Chapter 118 Hit to serve

Dragon Fifth Brother, Tyumen, one of the three underground forces.

Originally, after Gu Qingcheng, Dragon Five, and Jin Sanye divided the underground forces of Tyumen into three parts.

The tripartite forces have formed a three-legged powerhouse, which checks and balances each other.

There is a very delicate balance in the middle.

Now this balance was forcibly broken after Qin Tian solved Jin Sanye.

So Long Wu Ge had long expected such a day.

It’s just that he didn’t expect that Qin Tian would come so directly.

This kid is not only arrogant, but also defiant.

With so many people here, he still dared to speak wild words?

“President Qin! What do you mean by this?”

Long Wu sat opposite Qin Tian, ​​his eyes were slightly drenched: “Do you want to accept me as a younger brother?”

He did not think of a way to deal with Qin Tian during this period of time.

But he is not a good one.

Let him be someone else’s brother? How can it be?

“It’s almost what it means.”

“Are you kidding me?”

“Do you think I am joking?”

Qin Tian asked back: “Although you are very careful in doing things, you don’t leave a lot of handles like Jin Sanye after washing your hands.

“But I want to solve you, it’s not particularly difficult!”

“Today is a harmonious society. It’s not a long-term strategy to always follow crooked ways…….. It is much better to do it with me than to do it yourself.”

“Think about it. If the conflict between you and Qingcheng wasn’t so irreconcilable, I wouldn’t have bothered to tell you so much.”

Qin Tian specifically asked Gu Qingcheng about the contradiction between Gu Qingcheng and Longwu.

Generally speaking, it is not particularly complicated.

It was the white boss who raised Gu Qingcheng, who was killed by Jin Sanye.

Moreover, after killing Boss Bai, Jin Sanye prepared to frame Gu Qingcheng and go to jail in order to divide more territory.

If Gu Qingcheng hadn’t been clever enough, she should still be in jail now.

As for Brother Longwu?

Although he was not involved, he knew the whole story clearly.

He did not avenge Boss Bai, nor did he remind Gu Qingcheng.

So Gu Qingcheng hated him too.

After so many years, Gu Qingcheng didn’t forgive Jin Sanye, but his hatred for Long Wu faded a lot.

That’s why Qin Tian will give him a courtesy first and then pawn.

First persuade him to surrender, if not, then consider fighting to solve his problem.

Hearing Qin Tian’s words, Long Wu obviously hesitated.

Because Qin Tian said very well.

The prosperity of the world is profit, and the hustle and bustle of the world is profit.

If it is not necessary, who would be willing to rip the skin straight?

Moreover, he can solve Jin Sanye, and it is not impossible to solve his Dragon Five.

The most is to waste a little more manpower and material resources.

Thinking of this, Long Wu said solemnly: “General Qin said it is right. Today’s society is a harmonious society, and win-win cooperation is the kingly way.”

“But I’ve spent so many years in Dragon Five. I want me to be President Qin’s younger brother? I’m afraid… Ha ha… Even if I do, my brothers won’t be willing.”

“That’s right, our Long brother, how can we be your little brother?”

“Don’t be kidding me…”

“Do you think it’s great to have two bad money?”

“Don’t look at who our Brother Long is?”

The several thugs behind Long Wu had long been unable to stand it.

Several people helped Long Wu to speak with each other.

Although they also knew the identity of Qin Tian.

But because Qin Tian’s behavior is really arrogant, let them Long Brother be his younger brother?(Read more @

What international joke?

Therefore, they naturally don’t have any good looks towards Qin Tian.

Qin Tian didn’t care either, but slowly raised his right hand and stretched out his index finger and middle finger.

“Let’s do it! I will give you two more choices. First, give you what you want.”

“Second, fight to serve.”

Hearing this, the thugs shut up instantly.

The pupils of Long Wu and the man behind him shrank at the same time.

I don’t know how long it took!

Only then did Long Wu’s voice sounded slowly.

“How does Qin want to fight?”

Obviously he chose the latter.

Qin Tian raised the corner of his mouth and asked instead: “How do you want to fight?”

Hearing this, Long Wu glanced at the 30-year-old man next to him.

Qin Tian also noticed this man a long time ago.

He should be the leader of this group of thugs, with a grim expression on his face and a murderous air on his face.

