The Rich Lady, She Tore Up the Script of White Moonlight

Chapter 554: Seeing that you're not doing well, I'm finally relieved

Chapter 554 Seeing that you are having a bad day, I finally feel relieved

"You don't have to wait, the people inside won't see you." Xie Chang said lightly.

Chen Xiangxiang stared at each other blankly, her eyes slightly moist: "You are the boss of Jinyin Pavilion? But why?"

Xie Changze: "I am not only the owner of Jinyin Pavilion, but also the owner of Lanting Hotel. I hold shares in Yusen Group. Why, do I need to report all these to you?"

He stood there, looking exceptionally long in a well-cut black suit.

There is also an aura of a high-ranking person who has been in the high-ranking position for a long time, cold, noble and abstinent, and that face is the ceiling of appearance.

Chen Xiangxiang couldn't believe her ears for a while.

She had always thought that the reason why Xie Changze was so protective of Yan Xi was that she was interested in Yan Xi's family background and because Yan Xi was rich.

After all, who doesn't like money? With the rich lady, you can easily achieve class leap, and at least 20 years less.

The combination of this pair is clearly a strong woman and a weak man.

So Xie Chang rejected her before, and she had explanations and rhetoric. The reason the other party can't be attacked is because that person is too smart and sober, and planned his life early, she thought they were all the way.

It turned out that he was so rich that he stood in the upper circle early on.

Then why did he choose to cling to Yan Xi? He is so rich and successful in his career. He should have a stronger personality and prefer to dominate, just like Huo Ziang.

Why does he like Yan Xi? Yan Xi is so strong, how can he look like a woman?

"Xie Changze, you..." Chen Xiangxiang paused and said softly, "Why did you tell me this?"

Xie Chang didn't answer, his eyes fell on Chen Xiangxiang for a few seconds, "Is your intelligent system still working?"

Chen Xiangxiang's heart skipped a beat.

Why did Xie Chang suddenly ask this? He is obviously not Qi Lian, nor that terrifying brain doctor, who has terrifying plans for himself.

Even when the system was robbed and a firewall was added, it was the other party who helped him crack it and successfully got the system back.

At that time, she guessed why Xie Changze wanted to help herself.

She knows that she has repeatedly lost face in front of him, and now she is very down. The skirts on her body are all discounted models that she bought at the mall with Li Tao in the imperial capital last time, but maybe, this makes him feel distressed instead?

Xie Chang thought to himself that he would definitely destroy it if he couldn't get it, forcing him to have nowhere else to go, so he could throw himself into his arms.

Just thinking about it like this made Chen Xiangxiang feel sweet and sour in her heart, and her face was almost red.

She shook her head and nodded again, biting her lower lip with her teeth, and a layer of mist appeared under her eyes.

Xie Chang then asked: "You asked Deputy Director Zhang, if you want anti-cancer Chinese medicine, who do you want to give it to?" After a pause, he added, "He is not a member of the ninth research group and has no access to anti-cancer Chinese medicine. Pills, no matter what he promises, they lie to you."

He really has been paying attention to himself!

"Thank you for your kindness." Chen Xiangxiang's heart trembled a little, she pursed her lips and said, "I haven't congratulated you yet, you have successfully developed an anti-cancer Chinese medicine pill."

Xie Chang looked at her: "So, who needs anti-cancer Chinese pills, your mother's disease has recurred?"

Chen Xiangxiang: "No! Yes, it's me."

As she spoke, her eyes turned red, tears condensed in her eyes, and she said aggrievedly, "Xie Changze, I won't live long, and I only have five years left to live."

So you see, I'm completely cornered, I can only bow to you and cling to you.

Xie Chang smiled, "Is that so, seeing that you are not doing well, I finally feel relieved."

"Okay, you can go."

Chen Xiangxiang was stunned for a few seconds, unable to react, and hurriedly said, "Aren't you here to help me?"

"Help you? You're thinking too much." Xie Chang turned his head, his eyes were indifferent, "You still don't understand my intention, I will help you get back the system, just want to watch you and that thing consume each other, go to perish."

Chen Xiangxiang fell into an ice cave: "You, you want me to die?"

Xie Changze: "Compared to what you originally planned to do to Yan Yan, I'm already very kind. You have today's results, and it's all your fault."

Chen Xiangxiang is going crazy!

She stood there for a few seconds with a blank mind, and when she came back to her senses, Xie Changze had already turned and left, as cold and ruthless as ever.

Chen Xiangxiang turned her head, just as she was about to escape from here, the door was suddenly pushed open, and someone broke in regardless of the obstruction.

"Mom!" When Chen Xiangxiang saw Du Xiaoman, there was a faint hope in her heart. No, no, she didn't lose everything, and the Qi family...

Just as he was approaching him, Du Xiaoman slapped his hand and threw it down.

"You broom star!" Du Xiaoman saw the other party dodging, and immediately became even more angry, and hurriedly grabbed the other party's hair, but as soon as he grabbed a handful of hair, the strength in his hand disappeared.

She looked at the hair on her hand and looked at Chen Xiangxiang in surprise, "Why, why is your hair falling out?"

Chen Xiangxiang touched the bald scalp on her head, screamed in collapse, and reached out and scratched Du Xiaoman's face.

"It's all because of you! If it wasn't to save you, how could I rob Yan Xi's anti-cancer injection!"

"Chen Xiangxiang, are you crazy, I'm your mother!...Ah, my nose!"


As soon as Xie Chang got out of the elevator, he saw the people standing in the corridor, and his muscles couldn't help stiffening.

"Yan Yan, you..." His thoughts turned, how long did she wait, do you know what just happened downstairs?

"What's the matter, what happened?" Yan Xi came over with a look of concern.

Xie Chang lowered his eyes, took her hand gently, and placed it in his palm.

"It's snowing outside."

Yan Xi followed his line of sight and looked at the night outside the floor-to-ceiling glass window, "Yeah, it's snowing, and the New Year is coming soon."

"Chen Xiangxiang just came. She probably wants to rely on Qilian's stepdaughter to climb up to the Qi family."

Yan Xi is not surprised, Du Xiaoman has appeared, how could Chen Xiangxiang miss this opportunity?

"She wanted to go abroad, and she took my brother with her to cut off his connection with me? It's a bit taken for Xie Changze: "She has cancer. "

Yan Xi was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Xie Changze.

Under the illumination of the light, this person's eyebrows and eyes are more prominent, and they are amazingly beautiful.

The words that came out of her mouth were indifferent and irrelevant, "According to what she said, she has only five years to live. I guess this sentence is true."

Yan Xi recovered and nodded, "I see."

Her mood was a little complicated. She raised her head and glanced at the heavy snow outside the window. Thinking of herself who was still in the hospital trying new drugs a year ago, she always felt like a lifetime away.

Xie Chang was silent for a moment, then suddenly said, "That's why I insisted on returning the system to her."

He was always worried about Yan Xi's dreams, and was unwilling to put her in danger.

Fu Yuhuai also had the same dream, which further deepened his anxiety.

(End of this chapter)

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