Xingrui Technology is a joint venture company jointly established by Origin Group and Warwick. The technology company is mainly operated by Warwick. Origin Group is only technology-owned.

The two generations of tassel phones produced by Xingrui Technology are all hot models. What does Origin Group mean to sell shares at this time?

Yu Jiangdong was leaving for Jiangcheng to speak to the people below. The news must be kept secret.

Jiangcheng, Wang Yulan said to Zhou Xiao: "Yu Jiangdong has arrived in Jiangcheng."


"Origin Group is ready to sell 10% of Xingrui Technology."

Zhou Xiao and Yu Jiangdong faced each other again, Zhou Xiao said.

The sale of Xingrui Technology’s shares was a decision made by Zhou Xiao after careful consideration.

There are three reasons.

One is that it can be realized immediately.

Although Origin Group has a lot of advanced traffic, the construction of DNA memory and storage factories is a big expense. The cash realized can be directly used to invest in the construction of the factory. This is conducive to Zhou Xiao completing the task as soon as possible, and the value created by the factory is also fast. The speed at which Xingrui Technology shares create value.

The second is to help stimulate Warwick’s initiative.

Warwick owns 49% of the shares of Xingrui Technology. With the hot sale of the tassel series, Warwick's executives and board of directors have been repurchasing the shares of Xingrui Technology.

When Xiao Mi came to Jiangcheng to visit the new science and technology area, there were many discordant voices in Warwick.

Some people are not easy to blame the Origin Group, but they also feel that the Origin Group is not interesting enough.

Some people think that Origin Group should not cooperate with Xiaomi, but should exclusively license the technology to Warwick.

Therefore, at this time, Origin Group still owns 51% of the shares in Starray Technology, which makes Warwick particularly uncomfortable.

If Warwick can get more equity, this will not only calm the voice of Warwick, but also stimulate Warwick's creativity.

Working for yourself and working for others are two different concepts, and the labor paid is not consistent.

The third is the strategic issue of Origin Group.

What Zhou Xiao wants to do is to establish a software and hardware ecological chain belonging to Xia Guoren's own Internet, not to build a company alone.

In Zhou Xiao's plan, he hopes that any Xia Guo mobile phone and PC company can use the Singularity System.He also hopes that DNA storage and DNA hard drives will become the first choice for all Xia Guo enterprises in the future.

Only by using these hardware devices can the system ecology belonging to Xia Guoren be perfected.

The most taboo of ecological construction is exclusivity.

This is why Android's ecology is richer than Pingguo, and more people use it.

Xia Guo's own system ecology is not only related to the profit of the Origin Group, but also to the future security of Xia Guo's Internet, so it must be built.

Xiao Mi is one of the greatest companies in Xia Guo's science and technology industry. It has a large number of young users. These people are Xia Guo's future.Zhou Xiao did not want to give up this batch of users.

If only Xiaomi uses the Singularity OS system without using DNA memory and storage, this is not perfect for ecological construction.

The development of software is based on hardware.

Xia Guo’s ecosystem is imperfect only relying on the development of Origin Group. Origin Group can only play the role of a guide, and more depends on the innovation and struggle of the majority of Xia Guo scientific and technological workers.

In Zhou Xiao's plan, a three-dimensional new alliance company was established.

This three-dimensional new alliance company includes not only Warwick but also Xiaomi, and more Xia Guo technology companies will be included in the future.

In this alliance system, Origin Group will invest in some companies, but it must not be able to hold too many shares. The more shares that Origin Group holds, the weaker the innovation ability of related companies will be. This is constant in technology and business. rule.

In the short term, Origin Group seems to have sold its stocks early and abandoned the big fish of Xingrui Technology, but in the long run, Origin Group wants a sea instead of a fish.

Isn't the success of Xingrui Technology due to the investment and support of Origin Group?

Zhou Xiao directly told Jiangdong’s showdown, saying: “We are going to reduce our shareholding in Xingrui Technology in batches. In the next five years, we will reduce our holdings to less than 30% and in the next ten years to less than 20%. Freedom of development."

"In addition, we are preparing to establish a new technology company under the source code group. This technology company will hold shares in Xingrui Technology. This company will also hold shares in Xiaomi's new company, and Xiaomi will be included in the ecological chain of Origin Group. And supply chain."

Although Origin Group has not yet talked to Xiao Mi, Zhou Xiao is sure that Xiao Mi is happy to incorporate into his system.

Yu Jiangdong knows that Origin Group is an ecological chain with a unified pace of components. Warwick cannot complete this project, and only Origin Group can complete it.

Zhou Xiao also promised Yu Jiangdong: "Mi can't use DNA memory and DNA storage on her phone in a short time."

Yu Jiangdong nodded. Warwick can't just watch the origin group eat. It must be more innovative in the singularity ecology and even mobile phone hardware to ensure its competitiveness.

Yu Jiangdong even thought that if he had been Zhou Xiao, he might have handed over DNA storage technology to Xiao Mi a long time ago.

For Warwick, it is also the most cost-effective and the lowest cost to buy back Xingrui Technology's shares at this time.

The growth momentum of Xingrui Technology and Tassel has just begun, and the future potential is immeasurable.

After Yu Jiangdong returned to the Shenzhen market, he directly persuaded the board of directors to purchase the shares of Xingrui Technology (Warwick's board of directors had long wanted to buy back the shares of Xingrui Technology).

After the discussion between Warwick and Origin Group, referring to the profit of Xingrui Technology last year (40 billion RMB), calculated at a price-earnings ratio of 10 times, the price was 400 billion RMB. Finally, Warwick repurchased Xingrui Technology at the price of 40 billion soft sister coins. 10% of the shares.

After the repurchase, Xingrui Technology's equity distribution is as follows:

Warwick holds 59% of the shares and becomes the actual controller of Xingrui Technology, and the source code group under the Origin Group holds 41% of the shares.

According to the agreement between Warwick and Origin Group, Origin Group will reduce its equity to less than 20% in the next five years.

Warwick is quite satisfied with this transaction. It is of course happy to become the owner of Xingrui Technology with unlimited future growth potential at the price of 40 billion soft sister coins.

The transaction between the two parties was very fast, and the news was quickly disclosed.

As soon as the news came out, the capital market and the scientific and technological circles were shocked, and the Xiaomi team who had not left in Jiangcheng was also shocked.

Tian Yu was preparing for another meeting with Ma Xin, and immediately stopped the existing plan when he got the news.

Now Xiao Mi has a dazed look. What does Origin Group mean to sell the equity of Xingrui Technology?

Xingrui Technology has good growth potential. The price of 400 billion RMB shows everything. Why did Origin Group choose to sell 10% of its equity at this time?

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