“Since President Qin has already made his way out, if I don’t pick up Dragon Five, I will inevitably be laughed at by people on the road.”

“Well, I used to be a gangster, just follow the rules of our way.”

“His name is Canglang. He is a Muay Thai master who has won many underground boxing matches. He fights alone and rarely meets opponents.”

“As long as Qin always beats him one-on-one in the ring, my Dragon Five is willing to listen to you.”

Long Wushu said.

He used to be a mess, naturally it is impossible for Qin Tian to have more money than anyone else.

And he is not willing to give in to money.

So it is more appropriate to follow the rules of the road!

Whoever has the big fist becomes the boss.

(aidi) Canglang is the younger brother he took after he started to wash white. He has a very strong fighting power and is stronger than himself.

All his little brothers were very convinced of the fighting power of this gray wolf.

If the wolf loses, not only him, even his little brother must have nothing to say.

Sure enough, hearing Long Wu’s words, the other younger brothers remained silent, but instead looked at Qin Tian with pride.

The rich have their own bodyguards, and of course they know this.

But how can these bodyguards be the opponent of Brother Wolf?

They had seen it with their own eyes. Brother Wolf played three bodyguards by himself, and it didn’t take three minutes to solve it.

And Canglang also took a step forward, looking at Qin Tian with an arrogant expression.

It seems to be saying that if there is a kind, come heads-up?

But Qin Tian didn’t want to deal with these miscellaneous fishes at all, just smiled faintly: “A word is settled.”

Seeing what Qin Tian promised was so refreshing, everyone was dumbfounded.

Even the gray wolf frowned involuntarily.

The underground arena of Dragon Five is held once a week in order to avoid people’s eyes.

Today, Dragon Five came here just to prepare for the two-day competition.

This is his own gray income.

In other words, there is no competition today, so the underground arena is now empty.

After Qin Tian agreed to Dragon Five, this place became the arena of Zhou Wen and Canglang.

At this time, the ring was full of Long Wu’s henchmen.

They stared intently at the two people in the ring.

Will Zhou Wen lose?

of course not.

Now that he is going to come here, Qin Tian naturally did an investigation.

The fighting power of Canglang was better than Chen Chong.

Although it is indeed much stronger than the average boxer, it will not be Zhou Wen’s opponent.

Take 10,000 steps and say, even if Zhou Wen loses, the big deal will be Qin Tian brazenly on himself.

Anyway, his purpose is to conquer Dragon Five.

As for how to subdue it? This is not important at all.

In fact, Qin Tian’s judgment was not wrong, and Zhou Wen did not disappoint.

This gray wolf is indeed very strong, but there is still a gap compared with him.

The Canglang body is bigger than Zhou Wen, but not as flexible as Zhou Wen.

And even though he was burly, his strength was a little weaker than Zhou Wen.

The speed is overwhelming, the strength is slightly better, and the result seems to be no suspense.

In the ring, the irregular fight between the two sides was extremely fierce, and the two wore boxing gloves, fists to the flesh.

Bang bang bang!

Punch after punch, the blood boiled with excitement.

“My God, is this kid so strong?”

“It’s incredible.”

“Even Brother Wolf is not an opponent?”

“Brilliant, Brother Wolf got three punches, that kid just barely got a punch.”

“If this continues, Brother Wolf will lose in less than three minutes.”

The kids are incredible.

The gray wolf who had fought on the stage for five or six minutes had already begun to show signs of defeat.

He only felt that the opponent’s speed was so fast, and his strength was not worse than his own.

The most important thing is that one’s own attacks are easily resolved by the other party.

If you continue to fight like this, you will lose…….

Seeing this scene, Qin Tian also knew that the overall situation was set.

So he didn’t have the thought to look anymore, just looked at the dumbfounded Long Wu next to him.

“From now on, Gu Qingcheng will be your immediate boss, I will let her teach you how to do things, and leave…”

Speaking, Qin Tian no longer cares about Dragon Five, and directly leads Gu Qingcheng out of the underground ring of Dragon Five.

At the same time, the wolf on the ring was hit in the temple with a left uppercut by Zhou Wen and decisively received a set of combo punches.


The gray wolf smashed into the ring fiercely.

“you lose……”.

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