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After finishing speaking, Li Yue nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, didn't you notice that during the conversation just now, Miss Zhou was always in a hurry to decorate?"

"And she didn't make any demands from the beginning to the end. She only asked us to come up with a design plan within three days. This means that she doesn't care about how it looks at all, only how long it takes to complete it."

"Then the conclusion is obvious. In her eyes, this decoration is her task! And it is most likely given to her by the person who takes care of her."

"Is this Miss Zhou being kept?"

Shen Yunyan suddenly exclaimed.

Li Yue nodded: "If you see this kind of thing often, you will be able to tell. Whether it is the palace or not, you can tell at a glance."

"It can only be said that the financial backer's father is quite strong. He is probably at least a billionaire. After all, he can spend more than 10 million to play with his lover, tsk tsk!"

She couldn't help sighing: "The world of rich people is indeed beyond our understanding!"

However, Shen Yunyan was so jealous that she almost went crazy!

We are all women, how can we risk our lives to be so different?

You know, when she was young, her appearance and figure were not inferior to Zhou Siyu's.

And she wasted so many years of youth on Lin Yi, an Adou who couldn't support her, but he really achieved a class leap and lived the life of her dreams.

The gap in her heart made her really unable to balance.

She suddenly thought, if she had set her sights higher, would she be able to live the life she dreamed of like Zhou Siyu in front of her?

Sirui International Kindergarten.

Lin Yi took Shen Manyan directly to the football field.

Today's parent-child activities are arranged here. There are three games, horse riding, three-person four-legged and tug-of-war.

The first game requires parents to carry their children on their backs, run back and forth, and rank based on the completion time.

The second game is for parents to take their children. The parents tie up one leg, and then one of them holds the child across the finish line, ranking according to order.

The last game is a team competition, which is a competition between parents of three classes.

As for Yiyi's small class, there are three classes in total, with fifteen children in each class.

And Shen Manyan's arrival immediately caused a huge storm!

All the male parents present looked at him straight-eyed!

As a result, many of them were picked up by the ears or pinched by the tigresses around them and lectured in various ways.

What's worse, even the keyboard for the night has been reserved in advance...

There is no way, Shen Manyan is not only beautiful but also has a figure, here it is almost a dimensionality reduction blow!

Think about it, they are all women in their thirties who have given birth, how can they compare with a girl in her early twenties like Shen Manyan?

A face full of collagen, no matter how good the cosmetics are, is for nothing.

The only one who can compete with Shen Manyan is Qin Yusu.


And that beautiful young woman from yesterday!

Thinking of this, Lin Yi realized that he had not looked at Shen Manyan's appearance score with his true eyes.

So, he turned to look at Shen Manyan.

Appearance rating: 97!


Lin Yi guessed it would be very high, but he didn't expect it to be so high!

3 points taller than the beautiful young woman!

You know, the highest score in the system is 99. Such perfect appearance is almost impossible to exist in reality.

And Shen Manyan is only two points behind, which shows that there is exaggeration!

Thinking of this, Lin Yi looked up and saw the beautiful young woman he met yesterday!

Many of the male parents nearby looked at him with salivating expressions.

It looked like a jackal staring at a little rabbit.

At this moment, the other party also noticed him.

The next second, Wang Ningxue walked towards him quickly.


Lin Yi saw Wang Ningxue getting closer and closer, and had a bad feeling in his heart. Could it be the effect of the Love Luck buff again? !

Within a few seconds, Wang Ningxue arrived in front of Lin Yi.

"Can you please do me a favor and pretend that we know each other?"

"Oh well."

Lin Yi nodded, it didn't matter to him.


In fact, Wang Ningxue herself didn't know why she thought of asking Lin Yi for help.

She has encountered this situation too many times, but she has dealt with it on her own every time.

But this time, she was shocked by her uncharacteristic reaction.

It can only be said that [Wei Wu Legacy] and the Peach Blossom Luck buff are really effective!

Shen Manyan is standing aside

Seeing all this, he realized that Yujie was right.

A man like my brother-in-law will definitely be very popular with women.

And the other party is indeed a beautiful woman!

For some reason, Shen Manyan felt inexplicably in a sense of crisis at this moment.

At this time, the children walked out of the classroom under the leadership of the teacher.

Yiyi immediately saw the two of them and ran over immediately.

"Dad, Yiyi wants a hug from my aunt!"

Lin Yi had no choice but to let Yiyi be held by Shen Manyan.

"Man Yan, thank you for your hard work."

"It's not hard, brother-in-law."

At this time, a big fat boy suddenly came over and said: "Yiyi, are these your parents?"

"No, it's dad and aunt."

Yiyi reiterated it seriously.

Lin Yi looked down and saw the fat man in front of him taking the initiative to hold Wang Ningxue's hand.


Could it be that the little fat man in front of me is the Wang Yuhao Yiyi said?

And the beautiful young woman in front of me is the little fat man's mother? !


Is it really such a coincidence? !

For some reason, Lin Yi suddenly thought of a character in a certain game, also called Haohao's mother...

Wang Ningxue was also stunned for a moment.

She squatted down and said softly: "Haohao, call me uncle and aunt."

"Hello, uncle and aunt!"

The little fat man is still very obedient.

"Haohao's mother, your Haohao is really sensible."

Because Lin Yi had played that game, he always felt a little... excited when he shouted?

"Yiyi's father, I always hear Haohao mention Yiyi at home. Yiyi is much more sensible than Haohao."

Wang Ningxue also didn't expect that the man in front of him who made him feel good would be Yiyi's father, whom his son often mentioned.

At this time, Qin Yusu asked all the parents to draw lots and form groups.

Lin Yi was drawn from the second group, and Wang Ningxue was drawn from the third group.

At this age, most men have become mellow to some extent due to social activities or the pressure of life.

Very few people stay in good shape.

You know, he was "forced" to exercise because of the system.

Therefore, judging from the first group, they did not run particularly fast.

Soon, it was Lin Yi's turn.

"Brother-in-law, please be safe."

Shen Manyan said with concern.

Lin Yi nodded. He also had an attitude that focused on participation. The most important thing was to make his precious daughter happy.

As the whistle sounded, Lin Yi immediately ran out.

The air was filled with Yiyi's clear laughter, and she kept shouting: "Dad, rush the duck!"

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