See William to watch himself, Philipis is frightened by William.

After hesitating, he shouted: "Mr. De Wen Hill" shouted with the trader: "Buy down, fast, sell futures, 3% guarantee rate, three months futures, 350 million US dollars All buy, immediately, immediately ".

The god of the god is busy: "understand," ten traders immediately operated on the keyboard,

"5047 points, some people have bought and fall, God's transaction volume is accelerating," the reporter yelled.

William couldn't help but a loudly: "Buy, fast", he knows that he is not his person in the market, and then I don't want to enter so many futures contracts.

William is excited, he knows his chance to come, and now 80% of the market considers that Nag will rise up, but it has never risen again after 5048.

There are many people who have rid of the market. At this time, they will open the futures, there will be many people to enter the field and his gamble, the futures only have a person in the market, and you will succeed, you make money. It means that there is a loss, especially the futures who bought fell, will be even more powerful.

When the market is fanatical, the best time to buy and sell futures, otherwise, the shareholders, institutions, financial companies, funds, William can't sell such a big futures when they cautiously.

He uses 3% of the margin rate to mean 350 million divided by 0.03 equal to $ 1.166 billion, he sells 9,760 5048 stocks in the market in the market with 350 million US dollars, and it is 250 US dollars. I lost 244 million US dollars, and he earned $ 2.44 million.

William is now not afraid of Nathels, because he earned a few days ago, he earned 33 million US gold, he now has 82 million funds to be an additional deposit, as long as the Nag will not rise 40 points, he will not be forced Cloud.

It is the advantage of buying down at this time than buying, the market has no money to go to the city, and the stock market can be in a few days, or in a few hours, it is not big, but as long as it is There is a wind blowing in the market to make most of the shareholders confident.

80% of the money is the money of the stockholders, even government agencies, funds are fried, and the market value of US stocks has exceeded three or four times the actual market value, this market is fried, just like the castle built by sand. It is possible to meet the wind.

"Transaction, I have sold 500 hands, France"

"Transaction, 800, England"

"300 hand beauty"

"200 hand musician"

In the national bank trading hall, the trader successfully sold futures sound, the institutions of the United States, France, England, and financial companies in the non-stop stock index futures, they all gambling fingers.

"How many buyers have the island country, focus on the buyers of the island country."


William has just awakened, but now you have to mix Europe and America. If you want to mix, you can't eat too much goods in Europe, the country is too much to say, it will be directly looking for him. Island Country is not the same, anyway, Will not go to the island country to invest, do business.

As long as William makes money, go to the United States and England's large investment. These two countries will not die for him, and he will not directly face the pressure of these two national power, and maybe English will also share the disaster. , Because William's large investment is strong, "

"350 hand island"

"900 hand island",

"300", "720", "500", "600"

"There is a 1000-hand island country, God, these guys can really have money."

I didn't have 2 hours William, I sold 4370 futures in the island country.

"Continue, sell to the island,"


After another hour, William took the nearly 2000 hand to give the island country, they did not move, no one was a fool, it seems that someone reflected, and there is a big decline in the market today. Some brain fever institutions began to be cautious.

"Selling, German Hill, island country sells, now," What do we do now "happiness is shouting.

William thought that now still 1590 hands did not sell, busy: "Let's go, now, no matter who wants, sell it to him"

Finally, at 2:30 pm, 5,048 points in the first 5048 points of the stock index futures, William looked at the transaction record on the computer. Haha laughed, "His guys, today's life is finished, no need to stare at the stock market , Let's celebrate "

Everyone can be so confident that the rebirth of William is so confident. All worry is William, Phillips hesitated, he wants to remind William or stare at this.

William saw Phillips's concerns, comfort: "Well, the guys contract has been established, now everything is to see God, Phillips, my luck has always been good, I believe God will bless me."

Hanging than William has of course confident, watching the contract of the contract William and shot Phillips's shoulders, haha ​​laughed.

William knows that unless the big manager of the United States, the big general management of the United States, the big master of Jemin Arthur and England will jointly announce that the biotech should publicly cloned technology as the past life. If that, William will not hesitate after three days. Fighting the loss of 80 million dollars, he wants to keep his own principal of $ 350 million.

Now I really look at God, William is silently praying, Xiaofu is still in the past few days.

Sure enough, God is still standing here. Three days and after Friday, the United States stock market has not yet opened the market, the United States, the big general management of the United States, the big director of Benjama Arthur and England, as the best, jointly announced the two countries. Biotech Company's monopoly on cloning technology, asked the biotechnology company in the market to open cloning technology, jointly cooperate, jointly develop, while might prohibiting cloning human.

This news showed his power in the stock market, and the bio-technology stocks on the market began to vibrate.

Open the city, the US stocks have begun to fall, although there are not many falls today, but in the two days, the market and the media have fallen sharply, and many buy fell in the two days, the market and the media have fallen in the market and the media. People have started to drive.

Honestly, the company, the company, is actually there is nothing to associate, but who makes the current bio company in the anti-scientific concept, as long as the biotech does not add a science and technology, it is embarrassed to brag in the stock market.

Basm only 99 years and 00, as long as the technology-related companies were burst by the stockholders, this US Lijian and the England government jointly issued a ban on the ban, the market in the market, the stock of the Funding Biotechnology Company Stocks, started to sell hands Biotechnology stocks.

These big institutions move, and the stockholders immediately followed up. By Monday, March 13th, the stock market opened the stock of biotechnology in the market, and even the technology stocks in the whole market fell, and the Nash finally like William. Start falling.

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