To be honest, Lin Yi was afraid that his "mother-in-law" would not want the villa he gave her.

At this time, he hoped that Yu Miaomiao's parents were realistic and thick-skinned.

In this way, he could save a lot of effort.

For other people, if they met realistic father-in-law and mother-in-law, they would probably suffer in the future.

But for Lin Yi, the more realistic, the less pressure he had.

After all, what he lacked the most was money.

At this moment, Zhang Yue's family was so envious that they were deformed.

Even, they had a serious imbalance in their hearts!

You know, these are two villas!

Tens of millions!

In the end, they gave them away as soon as they said they would!

Because the two families are relatives, they compare in all aspects.

Because the two went out to do business, while Zhou Juan and her family worked law-abidingly.

After a few years, the income of the two families began to differ.

Now, they live in a house in the city center, while Zhou Juan lives in a dilapidated staff house in an old community.

Later, they gave birth to a boy, while Zhou Juan gave birth to a girl.

The gap between the two widened again.

After all, for people of their generation, there is still the idea of ​​favoring boys over girls.

Because of this, Zhou Juan planned to have another boy, but the result was contrary to her wishes, and it was still a girl...

After the two children graduated, her son passed the civil service exam, while Yu Miaomiao worked as a fitness coach.

Although the salary of the two is not much different, it is obvious that her family has more face.

And her son recently found a nurse girlfriend who is also a regular employee, which made their family more famous.

On the other hand, Yu Miaomiao has not made any move!

But unlike boys, girls can only enjoy their youth for a few years, and it will be harder to find a partner as time goes by.

Originally, they were all worried about Yu Miaomiao, but she actually found such a rich boyfriend!

Did she save the galaxy in her last life? !

Zhang Yue felt her mind was blank!

To be honest, Zhang Yue's attitude towards Miaomiao's family was very subtle.

She really wanted Yu Miaomiao's family to live well.

Otherwise, she would not have taken the initiative to introduce her nephew, who was outstanding in all aspects, to Yu Miaomiao.

But when she saw that Lin Yi was going to give him two villas, she didn't want to see Yu Miaomiao's family live much better than theirs.

Because this would make her lose her sense of superiority.

She even hoped that Zhou Juan would refuse it for the sake of face!

But in fact, it developed just as she thought.

Of course, Zhou Juan didn't know this. She immediately waved her hands and said, "Xiao Lin, this is too expensive. We can't accept it!"

These are two villas in the city!

If she accepts it, how will others see it in the future?

However, what she cares most about is the progress of her daughter and Lin Yi.

Because in her opinion, if the two of them don't end up together, then the villa will have to be returned?

That would be so embarrassing!

However, Lin Yi would never let her succeed.

He said, "Auntie, you see, the house at home is indeed too small now. Miaomiao and I don't have many rooms to live in, so I plan to buy a new house directly, so that it will be more convenient to live in it in the future."

"As for the other one, I just thought that it would be troublesome for Miaomiao to move out and see you again, so I simply bought one more set, and everyone moved in, so that we can meet at any time."

After a pause, Lin Yi smiled and said, "I have discussed this matter with Miaomiao, right Miaomiao?"

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