Chapter 213 This is what he forced me (for subscription)

Lin Yi was driving and didn’t know what Qin Tian sent to him.

Although Qiu Lingshuang had sensed what Qin Tian might do next, she didn’t think too much at this time.

Because in her mind, she and Lin Yi can absolutely trust each other.

Qin Tian wants to use this method to provoke the contradiction between the two, how is it possible?

So over time, Lin Yi’s BMW stopped in the parking lot of a five-star hotel.

Under the guidance of the doorman.

Lin Yi brought Qiu Lingshuang to the hotel and opened a room for Qiu Lingshuang.

“You take a break first, we’ll talk about the process of that night later.”

“Well, okay, Brother Yi.” Qiu Lingshuang nodded.

Lin Yi always regarded her as her younger sister, so Lin Yi opened a room for Qiu Lingshuang alone.

She didn’t say anything!

The two went back to their respective rooms.

After Lin Yi sat down by the bed, he subconsciously took out his mobile phone to check the time.

But I saw two unread messages.

Click to open and see, there are two photos!

“this is.……”

After seeing these two photos, Lin Yi’s heart was shaken.

One of the two photos is of the two wearing hospital gowns, Qiu Lingshuang’s expression of “welcome if you want to refuse”!

The other one is Qin Tian wearing casual clothes, Qiu Lingshuang leaning on his shoulder.

Of course, photos are not the most important thing.

The important thing is, looking at Qiu Lingshuang’s expression, she seems to be willing?

How can it be?

How could Ling Shuang voluntarily take this kind of photo with Qin Tian?

As soon as he thought of what Qin Tian said before, Lin Yi seemed to think of something.

But after a moment…

“Impossible, absolutely impossible…”

Lin Yi quickly denied himself.

Qiu Lingshuang is a killer!

He is a killer who would rather lose his life than be insulted by the enemy.

How can you succumb to Qin Tian?

Thinking of this, Lin Yi decisively returned a piece of news.

“Qin Tian, ​​with two synthesized photos, do you want to instigate discord? This is too naive, right?”

After sending this message, Lin Yi took a deep breath, and his heart became a little nervous inexplicably.

Feeling his own state, Lin Yi couldn’t help but feel a little puzzled.

what happened?

He is obviously a killer who has no feelings!

And just when Ling Shuang is his sister, why is he so nervous?

“Is it synthetic? Wouldn’t it be good if you ask a professional to appraise it?”

Lin Yi’s tension didn’t last long, and Qin Tian’s news came back.

Lin Yi frowned when he saw this news, but he believed it for a while.

Because Qin Tian will not be so stupid to use this low-level deception to deceive himself.

So Lin Yi typed again.

“Why would Ling Shuang take this kind of photo with you?”

(beei) Qin Tian asked back: “What? Didn’t she tell you?”

“tell me what?”

“She was slept by me! Otherwise you think she came to kill me, why can you keep it intact?”


Qin Tian’s words were like a bolt from the blue sky, directly knocking Lin Yi out of focus and tender in the inside.

Is it true?(Read more @

But… how is it possible?

How could Ling Shuang talk to Qin Tian? ?

Seeing this news, Lin Yi’s mind was already a little unstable, and he quickly called Qin Tian.

This time, Qin Tian did not refuse.

Just as soon as the call was connected, Lin Yi shouted.

“Impossible, Qin Tian…Don’t you want to lie to me.”

“Lie to you?”

Qin Tian, ​​who sat on the Rolls Royce, said disdainfully: “Then tell me, why should I let her go? Is it okay with her character?”


Lin Yi hesitated to speak but stopped!

Yes, Ling Shuang went to assassinate Qin Tian!

After the assassination failed, why did Qin Tian spare Ling Shuang?

In addition to fancy her looks and body…what other reason?

Thinking of this, Lin Yi forcibly endured the anger in his heart, and once again quibbleed: “Ling Shuang is a killer, it is impossible to succumb to you.”

“But she just succumbed!”


“How do I know why? Ask her yourself…”

Speaking of this, Qin Tian paused: “But to be honest, Lin Yi, your brat is really good.”

“When she did it with me, she kept calling your name…”

“Ah… Qin Tian, ​​I want to kill you!”


Lin Yi couldn’t listen anymore, and hit the wall with a punch.

After the fist met the wall, there was a muffled noise.

Lin Yi didn’t know why his anger was so great.

But as long as he thinks of his junior sister being Qin Tian… he wants to tear Qin Tian to pieces.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yi’s eyes were red, his fists kept smashing the wall, and he was gasping for breath.

At this time, he was like an angry lion.

why? Why is this happening?

Lin Yi kept roaring in his heart.

Ling Shuang was actually given by Qin Tian…

Lin Yi didn’t dare to think anymore.

“Asshole…Did I harm Lingshuang??”

Boom boom boom!

The knock on the door suddenly sounded.

Lin Yi took a deep breath and calmed down.

Get up and open the door! Qiu Lingshuang stood at the door.

“Brother Yi, what’s the matter with you? I just heard something from you.”

The hotel is very soundproof, but she is a master killer.

He was able to hear Lin Yi’s noise and the sound of smashing the wall.


Seeing the hot-dressed junior girl in front of him again, Lin Yi couldn’t tell what it was like.

“Come in first, I want to ask you something!”

Qiu Lingshuang was puzzled, but still walked in.

Lin Yi closed the door, and the two of them found a place and sat down at the same time.

“Brother Yi!”

“Ling Shuang, tell me first! That night… how did you get caught by Qin Tian…”

After sitting down, Lin Yi asked with a serious expression.

“Brother Yi, I’m about to tell you about this!”

Because Lin Yi is very important in her heart.

So Qiu Lingshuang hadn’t noticed Lin Yi’s abnormality: “This time we really miscalculated.”

“This Qin Tian has a very weird combat power. He is obviously just a rich man, but his strength and speed have surpassed you in his heyday…”

“Why would he let you go?”

After listening to Qiu Lingshuang’s account, Lin Yi asked directly.

Because although he cares about Qin Tian’s combat effectiveness, he is obviously more concerned about this issue now.


Qiu Lingshuang was taken aback when he heard the words, and then curiously asked: “Didn’t it mean that you caught his son and replaced me?”

“This is later!”

Lin Yi asked calmly: “What I asked was when you just failed the assassination.”

“According to the truth, you are a killer. If the assassination fails, it is impossible for him to let you go…”

“This…” Qiu Lingshuang fell into a memory, and after a long time she shook her head!

“I don’t know, originally I was pinched by his neck and I was dying… I didn’t expect him to suddenly let me go!”

“After giving me a medicine that suppresses true qi, it knocked me out…”


Lin Yi’s eyes were slightly cold: “What did he do to you?”

“What did you do? Nothing…”

Qiu Lingshuang said straightforwardly.

Because of what she did, she would definitely feel it.


Lin Yi took a deep breath: “Ling Shuang, tell me honestly, did you fall asleep by him?”

“No! How is it possible?”

Qiu Lingshuang came up with the crime, for fear of Lin Yi’s misunderstanding: “Brother Yi, did he say something to you?”

“Don’t listen to his nonsense, Qin Tian is very sinister, and he definitely wants to provoke the relationship between us.”

“Then tell me, what is this…”

Lin Yi turned over the photo in the phone and handed it to Qiu Lingshuang: “If you haven’t been sleeping by him…why do you want to take such a photo with him???”

“He forced me…”

Before Qiu Lingshuang finished speaking, she was stunned.

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