The game was a big success, but the game was a big success.


[The stage mission has been completed.]

[Start scoring...]

[+1 point for being neat and tidy, no extra points for not showing off, +1 point for ignoring the opponent... The player's score this time is 5 points.]

It's broken!

It's a show-off simulator? !

Lin Yi was shocked. The scoring was really well done.

If that's the case, why didn't you say it earlier!

Then I had to show off a lot just now!

What a pity.

"By the way, where are we going to eat?"

Lin Yi glanced at Wang Ningxue and asked.

"Brother Lin, you can just call me Ningxue."

Wang Ningxue pulled up the hair by her ears to cover her shyness at the moment, and she never dared to look at Lin Yi.

Lin Yi was stunned. He originally thought that calling "Miss Wang" was not nice, but their relationship was not yet at the point of calling each other by name.

As a result, he didn't expect that it was Wang Ningxue who brought it up first.

"Just pick a restaurant that's closer."

Wang Ningxue took the initiative to suggest that she didn't want to go too far, just find a nearby restaurant to have a meal.


After that, Lin Yi directly navigated to the nearest restaurant.

To be honest, he had been rushing for a day and didn't want to go to places like shopping malls anymore. In addition, small restaurants made him feel more comfortable and at ease.

So, sometimes people of similar age will have the same cognition and get along more comfortably.

Soon, the two came to a restaurant called "Xiang Yiyuan".

The two directly booked a private room, ordered a few dishes, and waited in the room.

The two looked at each other, and the atmosphere was a little awkward.

"Brother Lin, thank you for giving me so many gifts during the live broadcast."

Wang Ningxue also struggled for a while before she mustered up the courage to thank him.

To be honest, she still couldn't figure out why the man in front of her gave her more than one million gifts for no reason!

But it can be seen that this Brother Lin is definitely not a person who lacks money.

After all, someone who can spend millions of dollars in rewards in one night must be worth at least several hundred million.

However, she didn't think that a 27-year-old divorced woman with a child could be pursued by a billionaire like Lin Yi.

After all, there is never a lack of women around rich people.

Moreover, since that live broadcast, Lin Yi has never appeared in her live broadcast room again, and he didn't even take the initiative to chat with her.

So, she really didn't understand why Lin Yi spent so much money on her?

Lin Yi waved his hand and smiled faintly: "Ningxue, I just suddenly want to spend money, you don't have to worry about it."

Suddenly want to spend money?

Just spent one million directly?

What kind of money concept is this? !

Wang Ningxue's mouth opened slightly, and she felt that her worldview had collapsed.

At this time, the dishes began, and the two ordered a total of four dishes.

"Brother Lin, I didn't expect you to be working out."

Wang Ningxue originally wanted to order more dishes, but Lin Yi told her that he was working out, so he just ate less.

A man in his thirties can still have such self-control, which surprised her and made her like Lin Yi a little more.

"After all, I'm already over 30. If I don't manage my body, I'll become a greasy uncle."

Lin Yi said half-jokingly.

He is still quite satisfied with the current fitness results. He used to have a beer belly, but now it has become smaller.

After losing weight to 140 pounds, it is estimated that he will not be far from abdominal muscles.

As for eight-pack abs, that thing is too far away.

It is basically impossible to exercise without professional guidance.

It is more reliable to hope that Tong Dad will give him a perfect body BUFF.

Wang Ningxue smiled and said, "Brother Lin, I think with your conditions, you can never become a greasy uncle. On the contrary, you will look more majestic and safe after getting fat."


What is high emotional intelligence?

Such a conversation makes people feel comfortable!

To be honest, Wang Ningxue herself is a little confused. She is obviously very resistant to any man, but she has an inexplicable liking for Lin Yi.

Moreover, she has a liking for him since the first sight.

At this time, the last dish was served, and the waiter suddenly said, "Do you need a drink?"

Lin Yi was about to refuse because he couldn't drink while driving, but the system suddenly sounded.

[Ding! ]

[Event task: Invite Wang Ningxue to drink together. ]

Lin Yi was stunned

, Tong's father took the initiative to let him drink?

Or with Wang Ningxue?

What's going on?


Lin Yi suddenly thought of the name of this incident - Wang Ningxue's thoughts...

Good guy!

It just happened to make Wang Ningxue speak the truth after drinking!

A trap from the system!

"Do you have red wine?"

"Yes, sir."

The waiter immediately handed the wine list to Lin Yi.

Lin Yi took a look and had to choose a bottle of Great Wall's Bainagan wine. For a small restaurant, red wine of more than 300 yuan is already the most expensive.

Soon, the waiter brought the red wine up.

"Do you have a decanter?"

Lin Yi couldn't help asking.

"Yes, I'll get it for you right away."

After the waiter brought the decanter, Lin Yi prepared to decant.

"Brother Lin, aren't you driving? Or are you still drinking?"

Wang Ningxue thought it would be better to remind him, as she was afraid that Lin Yi would drink and drive.

"Just find a designated driver when the time comes."

Lin Yi said as he opened the red wine and poured it into the decanter.

Because he often entertained clients in the past, Lin Yi was already familiar with the decanting process.

However, the wine was of a lower grade.

"Ningxue, do you want to drink together later?"

Lin Yi put the wine aside and looked at Wang Ningxue and asked.

Wang Ningxue didn't expect Lin Yi to take the initiative to invite her to drink. After hesitating for a moment, she nodded: "Then I'll drink a little too."

Although she couldn't drink much, it was Lin Yi who took the initiative to invite her, so it was hard to refuse.

[Ding! ]

[The stage task has been completed. ]

[Start scoring...]

[...The player's score this time is 4 points. 】

After about ten minutes, Lin Yi stood up and poured half a cup for Wang Ningxue.

Then, he poured half a cup for himself.

"Brother Lin, I toast you!"

Wang Ningxue took a sip.

The next second, her whole face turned red, like the gradually red sunset glow on the horizon, directly to the root of her neck.

Under that delicate collarbone, it looked even more attractive.

Wang Ningxue frowned slightly and stuck out her tongue playfully, "I haven't drunk much red wine, so I don't know how to drink it."

Lin Yi inexplicably felt that Wang Ningxue was unexpectedly cute at this moment, "Drink slowly, drink less each time."

Wang Ningxue nodded and tried to take a sip as Lin Yi said.

Sure enough, it did taste better.

Even her mood became much better.

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