The Righteous Player(s)

Chapter 105: Admirer of Annan Winter


Nefertari was shocked when he heard this.

Although the first two secrets were completely beyond her expectation.

But this was nothing compared to the shock that the third secret brought to her.

——Annan Winter?

As a student of Seti the Bone Healer, she certainly knew this name.

And she knows more than ordinary people...

Annan is the youngest son of Grand Duke Ivan, the future Duke of Winter, and the true inventor of the internal combustion engine.

At the same time, he also has a close relationship with many righteous gods. It is the "love in the cup", "the patron of the red of war", "the person sheltered by the dice", "the silent", "the monster without leaving a trace", and the candidate of saint recognized by the [eye of patience] , The old grandmother's most loving "young dragon".

He is known as the most talented ritualist in history. Before the soul is purified, he has reached the highest realm of the ritualist.

This is absolutely impossible in theory.

Ritualists are a group of people who gain extraordinary powers only by relying on "wisdom", "persistence" and "lucky".

The ritual path is far more dangerous than the transcendent path...because the power they control is much higher than their level. Any failure of the ceremony will bring an irreparable price. This allows the ritualist to have no cost of failure.

Generally speaking, the strength of ritualists depends on the highest level of ritual they can control.

Even the highest-level ritualists—that is, the ritualists who can resume the "Miracle of Creation", does not mean that they will not fail when performing low-level rituals.

Whether it is cursed and doomed, or shaking hands due to injury, or being affected by people's thinking... even the end that the ritualist must come to.

——The soul of a mortal cannot afford an overwhelming mystery.

The ritual road itself is not entirely "the skill of mortals." At least when this path was developed, the soul of its practitioners was not that weak. It was later that the Yaselan people discovered that this path could allow people with no extraordinary talents to use extraordinary powers...that's why the ritualists appeared on a large scale.

During the Yaselan Empire, "ceremony" was even a mandatory test for the official transcendent. Just like being good at using guns, it doesn’t mean you don’t have to practice fighting.

Only afterwards the empire was destroyed, as the "library of the sky" fell into the deep sea and the elves perished, the ritualist lost the most orthodox heritage. This directly led to most ritualists, the inheritance became fragmented and full of loopholes.

As the son of the Grand Duke, Annan Rin Dong will certainly receive a more complete education than folk ritual knowledge.

But generally speaking, such a big man would rather take the path of transcendence than the path of ritual. They only understand some rituals that they use daily, and then they understand some rituals that may be used to deal with themselves...

Because rituals have no power to "fail".

But Annan is different.

Before he became a transcendent, he had used the "creation" level ceremonies many times.

Ritualists are not as hierarchical as transcendents—because it is not uncommon for "amateur ritualists" who only master high-level mystical knowledge but lack knowledge of low-level common sense.

But the ceremony itself is hierarchical.

Generally speaking, the level of the mysterious ritual is divided according to the weight of the mysterious knowledge as the "key".

The heaviest knowledge is the secret at the beginning of the creation of the world, as long as it is said it will change the world. It is said that the secret of "mysterious knowledge" as "knowledge that will be forgotten when you speak" and "knowledge with power" is hidden in the secret of creation.

Below that is the "core knowledge" about the alien world, which can also be called the knowledge of the "other world level". Whether it is the world beyond the dream world or the imaginary world, or other worlds that are not directly connected to the "mist world", as long as the knowledge of the nature of the world is involved, its power is sufficient to destroy the rationality of mortals.

For example, the secrets about curse energy, true sage stone, dream marrow, etc., are not something that mortals can bear. Nefertari only knew the names of these things. I dare not learn more, or even think about it.

As long as you know only a few words about the alien world, you can continue to fall into nightmares. It may even summon things from other worlds in the dream.

Further down is the knowledge before the Second Age. That is, knowledge about "history".

The mysterious knowledge of those ancient gods is at this level, which is the highest level that mortals can bear. For example, the real names of the Twelve Righteous Gods and what they did before the Second Age.

This level of knowledge is powerful just by reading it out. It can be used in rituals as a substitute for valuable materials and can also produce high-level influences. If a mortal carries too much, the soul will be destroyed by the weight of knowledge.

For example, if the mortal knew the real name of the old grandmother. He would often dream of winter blizzards, and when he woke up, the house was covered in snow and ice. I will hear the wolf howling that only I can hear more and more frequently, and will never come back once I leave.

And if mortals know the secret about Fu Fu, they may burn the quilt on their own when they sleep, and their creativity will gradually increase. Occasionally, there will be scorch marks on the skin like being hit by a hot hammer... it may even suddenly deflagrate without warning, turning the whole person into ashes.

Only transcendents above the silver rank can hold this mystery for a long time.

After that, after the Second Age, the knowledge of "truth" was involved. For example, the real names of new gods such as Zhiji, the real names of the Book of Truth, and the secrets of ancient gods after the Second Epoch.

At this level of knowledge, at most, people will only have hallucinations, auditory hallucinations, and hallucinations.

Even ordinary people, as long as they are tough enough, can carry a considerable amount without worrying about whether their rationality will be destroyed.

After the Second Age, the information below the truth no longer has "mystery".

The last knowledge is the above kind of knowledge, as a "custom", the "pseudo-canonical" derived from the second understanding by mortals. For example, the secrets about funerals, the secrets about blacksmiths, and the secrets about locksmiths all sound like stories made up or strange customs in a certain place.

Generally speaking, some of the "truth-level" knowledge has been modified deliberately or unintentionally. Many places do regard it as a folklore...something strange happens occasionally.

Except for a few coincidences that "just meet the ritual conditions," most of the cases are just visual or auditory hallucinations.

——And Annan clearly ordinary people.

At best, he can only recognize the real name of the old grandmother...

But according to rumors, he has truly performed the "Creation"-level ceremony——

Since even Seti the Bone Healer has sighed to his students about Annan Winter's ritual talent... It must be a real story.

Nefertari had already graduated by then.

She just went back to see...

But even Seti's understanding and recognition of Nefertari didn't even have the qualifications to know the name of the ceremony.

Because as long as you know the name of this ritual, it is possible to infer part of the mystery of the creation from it. As the soul of a mortal, she will be hit hard.

——But as a mortal, how did Annan perform that ceremony?

At that time, Nefertari wanted to ask so.

But she still dared not talk back.

However, since it is Annan Winter.

That's not surprising.

As a candidate for a saint two years ago, it has been concerned by [Patience Eye].

It is normal for him to be able to purify the spore colony mill;

He was able to clear the erosion of his subordinates and revive his subordinates, and he did not exceed Nefertari's knowledge;

It is only natural that he can be the leader of the ancient organization "Secret Eye".

It is reasonable that he can create a fake person, fake name for himself;

Now that he has embarked on the path of transcendence... the ability to deflect the Silver Step spell was not unexpected by Nefertari.

——It's right, it's all right.

He is that Annan Winter... you know?

There was no fear in Nefertari's heart.

With Annan Winter's ritual knowledge, he will not encounter any problems in any nightmare. I am afraid that anything he gets can be used to decorate rituals...A casual sentence of creation-level mysterious knowledge can directly kill powerful enemies in the nightmare.

That's it.

Then there is nothing to be afraid of.

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