After that, the two of them were very close.

The words fell.

Xu Jiaqi wanted to give herself a thumbs up. Who else could have such a quick reaction!

If it had been someone else, they would have missed the chance to get closer to Lin Yi.

Lin Yi didn't expect that the other party would start with his precious daughter when he saw that he was not interested in her.

When Yu Miaomiao heard Xu Jiaqi suddenly say this, an idea also came to her mind.

In fact, she had always wanted to buy a gift for Lin Yi, but she couldn't think of it.

Now that Xu Jiaqi reminded her, she just happened to buy a gift for Yiyi.

Soon, Xu Jiaqi brought the two of them to a children's clothing store called "Annel".

It can be seen that Xu Jiaqi spent a lot of money to seize this opportunity.

You know, Anner is also a relatively good brand in China.

Basically, any piece of children's clothing costs four or five hundred yuan.

For ordinary office workers like Xu Jiaqi, it is indeed not cheap.

At this time, the waitress saw Lin Yi walking in with two beauties, and she was stunned for a moment.

To be honest, she has seen many combinations, but it is really rare to see such a one-on-two combination.

Are both of them mistresses?

Or are both of them the main wife?

The waitress felt that her CPU was about to burn out.

"Hello, are you buying clothes for children?"

Xu Jiaqi nodded and said immediately: "Please help me choose some clothes for little girls!"

"How old?"

Xu Jiaqi was stunned, then looked at Lin Yi and whispered: "Brother Lin, how old is your daughter?"

Lin Yi immediately replied: "Five years old."

The waitress suddenly realized, wow, it turns out that she wants to be a stepmother!

Are these girls so conscious now?

If she had this consciousness back then, she wouldn't have to take this crooked path now.

"Miss, what do you think of these styles? These new styles have just been launched recently, and they will definitely look good on children!"

The waitress introduced them enthusiastically.

"Please help me pack them all!"

Xu Jiaqi waved her hand and bought them all very readily.

Although these clothes cost her more than a thousand, it was worth it as long as it could change Lin Yi's opinion of her.

Of course, she didn't think she could make Lin Yi like her all at once, so what she had to do was to keep it going for a long time.

"Brother Lin, this is..."

At this time, Yu Miaomiao also took a fancy to a schoolbag on display.

"Well, please take this schoolbag down for me to see."

The waitress was stunned again. Did she want to be a stepmother?


Are the conditions for being a stepmother so harsh now?

The girl just now was already considered pretty, and the one in front of her was even more beautiful!

With these conditions, there's really no need to compete with others to be a stepmother, right?

Yu Miaomiao didn't know what the other party was thinking. After seeing that the style and workmanship of the schoolbag were good, she bought it directly.

"Brother Lin, you bought me something before, this is my return gift, Yiyi should like it."

Lin Yi borrowed it and said, "Miaomiao, you are thoughtful."

"Brother Lin, this is the clothes I bought for Yiyi."

Seeing this, Xu Jiaqi couldn't wait to "take credit".

"You've spent a lot of money, but I'll just take one, and you can give the rest to your relatives' children."

Lin Yi only took one, after all, not taking it would be too embarrassing for the other party, and he couldn't do such a thing.

However, Xu Jiaqi's face darkened. She just said it casually, and now she had to give it to him even if she didn't want to...

[Ding! ]

[Because the player is grateful, trigger a random task: Rich man's gratitude. ]

[Task requirements: As a rich man, you naturally have to return the favor and buy gifts worth more than 100 times the current value for two people. ]

[Task reward: dice × 1, 100 times the amount of money spent on buying gifts]

Sure enough, Yu Miaomiao is also prone to tasks.

But Lin Yi didn't expect Xu Jiaqi's gift to be included. If he had known, he would have accepted all of them.

The total amount of gifts from the two people just now was 1,050 yuan.

If it is 100 times, it is 105,000 yuan.

And the maximum amount returned to him is 100 times.

That's 10 million!

Now, Lin Yi felt even more regretful!

Just one thought made him lose millions!

After walking out of the children's clothing store, Xu Jiaqi immediately said, "Miaomiao, Brother Lin, you've been shopping for so long, you must be thirsty, let's go buy a cup of milk tea."

Lin Yi originally

He wanted to refuse, but when he thought about the millions of dollars he had just lost, he changed his words and said, "But I'm on a diet, so I don't want to add sugar. Miaomiao, this should be fine, right?"

"It's rare to drink it once, so it's not a big problem."

Yu Miaomiao smiled and said.

Because of the reason of losing weight, Lin Yi is very restrained in his diet and basically doesn't eat braised or sweet food.

"Miaomiao, what about you?"

"I'm fine."

"There's a milk tea shop in front, let's go over there."

As they said that, the three of them came to this "Bawang Cha Ji" milk tea shop.

I have to say that there are quite a lot of people coming to the milk tea shop.

To be honest, Lin Yi has never been interested in milk tea, and he doesn't understand why so many people like it.

In his opinion, a simple cup of black tea is much better.

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded.


"It's really you! What a coincidence, I met you here."

I saw a man who looked to be about 25 or 26 years old, about 175 cm tall, with a feeling of a Korean Oppa.

The man's face was full of surprise. If Lin Yi guessed correctly, he should be Yu Miaomiao's suitor.

As expected, the other party said attentively: "Miaomiao, do you want milk tea? I'll treat you!"

"Senior Chu Feng, hello."

Comparatively speaking, Yu Miaomiao's performance was very calm.

It can be seen that Yu Miaomiao is not interested in the other party.

In fact, at other times, Yu Miaomiao's attitude would not be so cold.

But because Lin Yi was there, she deliberately distanced herself from the other party.

In order not to let Lin Yi misunderstand.

Seeing this, Xu Jiaqi was immediately delighted. Isn't this her enemy's tool man?

Not only can she save money on milk tea, but she can also help her to contain Yu Miaomiao.

After all, Yu Miaomiao beat her in all aspects, and she can also see that Lin Yi has a good impression of Miaomiao.

It is difficult for her to turn the situation around.

But now it's different. With this tool, it's a two-on-two situation.

Rounding it off, that means she is alone with Lin Yi!

I have to say that Xu Jiaqi is still optimistic.

"Please buy three cups of Boya Juexian, two without sugar, one with less sugar, thank you."

"Okay, Sister Xu!"

Chu Feng is also enjoying it, thinking in his heart: "Sister Xu is still awesome!"

Thinking of it, he gave Sister Xu a thankful look.

See, what is a good teammate?

If I marry Miaomiao in the future, no one can eat before Sister Xu arrives!

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