Chapter 188 Several big sects were shocked

Qin Tian has background information about the protagonist.

Although there is no Qingyangzong address on it, it does have the name and name of Lin Yi’s previous life.

Therefore, the title of “Shadow Shame” is naturally to be used by Qin Tian.

Come to Chen Xiaotian to ask about Qingyangzong’s situation, and then tell Qingyangzong about Lin Yi’s situation.

Let Chen Yang deal with Qingyangzong, let Qingyangzong deal with Lin Yi.

Solve the two protagonists together, it is simply not too perfect.

of course!

This is the ideal situation for Qin Tian.

How the specific situation develops depends on the Qingyang Sect’s reaction.

The chairman of Times Real Estate, Jiang Shihong was originally just an old man over half a hundred years old.

Because I was busy with the affairs of the sect, I didn’t have much time to take care of the business.

Therefore, his worth is not high, only a billion in total.

Over the years, he has been using the identity of the chairman of Times Real Estate as a cover.

Secretly investigate the whereabouts of Chen Xiaotian and his son.

This is why Chen Xiaotian knows his true identity.

what? Why do these disciples of the Hidden Sejong Sect want to practice if they have money?

In fact, the answer to the question is very simple.

One is because they have dedicated spokespersons to make money for them.

No need for their disciples to work hard to manage wealth!

Another reason is that people are afraid of death.

No matter how much money a person has, his life will not bring death.

In the end, the people are gone and the money is not spent.

Isn’t that tragic?

So for these cultivating sects, as long as the money is enough.

Grabbing cultivation resources and living longer is their main goal.

As long as the true energy is cultivated and there are no accidents, there is no problem in living well and healthy to a hundred years old.

An innate pinnacle master can easily live to one hundred and twenty years old.

Grandmaster Realm can even reach the age of 150 years old.

It can be said that the higher the level, the longer the life.

Just like Jiang Shihong now, he is more than half a hundred years old, and he is still full of energy.

In his current state, one pick three for two consecutive nights is not a problem.

Is such a powerful body comparable to an average old man?

It’s simply not comparable.

But now…

“Shadow Sha is not dead?”

Jiang Shihong, who was in the office, blowing on the air conditioner and enjoying his secretary squeezing his shoulders, after seeing this news!

First he was taken aback, then he raised his mouth in disdain.

Pushing his secretary out of the office casually, Jiang Shihong replied.

“No matter who you are, please don’t make this kind of joke with me.”

Although he didn’t know how the other party knew about Shadow Sha, Shadow Sha did not die?

how can that be?

He also participated in the encirclement and suppression of Ying Sha.

And he saw the head of “Shadow Shadow” being cut off by those sect bosses.

Lost your head? Can people not die?

He didn’t believe it at all.

It’s just that the other party seemed to know that Jiang Shihong would say the same, and immediately returned a message.

“Believe it or not, Ying Sha really isn’t dead.

“If you do this, I will block you…”

Jiang Shihong frowned.(Read more @

Qin Tian didn’t care at all: “Chairman Jiang, why don’t you believe it?”

“Don’t you know that this world has many magical powers?”

“Magic power? Huh…”

Jiang Shihong sneered and replied: “Then tell me, after a person’s head is cut off, what kind of magical power can save him?”

“Is it to transfer flowers and trees? Or borrow a corpse to bring back the soul?”

Qin Tian directly replied: “Neither, the two abilities you mentioned are indeed amazing, but neither can save a dead person whose head has been cut off.”

“But… there is a way.”

“Which method?”


“You can’t rebirth by seizing the house…what? Rebirth by seizing the house?”

After Jiang Shihong reacted, his face was dumbfounded!

“Do you mean that Shadow Fiend was reborn?”

“Not bad!”

“How do you know that he was born again? What evidence do you have?”

“You need to send someone to investigate the evidence yourself. Anyway, I’ll give it all here. Believe it or not, feel free to do so.”

