Chapter 230 Who gives you the confidence? (For subscription)

To be honest, Qin Tian kept Qiu Lingshuang, originally just wanting to engage in Lin Yi’s mentality.

I really didn’t expect that Lin Yi would make such a decisive strike behind Qiu Lingshuang.

When he was prompted by the system just now, he was actually a little surprised.

But Qin Tian has been a villain for so long after all, and the reaction is quite quick.

After getting the system prompt and confirming the result.

He decisively changed his strategy and told part of the truth about the previous incident.

After listening to Qin Tian’s words, Lin Yi was furious and almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood.

Qin Tian let Qiu Lingshuang go because he used his own safety as a threat? ? ?

But why…

“No, this is impossible… Even so, why was she able to find me alive just now? This is impossible, this is impossible!

Lin Yi shouted hysterically!

In fact, in his heart, he already believed Qin Tian’s words.

But his arrogant character does not allow him to admit his mistakes.

How can I make a mistake in judgment for such an awesome person?

Hearing Lin Yi’s words, Qin Tian hadn’t answered yet, but Dai Fei, who was standing by, suddenly spoke.

“Isn’t this woman alive because of this brother Qin? You don’t think that it is because Yasha rebelled, so we didn’t kill her????”

“Brother Qin?”

Lin Yi was stunned, and subconsciously looked at Qin Tian!

“Qin Tian, ​​it’s you, it must be you.”

“All of this was designed by you, right? From the very beginning, you provoked the relationship with Ling Shuang, until the text message that I sent later, it was all caused by you?”

After all, Lin Yi is a strong man. Seeing Qin Tian appearing here, he instantly figured out what was going on.

But then again.

In fact, he knew Qin Tian would calculate him early in the morning.

But he didn’t know that Qin Tian would calculate him in this way!

Obviously, Qiu Lingshuang has been forced, but it just ends up?

What is the reason for this?

Have you ever seen a hungry person who can eat meat, but only drinks two bites of broth?

And as far as those photos and videos are concerned.

Whoever reads it will be suspicious and angry, right?

“Yes, I did it all.”

Qin Tian stood up and pointed to Qiu Lingshuang: “I just grabbed a spiritual stone from you, so you send her to assassinate me?”

“Not only that, you kidnapped my son? Why can’t I count you??”

Hearing Qin Tian’s words, Mo Changming and others also understood why Qin Tian appeared here.

So there are still so many contradictions between Qin Tian and Lin Yi?

You robbed my spirit stone, and I kidnapped your son?

What kind of fairy operation is Dute? ?

“Asshole, asshole… I should have known… I should have known.”

Lin Yi gritted his teeth with hatred!

Can’t wait to tear Qin Tian to pieces.

“What if I knew it earlier?”

Qin Tian disdainfully returned to the aisle: “You have believed everything I told you, but you just don’t believe your junior sister.”

“On this alone, your ending is doomed…”

Speaking of this, Qin Tian paused, looked at Mo Changming and several people slightly arched his hands and said, “Everyone! I’m really sorry.”

“The conflict between me and Lin Yi is a bit deep, so I wasted everyone’s time just now, now… everyone please!”

“Where, where?”

Mo Changming hurriedly bowed his hand in return: “I really didn’t know that Mr. Qin and Lin Yi would have such a big holiday before, otherwise when I came out, I would call you directly.”

Before Lin Yi escaped, Qin Tian once went to Lin Yi’s VIP room.(Read more @

This move naturally couldn’t escape the eyes of the Qingyang Sect disciple.

Originally, Mo Changming also suspected Qin Tian.

I felt that Qin Tian had discovered something, so I went to inform Lin Yi.

But now it seems that the contradiction between the two is so deep, how could Qin Tian go to whistle?

Thinking of this, Mo Changming took a sigh of relief, and didn’t go into this issue anymore.

Look at the other people.

“Several people, let’s stop talking nonsense, let’s do it!”

“Want to kill me??? Qin Tian, ​​I will kill you first…”

Lin Yi suddenly roared angrily.

Almost at the same time.

[Ding, the protagonist “Lin Yi” enters a blackened state, and the host gets the villain value +1000! 】

There is no doubt that he was also blackened by Qin Tian.

Because people who are too conceited tend to overestimate themselves.

Such a person is the contemporary Xiang Yu.

They feel that they are the best, and they only believe in their own judgments and will not listen to the opinions of others.

It is precisely because of this that they cannot accept their failure.

Just like now.

Lin Yi felt that his judgment was right from beginning to end, and did not believe that Qin Tian did not do anything to Qiu Lingshuang, nor did he believe in Qiu Lingshuang’s explanation.

As a result, not only was Qin Tian led by the nose, but also made him suspicious and actively attacked Qiu Lingshuang.

This is totally unacceptable to him who has always been arrogant.

Therefore, compared to the pursuit and killing of several other big sects, Lin Yi at this moment hated Qin Tian who made him step into the abyss even more.

He has been stunned by hatred…

However, because his personality is different from Lin Feng, his luck value has not collapsed after being blackened.


Bang bang!

While thinking, Lin Yi speeded up suddenly and rushed towards Qin Tian directly.

However, Zhou Wen behind Qin Tian has already thrown his backpack aside at will.

Seeing Lin Yi rushing, he greeted him without hesitation…

Fists and palms fist, infuriating.

Lin Yi is reborn because he is the strong!

There is also the cultivation technique and the pill that Qiu Lingshuang brings out.

You don’t need to practice hard to break through the realm easily.

Today, he is already in the pinnacle of innate.

Just need to strengthen the body and blood again, and promotion to the master is just around the corner.

As for Zhou Wen, he just became a pseudo-master in just a week.

After all, there is a gap in understanding between the two!

Therefore, the match between the two did not show a crushing result, but a tie.

It’s just that Zhou Wen’s appearance surprised others.

“This kid in a peaked cap is also a master?”


“Is this the strength that the small sect should have?”

“Look at his appearance, or this Qin Tian’s entourage?”

“Grandmaster is a follower for others??”

“It’s too exaggerated…”

“It’s not so awesome, you see… this person’s control of innocence is not as sophisticated as’Shadow Sha’, which means that he has just been promoted to Grand Master.”

“It seems that this is indeed the case?”

“Don’t talk about Shadow Sha, even I can’t match it.”

“Okay, don’t talk nonsense, have you forgotten the power of Shadow Sha? Hurry up and solve it with Admiral Shadow Sha.”

Everyone talked a lot, and when they heard this, they all came back to their senses.

Looking at Lin Yi, he was ready to take a shot at the right time.

And Lin Yi obviously did not expect that Zhou Wen was also a master.

After being forced to retreat by Zhou Wen, he gritted his teeth when he saw the situation.

“Damn it!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Yi quickly took out a wrapped piece of tin foil from his trouser pocket, and opened the tin foil three times.

Inside were two Zhenqi pills surprisingly.

Look at the quality, it should be top grade.

Without hesitation, Lin Yi swallowed the two Zhenqi pills.

“this is……”

“No, he wants to run…”

Mo Changming’s complexion changed and he didn’t want to react.


Lin Yi’s momentum skyrocketed instantly.

Feeling the power constantly emerging in his body, Lin Yi’s confidence immediately increased.

“Today, I see who can stop me…”


Qin Tian’s figure suddenly showed a lunge and appeared in front of him.


Lin Yi’s lower abdomen in a fist hit Lin Yi directly into the air.

“No one can stop you? Who gave you this confidence?”

Qin Tian got up slowly, shook his hand, said with a sneer on his face.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.


“This Qin Tian is so awesome???”.

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