Chapter 225 Escape and chase (for subscription)

Want to buy two heavenly spirit fruits for one hundred thousand?

Obviously I was thinking of fart.

Although Qingyangzong and Lin Yi had both left, no one in the field knew this thing.

But these two nuts are so amazing, they don’t look like bargains.

Therefore, after hearing Qin Tian’s bid, these wealthy people began to bid.

“One hundred and fifty thousand!”

“Two hundred thousand!”

“Two hundred and fifty thousand!”

“Five hundred thousand!”

“Eight hundred thousand..……”

Listen to this quotation.

Qin Tian didn’t ask any more, only Dan Chenzi squinted his eyes and stroked his beard.

Ten Zhenqi pills for a Tianlingguo.

Even if they are all medium grades, one sells for 500 million, that is the price of 5 billion.

The 20 Zhenqi pills made by two heavenly spirit fruits should be 10 billion.

In addition to the failure rate, the prices of other medicinal materials are also excluded.

The value of a Heavenly Spirit Fruit should be at least 3 billion.

Two is six billion.

Nowadays, six billion things have been photographed here by tens of millions of these people?

There is no respect at all.

But he is not a fool either, Qin Tian handed over the auction rights to him, and of course he would not make random offers.

Dan Chenzi looked at the ‘cheap’ Tian Ling Guo very pleased.

And Qin Tian, ​​who looked at his system, was also very satisfied!

Villain value: 3900!

Luck value: 3200!

This is Qin Tian’s current data.

Before, he went to Lin Yi and told Lin Yi about Qingyangzong.

It was after he agreed to cooperate with Mo Lanxin, he had already figured out a good strategy.

Mo Lanxin obviously didn’t know that Lin Yi’s sudden escape came from Qin Tian.

But she didn’t care anymore.

Originally, she was still thinking of what kind of excuse she would give to Qin Tian.

It’s all right now, so I don’t even have to look for excuses.

Just ask the auction house to secretly modify the transaction price, and she can conceal it.

As for the Heavenly Spirit Fruit, what does Lin Yi have?

In fact, Mo Lanxin didn’t care about it at all.

Not to mention Lin Yi, the entire sect is something dispensable to her.

And she hated her father very much in her heart, and hated her sect very much.

This sect ruined himself for a lifetime…

So what is the sky spirit fruit? It doesn’t matter whether she wants or not.

I’m not even more interested in whether Lin Yi is “Shadow Sha” or not.

“Uncle Qin, I was in the private room just now. Why did I not understand how many you said?”

Su Yanran’s voice pulled Qin Tian back to reality.

She followed deliberately just now, just want to see if Qin Tian really has something with that girl.

But the result was somewhat unexpected.

Listening to the conversation between the two, it seems that there is really something between them?

But she didn’t understand the other content.

Even after thinking about it for a long time after coming back, she still doesn’t understand.

She could still vaguely guess something about the spirit stone in front.

It was the rough stone at the gambling field that day.

But at the back of the sky spirit fruit, shadow evil spirit, and assassination, she was confused.

Lin Yi also assassinated Qin Tian?

Isn’t it?

Qin Tian came back to his senses and smiled faintly: “It’s normal if you don’t understand. After I will go back, I will tell you slowly.”

“Well, good!”

I heard that Qin Tian is willing to tell myself these secrets.

Su Yanran nodded happily.

On the other side, Lin Yi and Qiu Lingshuang called the waiter in.(Read more @

Under the cover of the curtains, the waiter’s shirt was soon put on one after the other.

In the case where the disciples of the Qingyang Sect did not react immediately.

They left the auction house quickly!

As soon as the two left, they ran all the way!

The Qingyangzong disciple chased after him.

Bang bang bang!

Both of them are masters, and they did not forget to fight back during their escape!

Hidden and waited for the opportunity, taking advantage of the moment the opponent chased it out, decisively attacked!

After all, Qiu Lingshuang was a master-level killer.

And Lin Yi is not weak now.

The two Qingyangzong disciples are only in the late congenital stage.

In the case of mental arithmetic and unintentional, it is almost seconds.

Easily get rid of the two Qingyangzong disciples who were chasing them, and they quickly came to the parking lot.

“Damn, I didn’t expect that he was really a disciple of the Qingyang Sect.”

