Chapter 262 Devouring Super Daddy System

Qin Tian is a rich man after all.

It is simply not too efficient to move this kind of thing.

I bought a house for Yao Yao in the morning, and people have already vacated the rented house here in the afternoon.

Distract Yao Yao, and then use the recording to bring Qin Yu over.

This is the strategy that Qin Tian already wanted after recording the sound that day.

At this time, the rental house was extremely empty.

Especially in the middle of the living room, there is no barrier at all.

At the moment when he saw Qin Tian, ​​Qin Yu knew that Qin Tian had come prepared.

But he didn’t understand why Qin Tian aimed at himself so much.

I’m just another car, the other party won’t be so deliberately calculating.

Wouldn’t it be more convenient and quicker to directly use his identity as a billionaire to suppress others?

I don’t even understand why Qin Tian would know that he cursed him.

Facing Qin Tian’s sudden shot, he had no time to make any response, so he could only call the system for help.

But at this time, the system seems to be hard to protect itself?

Qin Yu looked astonished, and did not have any resistance in front of Qin Tian.

At the moment when Qin Tian pressed him on the wall, he finally understood everything.

No wonder Qin Tian will deal with himself deliberately.

It turns out that this world is not the only one who has a system?

Qin Tian does he also have it? ?

No wonder I have a natural hostility towards Qin Tian!

Does Qin Tian’s system belong to evil power? ?

That’s it, that’s it!

[Ding, the system is being invaded by evil forces, please get out of the control of evil forces as soon as possible…]

Listen to the system prompts coming in my mind.

Qin Yu did not respond.

He didn’t have the unwillingness he had before, but he still felt relieved.

Qin Tian discovered that he has a system.

But he did not find that Qin Tian was abnormal.

This shows that my own system does not have the advanced level of Qin Tian.

In other words, he didn’t lose to Qin Tian, ​​just lost to his system.

This is for him, an incomparable soldier king.

It’s definitely easier to accept than losing to one person.

[The evil force is too aggressive, the system will automatically enable the protection function! 】

[The evil force is too aggressive, the system will automatically enable the protection function! 】

[The protection function is starting…Please wait…][System startup is complete. 】

[The evil force is too aggressive, and the system protection function cannot effectively intercept it. 】

[The evil force is too aggressive, and the system protection function cannot effectively intercept it. 】

[In order to prevent this system from falling into the hands of evil forces, the “Super Daddy System” will start an automatic uninstallation program within 10 seconds. 】

[The automatic uninstallation program has started successfully, and the “Super Dad System” is being uninstalled…]

The voice that appeared in Qin Yu’s mind was basically the same as the system prompt when he seized Xiao Chen’s mobile phone.

But Qin Yu’s system is obviously more advanced.

Because his system is in his mind.

This is why Qin Tian needs to hold down his head.

After a while!

[The system is successfully uninstalled…][Swallowing interrupted…](Read more @

[Ding, devour 50% of the power of the same source, increase the effect of the system skill “Fortune and Treasure”, and obtain the “Earth Golden Melody Collection”

[Ding, congratulations to the host for solving the protagonist’s “Qin Yu” Golden Finger “Super Daddy System” and get the villain value +5000, because of the system skill extra +1000, the protagonist “Qin Yu” luck value -1000. 】

[Ding, it is detected that the protagonist’s Qin Yu’s air luck value is less than 500, and he loses his qualifications as a child of air luck. The host gains a villain value +1000, and an extra +200 due to system skills…][Ding, it is detected that the protagonist “Qin Yu” has been forcibly stripped of the souls of the two worlds because of system uninstallation. 】

[Ding, congratulations to the host for solving the protagonist’Qin Yu’, the villain’s eye has been evolved, the villain value is +1000, and the system skill is extra +200…]

With a series of system prompts, Qin Tian is dizzying.

Villain value: 21300

The villain value increased by 8400 points in one go?

Qin Yu didn’t have time to ask about this because he saw a very special system prompt.

