chair couldn't help clenching into a fist, his heart seemed to be clenched by a thread.

His beautiful Adam's apple couldn't help but roll, "And what Huo Ziang said..."

Yan Xi: "Yusen Group, right? I heard you mention it a long time ago. Why, did that Mr. Luo also invest in the Xihe Research Institute project?"

She rationalized everything as much as possible, and seemed to be able to find sufficient reasons.

Xie Chang was at a loss for words, and after a while he said softly, "Then I just dealt with those documents..."

This Yan Xi also has a reasonable explanation: "Your cousin Su Mu is the boss of the company after all. He often asks you for business advice, so it's not surprising that you can manage the company."

Xie Chang's mind flashed many thoughts in an instant.

If he wanted to hide it intentionally, of course he could do it without leaking, and Yan Xi couldn't see any clues.

In the past, he didn't dare to take risks, for fear that his relationship was not strong enough, and that Yan Xi would get angry... He had too many concerns, and he couldn't tell them all.

Now, of course, still dare not take the risk.

"Yan Yan, I'm sorry." Xie Chang said, and quickly stretched out his hand to hold the person in his arms.

Even if Yan Xi had found ample excuses for all his flaws, he still did not dare to take the risk and followed her words.

He knew that Yan Xi was very sincere, not deliberately setting a trap for himself, but really directed his thinking in this direction.

But the girl he loves very much, smart and transparent, how could he not see the truth of the matter.

Only when the other party trusts themselves, they are willing to choose to explain in a reasonable direction.

His heart seemed to be sucked in water, slightly swollen, sour and nervous, but Xie Chang breathed lightly and his voice was light, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hide you."

Yan Xi was stunned for a moment, then sighed after a moment of silence, "So, isn't it what I thought it was?"

The arms around him tightened a little, his head pressed against the other's chest, and he could clearly hear the irregular and chaotic beating of his heart.

Xie Changze: "No, 100 million yuan is not a reward for scientific research. I'm not that talented."

His research direction is only anti-cancer Chinese medicine pills, and there is no other research and development direction. Not only can he not make money in this regard, but he has to spend money all the time.

Of course, Yan Xi also knew that the QC laboratory was invested by her mother. Only by producing results can it maintain a good profit. However, for scientific researchers, 100 million yuan is already an exaggeration, unless you have a very important patent. .

However, the patent of Xie Changze's anti-cancer Chinese medicine pill has not been realized yet.

Yan Xi: "Well, then I should guess in another direction. In fact, you are the behind-the-scenes boss of Cousin Su Mu, right? And Yusen Group, do you have shares?"

Xie Changze: "Luo Chengzhou of Yusen Group owes me a favor. I only hold 6% of the shares, which is nothing."

After a pause, he hurriedly said, "My personal relationship with Luo Chengzhou only ends here. I never thought about calculating the Yan family's property."

Huo Zi'ang's words sounded ridiculous in the scene at the time, and Yan Xi couldn't believe it.

Now it was his crisis, and he had to explain it clearly, so that Yan Xi could not leave even the slightest doubt in his heart.

Yan Xi thought for a while, then said calmly, "If you really plan to calculate the Yan family's property, you will sacrifice a lot. You are the unknown force that helped the Yan family not long ago, right? You have invested a lot of money, and you are afraid that the Yan family will go bankrupt. To lose everything.”

She was very puzzled before, where the unknown forces are helping her.

Especially when he was injured and hospitalized that day, and it was too late to make arrangements, Qi Lian led someone to attack, but instead, he was smashed into the sand and trapped.

She later reviewed the opponent's tricks, and she was sharp and decisive, but she was not at all the work of the well-behaved Kevin.

Qilian was not greedy enough and greedy for meritorious progress, and he would be savagely torn and bitten off a piece of meat, which was not wrong at all.

"By the way, the 100 million donated by the Chunlei Charity Gala in my mother's name was also yours, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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