The Rich Lady, She Tore Up the Script of White Moonlight

Chapter 76: She should be going to Xi's house soon.

"Then uncle will just adopt Xiangxiang as his daughter." Xi Yaohua seemed to be joking, "I heard from my mother that you had this plan before. Even if Wanxiang is eighteen, she can no longer be adopted legally."

Xi Jingxing has been thinking about how to resolve this matter, and he glanced at Chen Xiangxiang after hearing this.

He had previously complained that Chen Xiangxiang ran away crying ignorantly at the dinner party that day, disturbing the good banquet.

But Chen Xiangxiang has been cautious these days, she is very busy preparing for the monthly exam, and still insists on cooking healthy soup for herself every night.

In any case, this filial piety is touching.

Chen Xiangxiang said subconsciously, "Brother Yaohua, don't make Uncle Xi embarrassed. It doesn't matter to me. Anyway, I have always regarded Uncle Xi as a father in my heart. It doesn't matter if I have a name or not."

She turned her head to look at Xi Jingxing with admiration on her face.

Xi Jingxing's heart moved slightly, this child has always been very caring, "Xiangxiang is indeed a good boy."

"If that's the case, then Xiangxiang will just change her name to call her uncle and father." Xi Yaohua's eyes flickered with a smile on his face, "It's too unfamiliar to call him Uncle Xi."

Xi Jingxing always gave face to his capable nephew, "Yaohua's proposal is also good."

"Dad!" Chen Xiangxiang shouted with a smile, her eyes full of suppleness and obedience.

Xi Jingxing nodded, and then nodded again, only to feel that the sound of his father's call made him feel very tired.

His two children, neither Yan Xi nor Xi Yan, had ever been so obedient.

"Good boy." He thought for a while, before the red envelope promised to Chen Xiangxiang was given last time, he ordered Butler He to bring a red envelope and handed it to Chen Xiangxiang.

Chen Xiangxiang's eyes lit up, and she couldn't help but say thank you Dad again.

Butler He just obeyed Xi Jingxing's orders to send red envelopes in, and looked at Chen Xiangxiang in surprise, "Sir, what's going on?"

“It’s not a big deal.” Xi Jingxing said, “It’s alright, you can go out.”

Butler He is getting old, so he is very stubborn and stubborn at this age. If Yan Xi had not insisted on handing over the family's finances to the other party, Xi Jingxing would not have wanted to leave the other party behind.

As a servant, even asking about this kind of thing, is the idea too big?

Seeing that Xi Jingxing was unhappy, Butler He closed his mouth and walked out without saying anything.

He originally had something to remind Xi Jingxing, since Xi Jingxing said it was all right, then it would be all right.

Xi Jingxing paused, then suddenly said, "Xiangxiang, you can call my father in private in the future, but you should call Uncle Xi in front of people."

After all, Yan Xi was not informed of this matter in advance, and he was worried that Butler He would complain to Yan Xi.

Chen Xiangxiang was stunned for a moment, a look of unwillingness flashed in her eyes, but she still agreed.

When she returned to the room, she couldn't wait to open the red envelope and counted it, and immediately threw the money on the bed with some anger!

Five thousand! She called Dad, and it was only worth 5,000 yuan? !

Xi Jingxing is so stingy!

When she thought that Yan Xi casually called Huo Xiao uncle that day, and received a red envelope of 1,880,000 yuan, her eyes suddenly turned red with jealousy.

Chen Xiangxiang got up and made a phone call, "Can you do it? Haven't you done that tricky old woman yet?"

On the other end of the phone, a woman's warm voice came, "Xiangxiang, don't say that, your aunt is a good talker."

"So, can it work?" Chen Xiangxiang was particularly annoyed by the woman's unpromising appearance.

"It should be possible." The woman hesitated for a moment and gave an uncertain answer.

Probably afraid that Chen Xiangxiang would get angry, she added, "I don't think it's a problem, she should go to Xi's house soon."

"That's good!" Chen Xiangxiang hung up the phone after she finished speaking.

Xi Jingxing's temper was too swaying, she couldn't put all the chips on Xi Jingxing.

It was also time for an elder to make decisions for Xi Jingxing.

The next morning was the first day of the end of the monthly exam.

According to the school's work efficiency, the grades will definitely come out today.

Chen Xiangxiang hesitated while eating breakfast, and said to Xi Jingxing, "Uncle Xi, don't worry, I will persuade her from Wang Zinan's side, don't take the bet in front of her and embarrass Sister Yan Yan in person."

This is what Xi Jingxing was worried about.

Wang Zinan is a student jointly funded by the Xi family and the Yan family charity foundation. Such students have very good grades, otherwise they will not be funded.

When the other party came to study at home on Saturday, he was obviously arrogant, and was repeatedly touted by several girls in the same class. It could be seen that his grades were very good.

Of course, Chen Xiangxiang, who patiently tutored Wang Zinan's homework, is better.

Thinking of this, Xi Jingxing was again proud of Chen Xiangxiang's intelligence, like his wife, and worried that Yan Xi would be beaten to the point of embarrassment today.

"Then it's going to be hard for you." He didn't think the request from the little girl surnamed Wang was too much.

Yan Xi didn't have a good face, so what fun was there? As for taking care of Xi Yan and not giving him pocket money, this was a good idea, but it seemed too serious.

Young people of this age like to fight injustice, but it is a good memory of adolescence.

It's that Yan Xi may have played a bad role in it.

Xi Jingxing felt that his heart was broken, and that day he deliberately sent Chen Xiangxiang to school to see if he could meet Yan Xi.

He hasn't seen his daughter for several days, and he misses it somewhat.

"Xiangxiang! Uncle Xi!" Zhan Xinrong couldn't believe it when he saw Xi Jingxing, and rushed over to say hello.

Xi Jingxing retracted his gaze and nodded at the other party gently.

"Uncle Xi, did you come here on purpose to deliver Xiangxiang?" Zhan Xinrong said with a smile, and then raised an eyebrow at Luo Wanrong who had just gotten off the bus.

Luo Wanrong was inexplicable, Xi Jingxing did not send Chen Xiangxiang to school, what did it have to do with her, was there anything worth showing off?

Then Yan Yunzhi still sent Yan Xi to school every day, why didn't Yan Xi show off.

She found that her temper was getting worse and She couldn't help but want to knock the heads of people like Zhan Xinrong and see what kind of paste was inside.

Just thinking about it, I saw Yan Yunzhi's Aston Martin slowly stop.

Yan Xi saw Xi Jingxing at a glance, but was surprised that he was so interested in Chen Xiangxiang that he even sent people to school.

This was not something that Xi Jingxing would do. He always thought that the water was blocked everywhere in the morning, and that the parents at the school gate were making noise.

But she still took the initiative to get out of the car and say hello: "Dad."

Xi Yan also got out of the car with his schoolbag, "Dad."

Xi Jingxing hurriedly left Chen Xiangxiang and her little sisters behind, and walked towards Yan Xi, "Yan Yan, how have you been recently?"

"Do you have any opinion on me, or do you think I can't take good care of Yan Yan?" Yan Yun got out of the car, and when he saw Xi Jing Xing, he felt angry.

Xi Jingxing said subconsciously, "Yunzhi, don't get me wrong."

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