Nash the increase of rising, which makes William have no time to pay attention to Alexander, and everyone is staring at the screen.

At 11 o'clock in the United States, the Nash has risen to 5021 points, Alexander is holding a computer: "This is so possible, this is so possible, William, you have earned 22.37 million US dollars in 2 and a half, money How can I earn such a good earning, "

After saying that Alexander is rushing to William: "It's great, William, you are a genius, don't we sell it now, we have made so much, selling it is your own."

William hugged his forehead and said: "It will rise, I believe my judgment, I will be careful, rest assured."

"Phillik, called takeaway, I am hungry," William said to Felix, the rebirth is the biggest hanging, knowing the result, nothing is excited.

"Ok, German Hill, I called,"

After you have already eaten the night, the time has reached 2 o'clock in the afternoon. In the afternoon, he opened a 5028 point in the afternoon, and William said to the trading room: "Prepared, 5029 points began to sell contracts. "



Ten traders kept tapped on the keyboard. After 5029, they began to sell contracts, and they were finally sold in the first half of the market today.

William held Phillix gave his report, haha ​​laughed today, he earned $ 33.56 million, and Nag finger has reached 5030 points, then in the remaining half hour Rina refer to from 30 o'clock.

William turned and hugged Alexander's heavy and she played a KISS. Alexander also was excited. There were still other people in the bid, and the two were hugged in a few minutes, and William's trading room. People said: "Everyone present today has a reward of 100,000 US dollars, haha, guys call a big meal to celebrate!"

"Haha, Del Wen Hill Long live" trading room is shouting with Dewen Hill,

Today, in addition to 100,000 employment fees, 1% of the profit is 330,000, and William also gives their 1 million rewards. These traders are happy, and they earn $ 133,000 for a few hours. This can be more profitable than they earn in the past months.

Several people in Sam and Bernie have been pleased: "Mr. De Wen Hill, is we also?"

"Of course, everyone here, all the guys are waiting for a while, let's eat a big meal."

"Long live, Mr. De Wenhir, you are so generous, God will bless you," Sam is happy to shouting to William.

William said: "Let's go, dear, eat a big meal, let's go to the four seasons, let's go to Tiestan, we go skiing", today's test water is not bad, the rest is When the nation is rushing to the highest point, it is the beginning of the carnival.

Alexander nodded to William.

William said to Fax: "You have a salary holiday in Feix, when will I act again, I will give you a call, and one will take everyone to eat a big meal, I ask the guest, the fee is me." Finishing William with Alexander and Brian Mills to go to the four seasons.

After eating a meal, everyone returned to the Four Seasons Hotel. After setting up, William took the mobile phone to watch Bond Just gave him a text message, saying that he had to go to the Helicopter and Tiros Mountain, Some of William's strange move Alexander is smart.

Sitting on the elevator to go to the four-season hotel parking lot, found the second-hand small face according to the license plate sent to him, found the key on the small tire, opened the car and drilled it, find yourself in the car. AWP and two Glock 17, put weapons ammunition into storage space, William get off the door, go upstairs.

William is handed over to Brian Mills in his hotel suite.

Bryan Mills Head gods nodded, turned to the team friend Buni: "Bernie, you and I take equipment"

The two people lay downstairs and found the weapons inspected in the car. They found that these weapons were all military. There were a lot of accessories, and they were new, Bryan nodded, and Bernie One person puts M92, inserts the guns that have just been put on, and the remaining three M92 put into a small backpack, M4 and ammunition are all put into two big backpacks.

After Bryan Mills and Bernie have packed up, bring backpacks to William.

After everyone arrived, the hotel is coming to the helicopter he prepared.

It took 10 minutes to pack things, William took 5 people in Alexander and Brian, took the 8 wheat 902 double helicopters, and went to Tiestan.

William has set a three small villas in Titus. He and Alexander live in the most inside of the villa who rely on the cliff. Under the hotel's service staff, William and Alexander are very satisfied with this villa.

This is the whole wooden villa, wide, comfortable, and a big panoramic balcony, standing in the beautiful scenery of the balcony, Alexander is most satisfied with this balcony.

After the two people were in a good place, William took Alexander into indoor hot springs. After two hours, William hit Alexander back to the bedroom and fell asleep.

When I slept until 4:30 pm, William woke up and woke up and woke up in the sleeping Alexander, wearing clothes, slowly walking into the kitchen, cutting the bull ridge, put it in the stew, he Plan to make a garrison beef soup.

The rest of the beef is put on the cooker is waiting, and the mood is relaxing to the balcony, breathing some cold air, looks at the snowy mountains in the distance, the rhythm of life is slow, let him feel comfortable, I can't help but think about it In Switzerland Buy a house, you will play Switzerland from time to time.

I don't know how long it took, William heard him in front of the villa, waved his hand in Brian, and went downstairs to go to Bryan. "How to feel how Brane"

Bryan said with a smile: "Very good, boss, your villa has two two booths, behind it is a cliff, sniper is no way to observe you, very safe, I want to come here, I will consider safety. The problem, Bernie and Kathy are now on the safety cottage on the hostel of the villa, and the flowers of our turn-free duty will not have any problems. "

"Halo, I asked you how to feel on this holiday" William smiled and shook his head and said: "This is so good, I want to buy it here. If I have been in the company, I can be used as an employee. Welfare, every year, some excellent employees come to this holiday. "

"If so, I think your employees will be very satisfied. I am really very good, I want to bring my daughter to this tour after this task, Ginni will definitely like this" Brian finished I also took out the wallet and took his daughter's photo to William.

"BOSS, this is my daughter Ginnie, this is like, beautiful, she is my angel, my resignation is Ginnie, no longer resigns, she will not know me" Brian said.

"It's really a cute little girl" William put the wallet to Bryan nodded.

"Time is really fast, gold is 17 years old, in my impression, she still can't walk little, often squatting to teach her to ride a bicycle, have been busy working in these years, I owe her. Too much"

"Oh, you are still not too late, at least you still have the opportunity to make up your daughter, as long as you often stay in her side, I will accept you slowly, Brian, after all, she is your daughter" William comfort. "

"Thank you, BOSS, you are a good person" Bryan Mills nodded to William Road.

William's heart is so laughing, waiting for the money to look at my big money after the stock, I don't know if you will think so.

"Oh, Blane, you still don't like me, maybe for how long you can't see me, ok, Bryan, I cook soup, and I have time to talk."

"Okay, bye, BOSS" big boss will also boil? Brian feels that William's big boss and his own money have some different people.

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