Chapter 265 Split Chen Yang’s parents (seeking subscription)

Seeing this system prompt, Qin Tian couldn’t help but froze.

The extraction system is the system that can spend the villain value to extract various abilities.

At the very beginning, Qin Tian can acquire a new ability with only 1000 points.

For the early Qin Tian, ​​this system is undoubtedly the most cost-effective strength improvement channel.

However, since the system was upgraded to 2000 points once, Qin Tian rarely smoked this gadget.

Because Qin Tian’s skills are already strong enough.

There are 2000 villains worth going to the lottery, so it’s better to use it elsewhere.

But now!

Upgraded the Grand Master yourself, it actually upgraded?

Qin Tian quickly took a look.

Suddenly the whole person is not good.

In the past, this system cost 2000 villains, and two abilities appeared randomly.

I can only choose one of them.

But now, it’s a slot machine directly inside.

Numerous system rewards are displayed among them.

Qin Tian probably counted them, and there were ninety-nine-eighty-one of the grids in the lottery.

There are various abilities in it, as well as various elixirs.

Is there even something that Qin Tian hasn’t seen before?

For example, a book like martial arts secrets.

It says: “Body Tempering Jue” for the intermediate exercise method.

This extraction system is explained below.

[Villain value is the key to becoming stronger, so hurry up and earn the villain value to draw a lottery! ! ! 】

[The prize pool is updated every day at 0 am, I wish the host good luck again and again! 】

One draw is still the villain value of 2000 points.

After Qin Tian used the Xisui Pill, now the villain value is only 1,300!

Wanting to draw a lottery is obviously not enough!


“There is something wrong with your system???”

Qin Tian couldn’t help but vomit.

Although the lottery interface is high-end and high-end.

But such a low lottery method, Qin Tian has only seen it in some web games.

Are you sure you are not a copycat?

Qin Tian also knows the exercise method.

This thing is like the pill, divided into elementary, intermediate, advanced, top, god, and five major levels.

Corresponding to the five major grades of immortality: low-grade, middle-grade, top-grade, top-grade, and perfect.

According to Qin Tian’s understanding.

Generally, everyone can only choose one main exercise method to practice.

If you want to practice other exercises, it’s not impossible.

But they basically choose the exercises that they mainly practice.

Otherwise, if you practice too much, you will practice more and more complicated.

In the end, I didn’t learn everything well, but it seemed nondescript.

As for the function of exercises, I have already talked about it before.

It is nothing more than improving strength, speed, attack and defense.

Allows you to be better than the strong at the same level in battle.

Qin Tian has not practiced exercises.

He solves others by absolute level crushing.

When two grandmasters, in some respects a big difference.

General exercises cannot fill this gap.

Just like Mo Changming of Qingyang Sect and Qiu Lingshuang of Shadow League.

They have practiced some special techniques, but none of them are opponents of his Qin Tian.

In the bathroom, hot water spreads Qin Tian’s whole body.

The whole body’s filth flowed into the sewer along with the hot water.

The effect of washing marrow pill gave Qin Tian’s strength a qualitative improvement once again.

Host: Qin Tian

Physique: 2000(Read more @

Charm: 2000

Luck: 3300

Health: 2000

Infuriating: 100 years

Villain value: 1300

The physique increased by 500, and the charm increased by 500.

However, health is the biggest increase this time.

It went directly from 800 to 2000 points, which was a sudden increase of 1200 points?

I looked at my current value, basically it was more than 20 times that of ordinary people.

Coupled with the presence of the villain’s eyes and true energy, shouldn’t you be considered a mortal, right? ? ?

Qin Tian thought of this.

After taking a shower and getting dressed, Qin Tian once again felt what it means to be refreshed.

“Qin! General! Good!”

Three days later!

Twenty-four beautiful girls lined up in two rows, standing respectfully in the canopy of the villa and waiting for Qin Tian to dine alone.

The weather in late September has become less hot.

Look at these maids wearing rabbit hairpins, maid outfits, black stockings and black high-heeled boots.

Qin Tian’s feeling is not to mention how cool.

“President Qin, I will rub your shoulders for you.”