Lin Yi found his car, and after starting it, he couldn’t help but curse in secret.

Originally, he didn’t believe it in his heart.

I don’t believe that Qin Tian would report to him so kindly.

However, the strength of the people who were chased out now clearly surpassed the scope of ordinary people.

Let him believe it if he doesn’t believe it now.

The co-pilot’s Qiu Lingshuang frowned.

“Brother Yi, I always feel that this matter is not that simple…”

“I know too, but what’s the use of knowing now?”

Lin Yi didn’t have time to think about it, and drove to the road quickly: “Leave here first, let’s talk about it.”



The car caused a roar and drove the two of them away.

“Hurry up, don’t let them run away!”

Mo Changming chased after the two men’s car not far away!

“Now that we have been stunned, if we don’t get rid of them this time, there will be no chance in the future!”



Qingyangzong didn’t have many people here this time, plus Mo Changming, there were only a dozen in total.

Obviously there is too little chasing.

But they can contact other sects.

And the other sects at this time have already received the news.

“That Shadow Sha, really rebirth?”

“Lin Yi is really Shadow Shaman?”

“No way!”

“I also feel a bit exaggerated, but now is not the time to be surprised!”

“Yes, since Qingyangzong has determined Lin Yi’s identity, we must get rid of him anyway.”

“Then move it! Unleash all your relationships and resolve the Shadow Devil at all costs.”

Several major sects are united together, and their strength should not be underestimated.

You know that Zongmen has more than just a strong personal combat power…

They also have countless sect spokespersons.

These spokespersons are all rich and powerful people!

They have interpersonal relationships that ordinary people don’t.

Gangsters, white roads, hackers, everything.

So after Qingyangzong confirmed Lin Yi’s news, countless strong men rushed to Yanjing.

At the same time, all the monitoring and contacts in Yanjing City became their eyes.

Lin Yi seemed to know this, so his car did not drive into the city.

Instead, I am going to drive directly to other cities…

In this way, an undercurrent surging investigation turned into an escape and pursuit on the bright side.


Why didn’t Lin Yi call the police?

If the injury is not constituted, what is the use of calling the police?

It’s like when some gangsters are making troubles, they are crowded in front of people’s stores.

Don’t fight, don’t make trouble.

I will leave when the police come, and I will come when the police leave.

Constrained by many rules, can the policemen who need to make a detailed report to shoot a bullet be able to catch them?

Obviously not.

Moreover, Lin Yi is the rebirth of the strong, so he called the police or something, which didn’t fit his personality.

Lin Yi is on the run!

Qin Tian sat in the VIP room, shaking the red wine in the glass.

A look of strategizing.

“Two million for the first time, two million for the second time, two million for the third time, slam, deal!”

The auctioneer’s final decision made Dan Chenzi smile.

“Hahaha, I bought two Heavenly Spirit Fruits for two million. If other cultivators knew about this, I would probably vomit blood with anger.”

“Who said no!”

“Haha, President Qin is still very good, so he tried to persuade these competitors to leave.”

“Yes, Uncle Qin is the best.”

Everyone laughed and laughed, Qin Tian also smiled.

He had already prepared a lot of funds to buy these two Heavenly Spirit Fruits.

Unexpectedly, the plan has not changed quickly, and the prepared money will not be used at all?

The auction continues!

Qin Tian didn’t have what he wanted, so he appeared to be lacking in interest.

There are a total of fifty items in this auction.

In the end, Su Guofu bought four or five pieces.

Qin Tian also bought two pieces at random.

Half an hour after the auction ends!

On the trading floor, Mo Lanxin found Qin Tian!

Directly handed the brocade box in his hand to Qin Tian’s hand.

“Mr. Qin, this is yours…”

“Thank you!”

Qin Tian took it and threw it into Wang Yi’s hand casually.

Mo Lanxin said politely: “Please remember our agreement.

“Don’t worry, I won’t forget it!”

[Ding, succeed in snatching the chance of the protagonist “Lin Yi” “Lingzhi”, get the villain value +500, and seize the luck value of 100 points. 】

[Ding, succeed in snatching the chance of the protagonist “Lin Yi”, “Sky Spirit Fruit”, get the villain value +1000, and win the luck value of 300 points. 】

Villain value: 5400

Luck value: 3600.

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