The two of them were so close that they had to face each other.

Originally, Song Li had almost prepared herself mentally, but Lin Yi suddenly said something that ruined her.

However, addressing someone is indeed a point that should be paid attention to.

If you call them by their names directly, it will always seem not intimate enough and it will be easy to be exposed.

"Uncle, you can call me Xiaoli, my family calls me that."

Song Li thought about it seriously for a while, and finally decided that it was more appropriate to use this address.


Lin Yi nodded, without any extra expression on his face.

"Uncle, aren't you nervous at all?"

Song Li blinked and couldn't help asking.

You know, at that time, they will definitely ask about work, age, and whether they are single.

Put yourself in Lin Yi's shoes. If she were Lin Yi, she wouldn't be so calm. After all, every question is a life-threatening one!

"I'm not nervous!"

Lin Yi shrugged his shoulders and smiled faintly, "My biggest advantage is my thick skin."


Song Li laughed out loud, "Uncle, can this be called an advantage?"

Before opening the door, she added, "By the way, uncle, if they ask you some questions that are too embarrassing, just don't answer them. My mom must be in menopause and can't control her mouth."

Seeing Lin Yi nod in agreement, Song Li opened the door and went in.

"You're back! Xiaoli, bring her in quickly, don't stand outside the door!"

Seeing the door open, Chen Huifen stood up and went forward to see what the person her precious daughter liked looked like.

Soon, Lin Yi's figure came into her sight.

"What a tall man!"

Chen Huifen couldn't help but say secretly.

At the same time, she also found that Lin Yi's appearance was above average, and he was the type with sharp edges and corners that made people like him more and more.

But what surprised her most was the confident temperament that Lin Yi exuded from head to toe, which made people take a second look.

It must be said that Chen Huifen approved of this first impression.

It seems that her precious daughter has a good eye for people.

She was really worried that her precious daughter would meet the wrong person and be cheated of her feelings.

Of course, while Chen Huifen was looking at him, Lin Yi was also looking at the other person.

The middle-aged woman in front of her looked a bit like Song Li. It can be seen that she was also a great beauty when she was young. She should be Song Li's mother.

"Auntie, I'm sorry to bother you. This is a little gift from me."

Lin Yi smiled and put the things in his hand on the cabinet next to him.

"You kid, just come, why buy a gift!"

Speaking of this, Chen Huifen quickly signaled her precious daughter: "Xiao Li, take me to sit down first."

So, Song Li naturally took Lin Yi's hand, and then sat on the sofa with Lin Yi with a happy face.

Lin Yi observed that the middle-aged man sitting in the main seat was somewhat similar to Song Li, with a square face and a righteous manner. He should be someone in the system.

He should be Song Li's father.

The other two middle-aged couples sitting in the guest seats were probably relatives or something like that.

They came here to check.

After figuring this out, Lin Yi waited for the challenge.

As expected, Song Meiling was the first to speak: "Xiao Li, don't you want to introduce her?"

Song Li took Lin Yi's arm, leaned against Lin Yi, and smiled sweetly: "Lin Yi, my boyfriend."

Hearing this, Chen Huifen immediately smiled and said: "Xiao Lin, how did you know our Xiao Li?"

"A friend introduced her."

Lin Yi had nothing to hide, so he answered directly.

"A friend introduced her?"

Chen Huifen was a little surprised.

"My cousin introduced her. My uncle's friend happened to be my cousin's boyfriend."

Song Li did not hide it and explained the matter directly.

Hearing this, Song Meiling was also a little surprised. She did not expect that there was such a relationship.

She had known for a long time that her daughter had a boyfriend. She only knew that the two were of similar age and had a relatively stable relationship.

In fact, the two were also anxious about their daughter's affairs.

After all, she was already thirty years old, and it would become increasingly difficult if she did not get married.

Thinking of this, Song Meiling also realized a problem, so she immediately asked: "Xiao Lin, how old are you this year?"


Lin Yi immediately answered.

After the words fell, the whole living room instantly became quiet.

Song Guo

Hong and Chen Huifen had never expected that Lin Yi would be so old!

He looks like he is less than 30 years old?

Could it be that their daughter would call him "uncle"...

"Xiao Lin, do you know how old our Xiao Li is this year?"

Chen Huifen forced a smile and asked back.

Lin Yi nodded and said, "I know, she is a generation younger than me, and happens to be a dragon like me."

"But I don't think age is a problem."

These days, the age of both parties is no longer worth talking about.

To give the most common example, most rich people marry people who are more than ten years younger than themselves, and some are even in their twenties or thirties.

And this situation is even more common in the entertainment industry.

For example, Mr. Wang, who is half of the country, each of his wives is 10 to 20 years younger than him. It is said that the divorce certificates and marriage certificates added together can form a football team.

"Yes! It's a different era now, who cares about age?"

Song Li couldn't help but argue: "Besides, being older, he knows how to take care of people, I think that's good!"

"Besides, the uncle doesn't look like 34 years old at all, but looks younger than those in their twenties!"

However, Song Li was laughing in his heart.

Yes, yes, yes!

Just ask, please increase your efforts, Ms. Chen and Ms. Song!

Chen Huifen didn't know how to respond for a while, so she gave Song Meiling a look.

Seeing this, Song Meiling immediately asked again: "Xiao Lin, why don't you get married?"

Chen Huifen heard it and immediately gave her sister-in-law a look of affirmation.

Sure enough, it was right to ask her sister-in-law to come over!

In her opinion, if a man is still not married at this age, there is usually something wrong, and this must be understood clearly.

If there is a problem with fertility, then they must be separated!

As a result, Lin Yi's answer completely shattered the two people's speculation.

"I've been married, but I'm divorced."

Hearing this, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief, as long as it wasn't a fertility problem.

After a few seconds, the two of them realized the point of "divorce".

And Song Guohong's face was very dark.

You know, their precious daughter has never even been in a relationship!

As a result, she has to be with a divorced man in his thirties, which is a huge loss!

But what can I do if my precious daughter likes him?

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