William looked at Erix Dimati laughing with Alexander said: "Dear, let you see my brand, just a fat sheep, slaughter him, I will take you Miami sweeping goods

Alexander has a good look at William, "You are hundreds of millions of rich people, and it is still like slaughtering these ordinary people."

William said softly on the ear of Alexander, "The guy just is not ordinary people," said Alexander, who said, what else to say.

William pretended to reach the clothes in the jacket, it is actually a waiter for 20,000 pounds in the portable space, changed the chip William with Alexander to Erix Dimi Osa table.

Put the chips on the gaming table: "Everyone, good evening, can I join?"

"Good evening", "Good evening" table, middle-aged men and women, said to William.

Other people on the table screamed, William is sitting on the gaming table, Alexander sitting around him, haven't played a few, our new Bonde is holding the chip, "Can I participate?"

William said with a smile: "Of course"

The monketeer said: "Double-small blind and big blind lives on the left hand."

"No problem" Bond said

The card started, William didn't want Bond to bother him, so he stared at Bond.

Not a few games, Mr. Bond gave the full pressure, Mr. Bond's three K took a while 4 by William's flush, no temper, helplessly swayed to go. Mr. Erix Dimitio s wife is going.

Bond is really a bond, not a few, Mr. Erix Dimios smiled, and finally the two sneaked together to walk out of the casino, do not know what to do. .

And Mr. Erix Dimitio can't see the situation in the back of the bar, William is deeply looking at Erics Dimios, let you hit anab. The idea of ​​Luohu, now waiting to have a hat, soul.

Dimitio is inexplicable by William, he has been interested in Alexander Anbruo, and watching William is not pleasing.

William is also trying to get more oil water on this guy.

"5000 pound" monketeer said to William: "DiMtio is 5,000 pounds, Mr. De Wen Hill,"

William has a 5000 chips thrown into the gambling table.

The monograde is a 5th card, it is a K,

"German Hill is talking to you" said


"Mr. Dimitius, Mr. De Wen Hill let the cards, to you," said the monasteries said

"All, etc." Erics Dimios took the check after the remaining hundreds of pounds, looked at the chips on the table of William, "I added 50,000 pounds"

"NO, Mr. Dimitius," Mr. We only gamble "" Demon "The man is refused.

William said to the monketeer, "Mr. Dimios, you can call the waiter to change the chip, I will give you a chance to win money."

The monkeeper sees William, and the changing code casino is drawn, nodded against the waiter.

After changing the chip, Erik Dimios pushed 5W pounds of chips to the gambling table, "gamble you"

William looked at his chips: "Sorry, Mr. Dimitius, I have 80,000 chips, you can't be"

Erix Dimitio looked at William. After watching William's chips, throw his car key into the gambling table, "Aston Martin in 1964, enough to bet all the tables. Put "

"Well," William smiled and pushed the chips in front of him.

"Opening the card, the gentleman" said.

Erix Dimios throws out the card in his hand is a pair of K.

The cardboard is 9, 3, a, 7, k

"Erics Dimios K, to you open the card" Mr. De Wenhe "said the official said to William.

William opens his card to the gambling table.

"Three A, Three A Wins, Mr. Dimitius" said to Erix Dimitio, and the cards on the table were collected.

Erix Dimios looks depressed Laughing William, takes the check, he still wants to turn.

But at this time, a waiter handed a piece of paper to Erix Dimitio.

Erix Dimius looked at a note, bowed and loudly, stand up and picked up clothes, and looked unwilling to see the eyes of William and Alexanda Anbaro.

"Wait, Mr. Dimitius, you forgot the parking card, thank you"

Dimitio took the parking card from the pocket and threw it on the gaming table, and the head did not return.

William looked at Erix Dimitio, he knew that this guy is to see Le Sifer.

William said to Alexander: "Dear you, can you help me with you? I have to call the unit, determine if I can take off today."

"But I won't play," asked Alexander's face

"Dear, you have seen it for so long, it should be, it doesn't matter, the lady who montes will tell you that there is no good card."

William lifted his affiliates, throwing a 500 £ 500, said: "The lady is troublesome, this lady does not know how to teach her"

"Ok, German Hill, you can rest assured, I will explain to Miss Anbuliu," The Monollion has been 100 £ 500.

Others should not play Alexander, this girl is a newbie, just winning William to win their money back.

William walked out of the casino, pick up the phone and called Bani, and the phone was connected to Buni said to William: "Boss, we can't keep up with Erix Dimios, he got a yacht, now is being maritime"

See the ghost, William, and the Hilbe Sifer is careful.

Erix Dimitio of Le Sifer's yacht was helpless, looking at his Le Sifer, he said: "I am hard to understand how this is my fault, Everything is your plan, I have to do it, I will find someone. "

"Give me a person who is monitored by the United States of America? It is also a person who is arrested by the best employment of the company. Fortunately, you will die, otherwise I will not guarantee what I will do" Le Siver "" Has a sound.

"This makes me don't know if I can trust you again, DiMios" Le Sifer said

"Then, don't believe that I don't care, I only care about my name in the mercenary world, don't say that I am not responsible, I have someone to complete this task, he only needs to know a little detail, but also Remuneration "Erix Dimios said.

"The last time, Erix Dimios, you know the failure, those warlords and poisonous terrorists will not let you and your beautiful wife."

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