Chapter 137 Are you kidding me?

When Qin Tian told Wang Ling to kneel and apologize.

Apart from Wang Yi and Zhou Wen, everyone present was surprised.

Even Mu Die is the same.

Is the other party Ye Wuya’s wife?

Let her kneel down to apologize to herself? Can you afford it?

But before he had time to think too much, the old man sitting opposite Wang Ling stood up and started his hand.

Fan Zhengxiang made a sudden move.

Let everyone caught off guard.

Moreover, his speed is so fast that even if the average person reacts, there is no time to make any response.

Zhou Wen is like that.

His skill is not bad, but when he sees the opponent making a move, it is already too late.

The assassin’s keenness made him clearly feel that even if he could stop it, he would definitely not be able to stop it!

Among all the people present at this time.

Only Qin Tian and Wang Yi, who are both innate masters, can react and have the ability to fight back.

But obviously, Qin Tian didn’t make a move.

Because he noticed that Wang Yi shot faster.

Of course, this is not to say that Wang Yi’s speed is faster than Qin Tian.

It was that he had already responded before the opponent shot.

This may be related to his danger perception skill.

Thinking is only a moment, Fan Zhengxiang obviously did not expect this middle-aged man dressed as a farmer to block his attack.

Without checking for a while, the other party actually grabbed his wrist?

“Good boy…”

“Hey, old man, just play with me!”

Wang Yihan let out a laugh, and twisted the hand that grabbed the opponent’s wrist.

Fan Zhengxiang’s expression was taken aback.

This kid is so powerful.

Before he could think too much, he hurriedly followed the opponent’s strength and revolved in the air while reaching out to grab Wang Yi’s wrist.

Knowing that he couldn’t be caught by the opponent, Wang Yi quickly let go and threw a punch.

Fan Zhengxiang had already anticipated, and decisively changed his claws into palms!


Fists intersect, infuriating.

Fan Zhengxiang took advantage of his strength to fly back, and Wang Yi chased after victory.

Both seemed to be afraid of hurting their boss, so they deliberately pulled the fighting range to other positions.

“What are you doing in a daze? Why don’t you go up and help?”

Seeing Fan Zhengxiang stopped by the other party, Wang Ling felt a little flustered.

But since it has already started, there is absolutely no reason to back off.

The civilized negotiation method doesn’t work for Qin Tian, ​​and then only speak with fists.

Whoever has the big fist has the right to speak.

The other bodyguards got orders from Wang Ling and rushed towards Qin Tian quickly.(Read more @

To be the bodyguards of the Ye Family, their skills are naturally not bad.

But the bodyguard around Qin Tian is also carefully selected, how can he admit it?

So a melee kicked off like this.

“Do it?”

“Follow me all!”

“Damn, scrap them!”

Wang Ling dares to come to Qin Tian villa what is the backing?

There is no doubt that it is this old man named Fan Zhengxiang.

In theory, an innate master can basically crush all the power of the world.

Because of the zhenqi body, they are much stronger than the acquired masters in terms of strength, speed, endurance, or brain response nerves.

As long as he is there, once a conflict occurs, it is easy for them to want to win Qin Tian.

But now, this old man Fan was stopped by Wang Yi as soon as he shot it!

How could other bodyguards be opponents of Qin Tian’s subordinates?

Regardless of the number of bodyguards of the Ye family, there are seven or eight more.

But Qin Tian still has a Zhou Wen here.

In front of Zhou Wen, these bodyguards are like a group of children who have not grown up.

Fighting all the way over, it directly knocked down a piece.

Less than five minutes.

Wang Ling’s bodyguards, Zhou Wen led Xiao Liu and others to solve the problem.

One or two lay on the ground wailing.

The guns on his body were also swept away by Xiao Liu and others.

“This kid…”


On the other side, Fan Zhengxiang became more and more frightened. Before he could say anything, he was kicked back several steps by Wang Yi.

Just stand firm and prepare to fight back.

Wang Yi’s figure had already appeared in front of him.

“Old man, you are dangerous! I have to abolish you first…”

As soon as the voice fell, Wang Yi’s fist had already hit Fan Zhengxiang’s chest!

In the duel of the innate masters, the fists contained a certain amount of true energy.

Old Man Fan didn’t dare to neglect, and quickly returned to block.

It’s just that Wang Yi’s speed really seems to be a bit faster than him.

Wang Yi shook three punches quickly, but he only blocked two punches.

There was a punch on his chest.

Last night, in order to let him see the power of innate masters, Wang Ling asked Fan Zhengxiang to show him how to crush the boulder with her bare hands.

Under normal circumstances, can a person’s fist smash a basketball-sized granite?

Obviously impossible. No matter how much ordinary people practice, they can only split bricks, which can break a fixed-shaped pebble or marble slab.

But this also requires a certain amount of physics to be able to complete.

Punch from the front, there is no point of force on either side of the stone.

You can smash granite with just one blow. Have you ever seen this situation?

Therefore, when I came to Qin Tian today, Ye Chen was full of confidence.

In his heart, as long as Fan Lao is there, aren’t these Qin Tian bodyguards just decorations?

But he was wrong (something), wrong.

The master around Qin Tian seems to be more powerful than Old Fan.

It is said that it is still the pinnacle of innate? ? ?

“Qin Tian, ​​what do you mean?”

Seeing that all of her subordinates were subdued in a very short period of time, Wang Ling took the lead.

“What do I mean?”

Qin Tian sat in the same place from beginning to end, without even moving: “It’s your subordinate who did it first, so what do you mean by me?”

“Isn’t I trying to discipline your subordinates for you?”

“good very good!”

“Qin Tian, ​​count you as winning today! Chen’er, Uncle Fan, let’s go.”

With that, Wang Ling stood up and wanted to leave with Ye Chen and the bodyguards.

But how can Qin Tian be as their wish?

“Stop, I just said that before Xiaodie forgive me, none of you can get out of the door of my Qin family!”

Qin Tian’s voice is cold: “Mrs. Ye, do you think I am joking with you?”.

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