The richest man starts with black technology

Chapter 203 The Unremarkable System

After Xue Ninglu entered Warwick, Jiangdong personally received him and discussed cooperation matters.

The main reason why Yu Jiangdong attaches such importance to Xue Ninglu instead of pushing Xue Ninglu to the company's system department is that the cooperation between the source code company and Warwick this time is related to Warwick's life and death to a certain extent.

Warwick’s communications industry is gradually becoming saturated after 5G (if you don’t use yours abroad, you won’t be able to make a penny, while domestic and some overseas countries use yours, the market is almost saturated)

The most profitable industry in Warwick, except for communications, is electronic consumption-mobile phones, computers, wearable devices, etc.

In electronic consumption, the most important profitable product is the mobile phone.

Warwick’s chips are now being caught in the US, and it is starting to lag behind in competitiveness. After the next generation of Kirin chips cannot be produced, Warwick will not only be unable to keep the overseas market, but the Xia Guo market may also suffer a severe setback.

The only thing that can save Warwick is the new system.

In the dialogue with Xue Ninglu, Yu Jiangdong learned that the source code company's new system is very compatible with the chip, and the performance is a little bit worse. After the chip is equipped with the new system, it can exert its powerful functions.

If so, Xiaxin's current technology should be able to meet the requirements of Warwick chips.

14nm technology mobile phone chip.

Judging by current technology, it is absolutely rubbish!

Mobile phones made with this chip must also be low-end phones.

In addition, Warwick's mobile phone may be a little bigger and heavier.

From the current perspective, it is absolutely rubbish.

But if equipped with a new system, coupled with Warwick's cloud server, the performance of the mobile phone can reach at least mid-level.

If users don't have particularly big requirements for mobile phone performance, but seldom play games in business, and care more about mobile service performance, then mobile phones equipped with the new system must have a place in the market.

In the next few years, before the results of Warwick chip public relations, low-end domestic chips equipped with high-end service systems should become the key to Warwick's continued possession of the mobile phone market.

Xue Ninglu is demonstrating the new system to engineers from Jiangdong Yu and Warwick at Warwick’s artificial intelligence laboratory.

Demonstration equipment, Warwick MATE40.

Demonstration chip, Warwick Kirin 1020 chip.

After re-flashing, MATE40 is equipped with the system of the source code company's new platform.

The system displays the named singularity OS.

Everyone looked at MATE40 after flashing.

The interface of the entire phone is very simple.

There are no other applications on the interface except for the applications that users need to click on and operate, such as mobile phones, text messages, time, and weather.

At the top of the phone, there is a text box dialogue input function of Xiaoyuan Voice Assistant.

Such a concise picture surprised Yu Jiangdong.

Now is the Internet world, to be precise, the mobile Internet world of mobile phones.

Almost everything in life needs a mobile phone to handle. After leaving the mobile phone, it is basically difficult for everyone to move.

Shopping, payment, navigation, socializing, etc.

More and more mobile phones are needed for life, study and work, and mobile phones have more apps.

Most consumers have at least more than 20 apps on their mobile phones, and some urban mobile phone heavy users can have as many as hundreds of apps.

Therefore, when Yu Jiangdong saw that there were almost no APPs on the Singularity OS, he asked: "Is it because the phone has just been flashing the system, and many applications are not installed?"

If the application is not installed, so the interface is very simple, then Yu Jiangdong thinks that the interface of Singularity OS and Android is almost the same, and he does not know how it will be used.

The second Android?

Live performance is weaker than Android, imitate Android?

Thinking of this, Yu Jiangdong was a little disappointed.

He is too nervous about the future of Warwick, and too much to put the future of Warwick on the source code company.

So the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

When Yu Jiangdong thought of this, he couldn't help but smile.

The source code company has just been established, so what high hopes can I have of him?You can't really think that the source code company can make a system beyond Android.

What is this not daydreaming?

Yu Jiangdong swiped the interface of the system with his hand. The sensitivity was good, and he felt no different from ordinary smart phones, and was disappointed.

Yu Jiangdong sighed deeply. If it hadn't been for the voice-assisted cooperation with the source code company, and the effect was good, he would have thought that the source code company had built an imitation Android system and then asked Warwick to swindle money when he saw this operating system.

[Operating system: Monopoly value: 0:, Disgust value: 0.001%]

I was busy at the source code company for the first week and saw that the system panel was finally moving.

This is the first time the system panel jumps after the new system task appears.

When the disgust value appeared, Zhou Xiao knew that Xue Ninglu should be giving a demonstration at Warwick.

He laughed, and didn't care about such a bit of disgust. Zhou Xiao had absolute confidence in the system he designed and his team.

Zhou Xiao got up and threw the soaked Longjing into the trash can. He believed that Xue Ninglu would be able to convince Yu Jiangdong to cooperate with him.

Yu Jiangdong resisted his inner disgust and disappointment, and said patiently: "Mr. Xue, is this an Android system? Or is this a system on Android deep customization?"

"Warwick's EMUI is also deeply customized on the basis of Android. You do this... it doesn't make much sense to us."

The engineers at the Warwick Artificial Intelligence Lab saw this scene and were very disappointed.

President Yu personally received Xue Ninglu and his party, and all the projects of the artificial intelligence laboratory stopped today, just waiting for the source code company to demonstrate its system.

However, the interface of the current system looks very ordinary, and it seems to be ordinary in use. The whole feeling is no different from Android, and it is even harder to use than Android, which disappoints everyone.

Xue Ninglu is not angry at all, the original intention of the new system is minimalism.

Today's smart phones, whether it is Android or IOS, the desktops are actually the same, because the current desktops are very much in line with people's operating habits and are already relatively mature.

Since it is a mature thing, Zhou Xiao can also boldly borrow it.

Xue Ninglu was not surprised by everyone’s comments. She said patiently: “The new system is developed on the basis of Xiaoyuan’s voice assistant. Although the desktop looks almost the same as Android or IOS, the actual effects must be very different. ."

Xue Ninglu looked at Yu Jiangdong and said: "The biggest feature of Singularity OS is that it integrates mobile phone applications and uses them in groups and associations according to the user's content. The system is more intelligent and more convenient than Xiaoyuan's voice assistant."

"I will show it to Mr. Yu now."


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