The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two were in a state of panic.

In Yu Miaomiao's opinion, Lin Yi drove a Ferrari today, most likely because he was going back with her to "meet the parents".

Although he was just pretending to be her boyfriend, it was enough to show how important she was in Lin Yi's heart.

Therefore, Yu Miaomiao was still somewhat inexplicably happy.

"Miaomiao, get in the car."

Lin Yi saw Yu Miaomiao standing there in a daze, and couldn't help but remind her.

Yu Miaomiao heard this and realized that she had just been daydreaming. Her pretty face immediately blushed and she immediately got into the car.

"Miaomiao, send me the location of your home, and I'll navigate there directly."

Lin Yi saw Yu Miaomiao sitting stupidly in the passenger seat, so he had to ask again.

"Ah? Oh! Brother Lin, I forgot! I'll send it to you right away."

Yu Miaomiao was a little flustered when she took out her phone and started to operate it.

Although she took the initiative to ask Lin Yi to be her temporary boyfriend when she went back to meet her parents, she became nervous at this critical moment.

Lin Yi saw Yu Miaomiao's silly look, not to mention that it was quite cute.

I didn't expect that Yu Miaomiao, who was usually serious, had such a side.

With the location, Lin Yi went to the fitness center first.

There was no way, the daily task of the system today was to punch in at the fitness center.

After completing the daily task, Lin Yi drove directly to Yu Miaomiao's house.

"Miaomiao, do you have a younger sister?"

Lin Yi just saw Yu Miaomiao holding a large bag of things, which were basically all new clothes for girls.

Yu Miaomiao was a little surprised and nodded, saying, "Yes, Brother Lin, I'm in the third year of high school now, and I'm going to take the college entrance examination next year."

"Those new clothes are for your sister, right!"

Lin Yi smiled and said.

Yu Miaomiao didn't expect Lin Yi to notice this, "Yes, as a sister, I usually work outside, and I only buy some new clothes for her when I go back occasionally."

Soon, the Sunshine Community where Yu Miaomiao's home is located is almost there.

However, before arriving, Lin Yi plans to go to the street first.

"Brother Lin, you seem to have taken the wrong road!"

Yu Miaomiao saw Lin Yi suddenly drive to another road, and immediately reminded him.

Lin Yi shook his head and said with a faint smile: "As your temporary boyfriend, I can't go to meet your parents empty-handed, right?"

Yu Miaomiao was stunned for a moment, but didn't refute. He had to say: "Brother Lin, just buy a little bit, don't spend too much."

Lin Yi nodded: "Don't worry, I know how to do it!"

However, after Lin Yi bought everything, Yu Miaomiao was speechless.

Because Lin Yi spent a total of 40,000 to 50,000 yuan!

Is this called knowing how to do it?

However, it's good this way, at least it can directly shut up my parents.

Sometimes, expensive gifts can solve many problems.

Sunshine Community.

This community was built with government funding in the past, so that foreign employees could settle down here.

That's right, Yu Miaomiao's parents were foreign employees who came to support the government, so they took root here directly.

And the house here was bought by them 20 years ago, about 70 square meters, and it was very crowded for a family of four.

Sometimes, even the quilt has to be taken out and placed on the sofa.

However, since Yu Miaomiao started working, it has been a little better.

Today, they learned that Yu Miaomiao was coming back, and she was coming back with her boyfriend. The two of them were busy preparing lunch since early morning.

And the youngest daughter Yu Yaoyao was watching TV in the living room.

As for their names, they asked a fortune teller at the time, who said that one lacked water and the other lacked earth, so they took "Yu Miaomiao" and "Yu Yaoyao" respectively.


At this time, the doorbell suddenly rang.

"Yaoyao, go open the door and see if your sister and the others are back!"

Zhou Juan immediately poked her head out of the kitchen and ordered.

"I know!"

Hearing this, Yu Yaoyao responded and immediately got up from the sofa to open the door.

At a glance, it was the second uncle's family.

"Mom! Uncle and the others are here!"

Yu Yaoyao shouted towards the kitchen.

The next second, Zhou Juan came out of the kitchen, wiped her hands, and said with a smile: "Zhenhua, you are here!"

"Sister-in-law, I am still busy!"

Zhang Yue said with a smile.

Zhou Juan nodded: "Miaomiao is coming back! Your brother and I will make some food.

. "

"Huh? Who is this?"

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