Chapter 145 Give you one

Calculations are full of calculations everywhere.

I don’t know if it is because of having the assassin skill full level, or because of taking so many pills.

Qin Tian always feels that his brain is much clearer than in previous lives.

Thinking of these side-by-sides is also easier than in previous lives.

Because there are hacker skills full level and assassin skills full level.

He committed the crime without leaving any clues.

Even if I occasionally overlook a little detail.

As long as there is no dead person, it will not be able to attract the senior police who discovered these details.

Therefore, Ye Family’s actions are basically within his grasp.

As a qualified assassin, the most basic principle is to plan and act.

Before completely breaking with Ye Family, Qin Tian had already thought out all the countermeasures.

Naturally, what Ye Wuya might do after the break.

There are cultivators in the Ye family.

Knowing that his wife and son were wronged in Tyumen, can Ye Wuya not find his place?

Obviously impossible.

Therefore, before Qin Tian went to the magic capital, he had already begun to screen the passenger list of the route from the magic capital to Tyumen.

Ye Family didn’t know how deep Qin Tian was hiding.

But Qin Tian knew the names and looks of the cultivators of the Ye Family, so he looked up very easily.

After knowing that they had come to Tyumen, Qin Tian also settled the matter of the magic capital, and then returned to Tyumen.

In the past few days, he has to run to Gu Qingcheng every night.

The purpose is to be afraid that they will not dare to break into their villas and come here to create opportunities for them.

Now Qin Tian has been back to Tyumen for several days, and these people have also appeared in a timely manner.

“Dad, it’s just dealing with an ordinary rich man. Is it necessary to call us all to Tyumen?”

At the gate of Evernight City, one of the teenagers said to an older man.

A total of four people came this time.

Because of Ye Chen’s background information, Qin Tian knows the names of these four people.

Ye Chen’s uncle, Ye Wutian!

Ye Chen’s third uncle, Ye Wuhai!

Plus the two eldest sons, Ye Qing and Ye Nan!

Fan Zhengxiang did not come because he was injured.

The other worshiper should be Ye Wuya who didn’t want to trouble him, so he didn’t come either.

In other words, all the people who came this time were Ye Family’s own people.

The one who just spoke was San Bo’s son, Ye Nan.

He is 26 years old, similar to Ye Chen.

“Of course it is necessary!”

Hearing his son’s question, the man said solemnly: “This Qin Tian is not an ordinary rich man.”

“According to your second uncle, there is an innate pinnacle master next to him.”

“My God, isn’t it? Isn’t that the same as the uncle?” Ye Nan looked surprised.

Qin Tian and Ye Wuya are both the second child in the family.(Read more @

In the Qin family, Qin Tian is an industry inherited because of its amazing business talent.

But in the Ye family, Ye Wuya inherited the industry because he didn’t have the talent for cultivation.

Many years ago, the Ye family’s old man, like his Qin old man, met an expert.

The master wants to accept two disciples.

Old man Ye is not the material of martial arts, just like Mr. Qin.

So Father Ye’s two sons, Ye Wutian and Ye Wuhai, successfully became disciples of the master.

As for Ye Wuya? He was rejected by an expert with a business talent greater than his cultivation talent.

Ye Wutian and Ye Wuhai have cultivated for so many years, and now one is the congenital peak and the other is the congenital later period.

But because they couldn’t concoct medicine, they spent a lot of money to get some pills for them to eat in order to get their son into the ranks of warriors.

Now the two brothers Ye Nan and Ye Qing are both in the middle congenital period.

“So we must be cautious this time.”

Ye Wutian said solemnly: “I will hold the master later!”

“Ye Qing, you two brothers, Ye Nan, go to deal with other possible bodyguards and try to control the scene.”

“Wu Hai, Qin Tian will leave it to you, but you have to be careful, this Qin Tian seems to be able to fight very well, I heard that it also solved the mercenary named Ye Xuan…”

“it is good!”


“Don’t worry, everything is on me!”

Ye Wuhai patted his chest and promised.

As members of the Ye family, it is naturally impossible for them to kill in such a place.

Otherwise, the Ye Family couldn’t get rid of the relationship.

But let Qin Tian’s body leave a dark illness, life is better than death, and it is completely achievable to die in the end.

During the small chat, everyone has entered the bar.

They just found a spot and sat down, admiring the feasting and feasting of the bar.

They didn’t know at all at this time.

The surveillance inside and outside the bar made them clear.

“These four people are your so-called Ye Family masters?”

After coming to Qin Tian and seeing the screen on Qin Tian’s computer, Gu Qingcheng continued to ask questions…

Qin Tian nodded: “Not bad.”

“It looks like it is really difficult to deal with, eh…it’s not right, why do you have my bar surveillance?”

Gu Qingcheng discovered the problem.

The monitoring of your own bar is not connected to the computer at your front desk?

How can it appear on Qin Tian’s computer?

“Your computer at the front desk is connected to the Internet!”

Qin Tian said casually.

Hacking skills are at full level!

Any place where there is a network is useless to Qin Tian.


When the two were together before, Qin Tian also played on the computer, but just read novels.

So he doesn’t know Qin Tian’s computer technology.

Now listening to what Qin Tian said, Gu Qingcheng once again worshiped Qin Tian.

“My God, do you still have this ability?”

Gu Qingcheng grabbed Qin Tian’s neck, acting like a baby.

“Husband, tell me honestly, what else can you not?”

“I can’t have children!”

Gu Qingcheng: “…”

“Then I will give you one?”

“Don’t make trouble, your body has only been healed for a few days? Why don’t you enjoy the world of two people?

“But I’m at this age, so I won’t be scared anymore…”

“What are you afraid of? With me, even if you are fifty years old, I can help you give birth to a fat boy.”

“Huh, it seems right?”

“So, don’t give birth to me in the future! By the way, what time do you close here?”

“It’s usually two o’clock in the morning.”

“It’s only ten o’clock now?”

Qin Tian looked at his watch: “Are you going to go around for a while? Turn around and let them make sure that I am here, otherwise if they can’t wait to leave here, it’s a bit awkward.”

“Okay, wait for me to come back!”

Seeing Gu Qingcheng wearing a cheongsam, stepping out of the office on high heels.

Qin Tian’s gaze was also focused on his computer screen!

The Ye family wanted to stop them here, but they didn’t think that they were waiting for them here deliberately?

Ha ha ha!

It feels good to have everything under control…

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