Speaking, Qin Tian directly sent Lin Yi’s information to Jiang Shihong.

And attached a sentence to the back of the information.

“This is the information after the Shadow Shaft seized the house, you don’t need to thank you for taking it.”

After sending this message, Qin Tian deleted Jiang Shihong directly and erased all traces of contact between the two parties.

On the other side, after reading Lin Yi’s information, Jiang Shihong saw the two people with similar names and faces.

He was really dumbfounded.

Before he could think about it too much, Jiang Shihong quickly sent Lin Yi’s information to Mo Hai, the former Sect Master of Qingyang Sect with his mobile phone!

The current ajaj sect is also advancing with the times, so it is normal to use mobile phones to communicate.

Although the Qingyang Sect’s current lord is Mo Lanxin, when Lin Yi was besieged, Mo Hai led the team.

So there is no problem sending the information to Mohai.

Mo Hai is an old man in his seventies.

For ordinary people, more than seventies are considered advanced age, and by this age, they are generally almost dead.

But according to the age of the cultivator, Mo Hai has only gone half of his life now.

Seeing Jiang Shihong’s message to himself, Mo Hai didn’t believe it at first.

But after seeing the words Duo She Rebirth and Lin Yi’s information, he made a decisive decision.

“I’d rather trust it to have it, but if you don’t trust it, I will deal with this matter.”

After Mo Hai sent this message, he sent another message for Jiang Shihong to keep secret.

Then he quickly contacted the leaders of the major sects who had dealt with the “Shadows”.

As a result, several major sects were shocked…

“What? Shadow Sha is not dead?”

“Resurrected by borrowing the corpse?”

“Is it rebirth?”

“It’s all the same…grass, no wonder Laozi’s eyelids have been plopping these days, so that’s what happened?”

“Rebirth? How can this kind of thing be possible?”

“Yes, you don’t really believe it, do you?”

“Why don’t you believe it? Be careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years.”

“Yes! What if it’s true?”

“Then what do you think should be done?”

“Send two intelligence experts to check it out. If the information is correct, kill him again if it’s a big deal.”

“Well, I think so too, what do you think?”

“I think it works!”

“I also think it’s feasible!”

“Then it’s so decided.”

[Ding, succeed in murdering with a knife, and get the villain value +2000! 】

“2000 o’clock?? It’s okay…”

Looking at this system prompt, Qin Tian muttered to himself.

Although it did not capture a system to earn much!

But in this case, it is equivalent to sleeping with a heroine.

And with the help of these sects.

Lin Yi and Chen Yang don’t need Qin Tian to worry about them for the time being.

Lin Yi has to deal with Qingyangzong.

Chen Yang wanted to learn how to save his mother by cutting agarwood from the mountain.

They are so hard to protect themselves now! Where can I deal with myself?

So now you can concentrate on solving Ye Xuan?

Thinking of this, Qin Tian nodded slightly.

Jingle Bell!

The phone rang suddenly, interrupting Qin Tian’s thoughts.

Qin Tian came back to his senses, picked up the mobile phone and took a look.

Mu Die?

“Xiaodie, is there anything you want to do with me?”

“President Qin! There is a soldier named Liu Xudong on my side who wants to see you.

“Liu Xudong? Soldier?”

Qin Tian frowned!

I found out the materials of several protagonists and flipped through them at random, and finally focused on Ye Xuan’s materials.

Do you really mean Cao Cao, Cao Cao will be there? ? ?

“Does he have an appointment?”

“No!” Mu Die said, “But he had already been here once yesterday.”

“I told him that you were not here, and he left without the intention of making an appointment. I didn’t expect that he would come again today.”

“I told him, if there is something urgent, let him come to Jiangcheng to find you, but he doesn’t seem to be willing, so I have to call you.”

“That’s it!”

Qin Tian looked at Liu Xudong’s information and nodded thoughtfully: “I understand, you can let him come back tomorrow morning…”

“Okay, President Qin!”

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