Because the system was uninstalled, the souls of the two worlds were forcibly separated? ? ?

What does it mean? ? ?


Without waiting for Qin Tian’s reaction, Qin Yu’s body leaned against the wall and fell softly to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Qin Tian was dumbfounded.

Because even though Qin Yu’s body fell to the ground, there was still a “Qin Yu” standing in front of him? ?

It’s just that Qin Yu who is standing is translucent?

I f*ck, what’s the situation?

Is it really the soul? ? ?

“It seems that I didn’t lose injustice”! ”

The translucent Qin Yu looked at Qin Tian and said with a very calm expression.

Qin Tian put away his surprise: “Are you the soul of Qin Yu??”


Qin Yu looked at his translucent hand: “Although I don’t know why I became like this, I can still feel what I am in now!”

“System, what’s going on?”

Qin Tian asked in his heart quickly.

Because the current situation has exceeded his cognition.

soul? Can it really be seen by human eyes? ?

“The other party came to this world because of the system. Now the system is automatically uninstalled. Of course he has to return to where he originally belonged!”

“Then… Is he really a soul?”


“Do the two souls merge?”

Qin Tian frowned: “In other words, Qin Yu in this world is not dead, only the traverser who died?”


“Then I’m in the same situation as his, will I become like this after you are stripped of my consciousness?”

“This system and the host live and die together!”

Qin Tian: “…”

Well, Qin Tian doesn’t speak anymore!

Because the last sentence of the system is very clear.

It is bound to itself.

Will not take the initiative to separate from yourself, encounter attacks that are stronger than yourself, and will not uninstall automatically.

But if you are forcibly stripped away by others, you will disappear into this world just like Qin Yu.

For this, Qin Tian has nothing to say.

After all, people are mortal.

What happens after a person dies, Qin Tian has no way to change at all.

“Hi, Qin Tian!”

Qin Yu’s voice pulled Qin Tian back to reality.

Qin Tian recovered and looked at’Qin Yu’!

At this time, his soul has become more and more faint.

“Can I ask you something?”

“What’s the matter?” Qin Tian frowned.

Qin Yu smiled miserably: “I didn’t belong to this world originally, so I have nothing to say when I lose in your hands.”

“However, you have robbed my wife anyway… No, you have robbed his wife!”

Qin Yu looked at Qin Yu lying on the ground, and continued: “So can you please take care of Yao Yao’s face and take care of Tongtong for me!”

Upon hearing this, Qin Tian couldn’t help but look weird!

“You are almost disappearing, and you still want to take care of others?”

“Hehe, there is no way, who will let me not even have a target in my previous life! Since Tongtong calls me Dad, I have the responsibility to take care of him…”

“I can’t understand your idea of ​​being a father!”

Qin Tian couldn’t help but muttered!

Although I am also like to be a father!

But after all, there is no wife, and the son does not need to take care of himself when he is so old.

But in this situation Qin Yu… not only has to take care of his daughter for others, but also has a wife who was previously asleep by his predecessor?

You know, this is a serious wife, not a lover.

Although this wife sleeps, it is himself in the parallel world.

But it always feels strange (Qian Wang Zhao).

Anyway, Qin Tian can’t accept this kind of setting of Dad’s text.

I don’t know what those dad writers who use this setting think in their minds.

“No matter if you can understand it or not, just say yes or not, right?”

It seems to be because of the disappearance of the system, and it also seems to be because of the disappearance of the protagonist’s halo!

After being killed by Qin Tian, ​​Qin Yu has no previous hatred towards Qin Tian.

Even the tone of speech has become a lot easier.


Qin Tian glanced at Qin Yu and sighed: “For the sake of sleeping with your wife, I promised you this request.”

“You… Laozi is going to leave, do you still use such words to disgust Laozi?”

“Laozi happy! You don’t know how good your wife is…”

“Qin Tian, ​​Laozi fights with you.”

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