Chapter 197 Qi Luck Tracking

The rich second generation hates the protagonist because of love.

In the end, the protagonist’s family broke down and died.

Will the rich second generation make such an unreasonable behavior for a woman?

This kind of bloody plot is also a routine used in many novels.

But even Qin Tian didn’t expect that this kind of bloody plot would happen to his villain?

Is he a villain? The villain against the protagonist?

How could it be targeted by Wei Chengbin, who is also the second generation of the rich villain?

But Qin Tian doesn’t care anymore now.

Anyway, relying on their own strength, soldiers will come to cover the water and earth, it is completely worthwhile.

Follow Su Yanran to the couple’s private room of Zunyue Hotel.

There are already beautiful waiters waiting here.

Su Yanran was a little embarrassed when the two dated alone for the first time, but Qin Tian, ​​an old driver, didn’t care.

I directly asked the previous doubts.

“Billions? What did you just say cost billions?”

“Nothing!” Su Yanran’s expression was a little unnatural: “He is talking nonsense, waiter, let’s serve!”

“Okay, Miss Su!”

The waiter turned and left.

And Qin Tian, ​​who saw the expression of Su Yanran, was a little unhappy: “Su girl, do you treat me as an outsider?”

“If you don’t tell me, then I won’t eat this meal…”

“Hey…Don’t…Don’t…Uncle Qin, I said, I said it’s not alright?”

Su Yanran wanted to cry without tears, and when Qin Tian got up to leave, she raised her hand and surrendered.

Naturally, Qin Tian didn’t really want to leave. Hearing that Su Yanran said so, he turned around and sat down!

“Then tell me.”

“Actually it’s like this…”

Su Yanran told the story of the matter five to ten.

Five minutes later.

Qin Tian frowned: “Several processing plants have had fires one after another? Many people have died?”

“Someone took the opportunity to speculate and took the opportunity to suppress your stocks?”

“Yeah!” Su Yanran nodded slightly: “Originally, my father and grandpa didn’t let me tell you about this matter, but who knows you, Uncle Qin…”

“Why don’t you tell me about such a big thing?”

Qin Tian directly interrupted Su Yanran’s words.

He has been busy dealing with the protagonists during this time, and has not paid attention to this aspect at all.

“Grandpa said that he didn’t want to ruin the relationship between our two families.”

Su Yanran lowered her head when she said this.

Borrowing money is indeed one of the easiest ways to destroy relationships.

And there are two reasons she didn’t say.

One is that they think they can handle it.

Another is that she thought Qin Tian knew about this.

After all, this matter was on a hot search some time ago…

But now, Qin Tian doesn’t seem to know at all?

“Your grandpa?”

Hearing this, Qin Tian said in a huff: “I think your old man named Su is getting more confused as he gets older.”

“You…you are not allowed to say that to my grandpa.”

Su Yanran mustered up the courage!

Qin Tian gave her a white look: “I’ll just say it!”


“What are you? He is always confused, so are you and your dad confused with you?”

“Uncle Qin, what do you mean?”

“How much money do you still have?” Qin Tian answered unreasonably.

“In this period of time, investors are very panicked!” Su Yanran said honestly: “We have already filled in a lot of money, but I think… there are 5 billion more, it should be enough!”

Is that so?(Read more @

Qin Tian nodded slightly, then took out his cell phone and dialed Mudie’s phone.

“Xiaodie, what are you doing?”

“I’m in Magic City, I just bought Qilu, and I’m going to take a rest tomorrow to buy Black Stone.”

“Well, there is one more thing I need to do on my side.”

“President Qin, you say.”

“You can contact Su Zhengyang of the Su Group and try to transfer all available funds in the company’s account to him in the shortest possible time.”

“Ah? All? So much money, President Qin… just in case something goes wrong…”

“If something goes wrong, I am responsible.” Qin Tian said calmly.

Although the money belongs to the company, private use is a misappropriation of public funds.

But as long as it is made up within a certain period of time, there is no problem.

What’s more, now Qin Tian, ​​together with a few brothers and sisters, owns about 78% of the entire Qin family’s shares, more than the original Ye family’s shares.

With this absolute controlling right, Qin Tian also has the confidence to move the money.

Hearing Qin Tian’s words, Mu Die nodded: “Okay, President Qin, I understand.”

[Ding, the heroine’Su Yanran’ has increased her favorability, and the villain value is +500.]

Favorability: 91%

Qin Tian hung up the phone, took a look at the favorability, and then said to Su Yanran: “I recently acquired two companies and used some money.”

“But the company account should still have 5 billion, even if it doesn’t… it’s almost less!”