“President Qin, I will help you beat your leg.”

“President Qin, I will feed you fruit!”


The days of the rich are so unpretentious!

Another week passed in a blink of an eye.

This week, Qin Tian did nothing else.

Basically, just enjoy it.

After enough rest, he began to prepare to harvest Chen Yang.

Originally, his plan was to find Chen Xiaotian first.

Then use Chen Xiaotian to attract Mo Lanxin over.

After the two meet, Chen Yang will definitely be there.

When the time comes, I will inform Qingyangzong again, and come to a drama about the bitter love of the mandarin ducks.

In this case, you can get a lot of gains by just doing it yourself.

It’s just that he is not ready yet!

Chen Xiaotian relied on his own ability to find him first?

This surprised him a bit.

Hearing Mudie’s announcement, Qin Tian saw this decadent man again.

Chen Xiaotian now has no previous decadence, but he is more embarrassed than when he was decadent.

There was a little dust on his face and bruises everywhere.

There are two band-aids on the forehead and cheeks.

The clothes are also in tatters.

“Mr. Chen, what are you…what’s the situation?”

The living room of Qin’s headquarters building.

Looking at Chen Xiaotian’s embarrassed appearance, Qin Tian couldn’t help but ask.

This guy doesn’t look like a cultivator, but like an injured migrant worker.

“Qin Tian, ​​don’t you be hypocritical there!”

Chen Xiaotian roared directly: “If it weren’t for you, Chen Xiaotian would be so embarrassed???”

“What does Mr. Chen say?”

“What do you say about this? What do you say about this? Qin Tian…….You dare to say where I and Chen Yang are, didn’t you reveal it?”

“Mr. Chen, you can eat things randomly, but you can’t talk nonsense. What am I doing to reveal your whereabouts?”

“Not you?”

Seeing the appearance of Qin Tian, ​​Chen Xiaotian stopped calling: “Then why did the people of Qingyang Sect follow you after you came to me?”

“Oh? It turns out that Mr. Chen was so embarrassed because he met someone from the Qingyang Sect?”

Qin Tian said ‘suddenly’: “Mr. Chen, this is your fault.”

“You met your enemy yourself, how can you blame me for divulging your whereabouts? Why do I need to do this? What good is it for me to divulge your whereabouts?”

Hearing Qin Tian’s words, Chen Xiaotian was stunned.


What is the benefit to Qin Tian by revealing your whereabouts?

Doesn’t it seem to be of benefit at all?

But this incident is too coincidental, right?

I have lived in that dilapidated community for nearly ten years.

There has always been peace and quiet.

Since Qin Tian came, all kinds of troubles have continued.

“It’s really not you?”

Chen Yang couldn’t believe it.

“of course not!”

Qin Tian raised the corner of his mouth: “If you don’t believe me, I’ll know if I show you something.”


Qin Tian took out his mobile phone, turned out a picture of a woman and handed it over.

“Do you know who she is?”

“this is………”

Seeing the woman in the photo, Chen Xiaotian was stunned, then his face was excited, and the hands holding the phone were trembling constantly.

“This… where did you get this picture?”

“Of course I took it with my mobile phone!”

“You took it?? Do you know where she is?”

“I don’t know, but I have her mobile number.”


Chen Xiaotian was shocked, and the excitement and joy in his heart could no longer be described in words.

“You…can you give me her mobile number??”

Qin Tian gave Chen Xiaotian a white look, and then directly grabbed his mobile phone back.


“Qin…Mr. Qin, I beg you, you should know the importance of Lanxin to me…”

There is no doubt that the person in the photo is Mo Lanxin.

Qin Tian is in contact with Mo Lanxin, it is really not easy to get her photos.

Except for Mo Lanxin, there is no other woman who can make Chen Xiaotian so gaffe.

Seeing that Chen Xiaotian just called his name directly, now he changed his name to Mr. Qin.

Qin Tian suddenly had a more evil thought in his heart.

The two haven’t seen each other for more than 20 years, yet their relationship hasn’t changed?

If I split Chen Yang’s parents, and then give Mo Lanxin to… ahem, will Chen Yang’s main line collapse?

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