Ari has a relatively good relationship with the source code company, and he also knows the importance of Xia Guo's own development of his own application system.

Therefore, when the Singularity OS is down, the data and access port of Nephew Pay will be loaned to the Singularity OS as soon as possible, so that more than one million users can pay without being affected by the system application downtime.

In addition, Ari immediately asked the technical staff to connect with the source code company to see how to express the related products of the company in the form of application integration.

At the internal meeting of Ari, a complete evaluation of Singularity OS was carried out, with pros and cons.

The advantage is that it can accurately target users and get the highest rate of return.

The disadvantage is that the barriers between major APPs are broken, and the competition will become more intense.

In Ari’s view, the application collection of Singularity OS is the fulfillment of the magnificent wish that Nephew Fubao wanted to do but did not complete.

According to Ari's size, he is absolutely unwilling to do only one small part of application integration, and he will do all application integration of a certain type.

Ari must be determined to do things that he is optimistic about. He is now very curious about OS, and believes that Singularity OS will eventually become Android's biggest competitor.

At this time, the layout of Singularity OS is to dare to do what the world can do, and there will be great benefits in the future.

Ari expects that within one to two months, it will be able to rebuild the Ari application ecosystem that is completely different from Android and adapted to Singularity OS.

The future of the current Singularity OS is in darkness. Not everyone is as convinced that this is the darkness before dawn, and many companies have given up on Singularity OS.

Instead of spending a lot of energy on the Singularity OS, which has only more than one million users, it is better to manage your own Android and IOS applications.

Both systems should be quite mature, with a large number of users, and a mature ecosystem, so you can pick up money without much effort.

Including Xia Guo's largest video APP Cucumber Video (fiction) is also considered in this way.

Cucumber Video started as a movie and TV series, and later involved short videos, live broadcasts and other new media fields. Its current market share and profitability have become more than many video sites such as Youku and Aiqiyi Penguin Video, and have become the video industry overlord.

Cucumber Video, which originally planned to get involved in Singularity OS, officially rejected the proposal to enter Singularity OS at an internal meeting.

At the internal meeting, Chen Jinchu, the executive CEO of Cucumber Video, said: “Even if the Singularity OS is supported by Warwick and Xiaomi, there are only more than one million users, and everyone has seen the situation of Singularity OS recently.

Our evaluation of Singularity OS is not long, and it is better for Cucumber Video to focus on the original platform.

I am convening this meeting to hope that everyone can work step by step and work steadily. You don’t have to consider the recommendation mechanism of Singularity OS application integration, because one million users of Singularity OS may have less than one hundred thousand in one month. ..."

In fact, most APP companies are the same as Cucumber Video. The company wants to make a profit and needs to support people, and cannot rely on feelings for food.

According to the employees of Cucumber Video, it is the right choice to give up the new ecological singularity OS, who will focus on a hopeless system.

For unknown reasons, the information about the internal meeting of Cucumber Video was revealed, which also caused an uproar in the scientific and technological circles.

"The video industry giant Cucumber Video gave up entering the Singularity OS ecological chain. Does this mean that Singularity OS is about to end!"

"Tell everyone to pursue the biggest tragedy of fans, don't install Singularity OS, because Cucumber Video has abandoned Singularity OS, and you will not see the latest and coolest drama in Singularity OS."

"This time Warwick and Xiao Mi may be pitted for betting on the singularity!"

Many companies are also watching the direction of Cucumber Video. Cucumber Video is unwilling to use Singularity OS. This shows that Cucumber Video is extremely curious.

Since such a great company does not look at Curious Point, other companies will definitely not consider Singularity OS anymore.

Singularity OS is like a torrential rain in summer, after violent lightning and thunder, it seems to be calm.

Those APP companies that originally intended to sign an ecological co-construction agreement with the source code company suddenly did not want to sign the agreement.

Does signing offend Guge?

Do you still want overseas markets?

Isn't it a waste of time to not do it after signing?

In this entangled and pessimistic mood, the source code company is a bit quiet.

Zhou Xiao felt that it was just the best opportunity for source code companies!

Things are always moving in twists and turns, nothing can be done overnight, even if you have a system, it is impossible for everything to go smoothly.

Although the source code company has been relatively quiet during this period, it has completed a series of major technological breakthroughs.

Ma Xin's team developed a set of Android applications-Singularity OS application conversion method.

The conversion method is not simple analog transcoding, but converts applications written in Java, Python and other languages ​​into applications written in Chinese from the bottom of the application.

Does this approach allow other languages ​​and Chinese language programming to communicate with each other, which weakens the role of Oracle programming software?

of course not!

Because Oracle compiler programming is simpler, more flexible and smarter, this conversion method is only a transitional effect, allowing a large number of program engineers and development companies to smoothly transition to the Singularity OS platform.

The source code company packaged the conversion methods and tools to Ari, Penguin, Xinlang and other companies, and also dispatched technical personnel to assist.

It is estimated that within one to two weeks at the earliest, most applications will completely get rid of the influence of Android and enter the Singularity OS platform smoothly.

This is also the reason why Zhou Xiao is not at all anxious to face the challenge of Guge. A security patch of Guge wants to solve the problem once and for all, and Zhou Xiao has nothing but haha.

The source code company did not immediately announce the conversion method, because there is a bigger move to follow.

Ma Xin personally led the team to Yanjing.

Ma Xin will represent the source code company to discuss cooperation with a video site that was once brilliant but is now dying-Lebo Video.

Lebo Video has just delisted from the A-share market. At the time of delisting, its market value was only 700 million soft sister coins, but its debt was as high as 30 billion soft sister coins.

Is it a hot potato in the capital industry, the source code company dare to take it?

The source code company is not a fool. This time it is to buy all the film and television resources of Lebo Video, not for the purpose of acquiring Lebo Video.

Although has high debts, it has the exclusive right to use many film and television resources, which is very helpful for building the video ecosystem of Singularity OS.

Lebo Video sells everything that can be sold, even the trademarks are sold, let alone film and television resources, Ma Xin spent 300 million soft sister coins to package and purchase all the film and television resources.

In addition, Zhou Xiao has negotiated with Gao Miao, letting Gao Miao use his influence to persuade the investors to sell the exclusive broadcasting rights of the source code company "Late Tang Dynasty" for 1 billion.

The friendship between the two played a great role at this time.

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