Chapter 421 Can you be a man normally? (subscription required)

There are thousands of cosmic systems, and this world accounts for half.

Because Su Yanran had obtained the system, the memory of the system in her mind has not disappeared.

So Qin Tian doesn’t mind talking about system issues in front of her.

It’s just that Su Yan’s system is really disgusting. Women’s gangster?

This f*ck…

To what extent does the author have to twist his heart to come up with such a protagonist? ?

“Hey, it’s so exciting!

On the other side, seeing Wang Jun’s awkward expression, Su Yan’s heart was refreshed~.

Dare to come out to hook up with the girl, Laozi- scare you to death!

It’s best to scare you away for life.

[Ding, the new task is triggered: enter the women’s toilet in the big shopping mall once. Task reward: Xia Guocoin 1 million, dance skills at full level! Task penalty: xx shortened by 5 cm! 】

[Friendly reminder, when the host is completing the task, no one shall find that the gender is abnormal. If it is found, it will be treated as a failure! 】


Su Yan was only happy for a while, the system popped up such a task.

After raising a middle finger to the system in his mind, he reluctantly shook his head.

Start looking for public toilets on the site to complete the task.

Because of his face against the sky, wherever he went, he would greet countless hot, envy and jealous eyes.

Su Yan felt embarrassed at first, but gradually became numb as time went by.

In about ten minutes, Su Yan had already stepped on it.

He found a total of six public toilets, of which the public toilet on the second floor of Gate 4 was the least crowded.

He decided, so he went to the second floor of Gate 4.

This is summer vacation, and today is still the weekend!

Coupled with the existence of Manzhan, the flow of people in the mall is at its peak.

“Wow, what a pretty lady!”

“It’s so beautiful, like a fairy coming out of the painting.”

Several children couldn’t help sighing when they saw the pure and beautiful Su Yan.

“Here, this classmate, my name is Pan Lei, can I get to know you?”

Another self-righteous fly!

Su Yan was speechless. He didn’t expect that he would be touched up again.

Turning his head to see, it was a handsome boy, he was well-dressed, and he was wearing a water ghost Rolex watch.

At first glance, it is the children of the wealthy family.

Pan Lei was asked out to go shopping by a few beautiful female classmates.

Who knew that I met Su Yan who was innocent and incomparable.

When he saw Su Yan for the first time, he knew that he had been shot by Cupid’s arrow.

Therefore, even if he would be rejected, he wanted to get to know this beauty who throbbed his heart.

Too pure!


Pan Lei felt that even Zhao Chenya who played Tianshan’s child grandmother couldn’t compare to Su Yan in front of him.

As for Ban Huamei Qiaoqiao, who asked him to go shopping, she didn’t even have the qualifications to lift her shoes!

Mei Qiaoqiao was very depressed.

After finally going out shopping with Prince Charming, unexpectedly encountered this scene?(Read more @

Don’t mention the frustration in her heart, so she looked at Su Yan with very unfriendly eyes.

“Huh! What’s the point of looking good? It’s not an airport yet!” Mei Qiaoqiao thought angrily.

“Not interested in!”

Su Yan said lightly, and left straight away, not too lazy to look at Pan Lei again.

mmp, are you blind?

Su Yan really wanted to say this.


At this moment, Pan Lei only felt a roar in his mind, and he looked at Su Yan’s back very hotly.

How could there be such a beautiful voice in the world?

Tactfully melodious, clear and clear, it is almost endless for three days!

Pan Lei only felt that he was in love, and looked at Su Yan’s back idiotically, unable to extricate himself for a long time.

Damn it!

Is this the voice of labor and management?

At this time, Su Yan was also shocked inwardly.

He didn’t expect that after he changed his voice with [Goddess Voice], his voice would become so beautiful?

It’s so easy to get pregnant after hearing it!

At this time, Su Yan felt a little sad inexplicably.

I’m already so good in women’s clothing, how can I find a girlfriend in the future?

Ordinary vulgar fan, can you still see it?

Su Yan shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

Walked directly to the public toilet, ready to complete his system task first.

Looking at the toilet sign, Su Yan was about to enter the men’s toilet, and suddenly surprised the man who came out.

Damn, such a beautiful student girl?

The men’s eyes are straight!

His expression made Su Yan wake up instantly.

I am currently a women’s wear! The task of the system is to enter the women’s toilet.

If I enter the men’s room, wouldn’t I be blinded in a women’s dress?

So, Su Yan walked slowly toward the women’s toilet in the shocked eyes of everyone.

Who knows, just walked to the door of the women’s toilet.

A hand blocked his way.

Immediately afterwards, a handsome and handsome man appeared in front of him with a face value enough to kill all women in a flash.

“Go over there!” Qin Tian’s chin raised in the direction of the men’s toilet.

He has been staring at the goods with the system for a long time.

Looking for toilets everywhere upstairs and downstairs? ?

It is estimated that I want to do something too much.

Suddenly stopped by Qin Tian, ​​Su Yan couldn’t help but froze.

Then he reacted quickly, using his changed goddess voice to say: “Handsome guy, over there…but the men’s room.”

“Aren’t you a man?”

Hearing this pure and lovely jade girl’s voice, Qin Tian felt a chill in his heart.

This women’s lady is really amazing.

Obviously a man, after wearing women’s clothing, he is even more feminine than a woman?

If it hadn’t been for Su Yanran to help the town, I guess it would really be impossible to withstand the beauty of this guy.

“Handsome guy, you…Where do you see that I am a man?” Su Yan refused to admit it.

He thinks that his current appearance is impeccable.

Impossible to be recognized.

“What do you think?”

Qin Tian looked at this Su Yan carefully.

Not only have thin arms and legs, but also no Adam’s apple?

This f*ck, can you still be a man normally?

“Hey, buddy, you made a mistake!”

The man who came out of the men’s room before heard Qin Tian’s words and couldn’t help but speak.

“This beauty, so beautiful, how can it be a man?”

“Yes!” Pan Lei who followed Su Yan also agreed!

“If she is really a man, I will eat this faucet.”

Qin Tian doesn’t bother to talk nonsense with these people.

With lightning speed, Su Yan’s wig was torn off.

Suddenly a man with light makeup and broken hair appeared in the sight of everyone.

Seeing this scene, Pan Lei was dumbfounded.

[Ding, the protagonist’s ‘Su Yan’ system mission failed, and the host gets the villain value +300, because the system skills are extra +300! 】

Su Yan looked flustered and quickly grabbed the wig in Qin Tian’s hand.

“You…you give it back to me, I hate…”

The voice is still pure and pure, but it matches the man’s shredded head and shy movements.

Qin Tian wants to vomit very much.

But before he could vomit, Su Yan took the wig and ran into the men’s bathroom quickly.

Found a pit, closed the toilet door, and quickly checked his fellow.

“My grass, there are only two centimeters left…”

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