“If it’s not enough, tell me again, and I’ll adjust from elsewhere…!”

Qin Tian has 300 million private accounts.

Although I spent a lot of money to buy a villa by myself and the raw materials of the pill, the system has also paid a lot of 10 million a day during this period.

So Qin Tian is not short of money for the time being.

And even if you are really short of money, you can easily get some cash back by simply selling the shares of the Ye family.

You know, those shares of Ye Family are under the personal name of Qin Tian.

That’s all real money, and there is no need to distribute money to other shareholders and shareholders.

“Uncle Qin!” Su Yanran looked at Qin Tian affectionately.

The emotion in my heart can no longer be described in words.

During this time, she clearly noticed that someone was engaging in the Su family.

So borrowing money is not easy at all.

What’s more, how much cash can ordinary rich people have to lend them to make up for the leakage? ? ?

There can be three hundred million and two hundred million, that’s the kind that has a very good relationship!

But now, I just said a few words.

Qin Tian gave 5 billion directly? ?

He too… believes in himself? ?

Seeing Su Yanran’s expression, Qin Tian smiled playfully: “Is it very touched?”


Su Yanran responded softly!

Qin Tian picked up the chopsticks on the table at will: “Ha ha, eat first!”

Ye Xuan was sent to prison once because of Qin Tian!

And also experienced Qin Tian’s combat effectiveness.

So he voluntarily gave up his protagonist status and left Tyumen.

Why does he know Jiang Lian’s address and dare not go back to find Duan Xiaoyu?

Because he was afraid that Jiang Lian would be bought by Qin Tian, ​​and betray him at that time.

Once he goes back, it is equivalent to throwing himself into the net!

Besides, Jiang Lian only knew that Duan Xiaoyu had been taken away by Qin Tian, ​​even if he went back, it would be of no avail.

As for the police? Let’s not talk about whether there are other traps in Qin Tian.

The fact that Duan Xiaoyu voluntarily left with him was enough to discourage Ye Xuan!

You report to the police, and then Qin Tian will bite back, saying that you have falsely accused others and damaged his Qin Tian’s reputation.

He Ye Xuan had to go to jail again.

Don’t think this is alarmist!

You know, damage to the reputation of an ordinary person and damage to the reputation of the chairman of a 100 billion group are two completely different results.

Qin Tian has a professional team of lawyers, and it is really easy to sue him to jail.

If he goes in again this time, the military district will not be able to keep him.

So Ye Xuan didn’t dare to gamble at all!

The topic was a little far away, and the camera returned to Qin Tian.

With the passage of time, the sky gradually darkened.

At 7:40 in the evening, Qin Tian and Su Yanran had dinner and appeared at the entrance of the cinema.

Because the two were dating, they did not bring anyone other than the driver.

Originally, Qin Tian felt that the two people were already very familiar with each other.

Going to the movies is nothing more than to increase your feelings.

It doesn’t matter what the movie is.

Didn’t expect that Su Yanran was actually a science fiction film?

What is called “Future Ark”?

There is an endless stream of people coming to the cinema.

Soon the cinema was full.

“Is this movie so beautiful?” Seeing this scene, Qin Tian couldn’t help muttering.

Because in his impression, unless it is a certain fire movie.

Otherwise, it would be pretty good if the movie theater can sit half of the time.

Su Yanran smiled: “I don’t know if it looks good!”

“But I heard that it was a big production by a certain famous director. The girl Chen Mengmeng (okay) strongly recommended me to watch it. I finally got two tickets…”

“Really? In other words, you started preparing a long time ago?”

“I… West”

“Hahaha, Su girl, actually I know what you are thinking, but…”

[Ding, congratulations to the host for solving the original protagonist, Ye Xuan, for obtaining the system skill “Qi Luck Tracking”, the villain value +1000.]

Before Qin Tian finished speaking, a system prompt popped up!

[Qiyun tracking: The host can lock a child of Qiyun that has been associated with the host, and the locked child will expose his specific location in your line of sight, and the location system will be updated in real time (Note: already Solved sons of luck, not counting) Change lock target interval: 72 hours! 】

“Qi Luck Tracking? Can lock the protagonist’s location? Isn’t this a radar to detect the protagonist? Or… the protagonist tracker?”

Looking at the system prompts and new system skills that popped up suddenly, Qin Tian was extremely surprised: “What do you really want, just come…”

I quickly studied the usage of this system skill.

Click on this skill panel, and a few people’s avatars popped up immediately.

[Currently lockable protagonists: Wang Hao, Xiao Chen, Chen Yang, Lin Yi, Su Chen…]

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