This report is about the total sales of BMW Development Co., Ltd. last year.

At the end of last year, it had exceeded 1 billion!

Although Ye Zhao's net worth was not explicitly mentioned in it, it praised Ye Zhao as an entrepreneur in the real industry.

In the country's economic wave, he became a person who led the times.

Isn't this equivalent to a disguised recognition?

Ye Zhao is the richest man in the country?

The richest!

Everyone took a breath of cold air.

When some local newspapers were still praising the millionaires to the sky, the annual turnover exceeded 10 billion.

According to a rough estimate, Ye Zhao's net worth last year exceeded 100 million.

This is pure money.

The valuation of the factory has not been taken into account.

Now, if Ye Zhao wants to sell this factory, there will definitely be a lot of state-owned enterprises that want to take over.

The airline company in Jiangxi must have been tempted a long time ago. Maybe it is preparing to enter the motorcycle market because of the engine of BMW Daqin 80.

Even if this news gets out, there will definitely be a lot of people who want to take over.���

These production lines are very advanced in this era.

Even for motorcycle manufacturing powerhouses, such as the Foot Basin Chicken, and even the Hans Cat in Europe, they will definitely be tempted.

In addition, there is the brand value of Ye Zhao, the BMW. It has a very high reputation nationwide.

Even if there is nothing similar in a small place, it has been seen in the newspaper a long time ago.

This was last year.

And this year, Ye Zhao's factory has expanded to 100,000 people.

A huge industrial empire has appeared in people's sight.

Conservatively estimated, Ye Zhao is a billionaire.

When this report was spread, it caused heated discussions across the country and was sensational.

Those who were originally hesitant.

After the motorcycle race, a second wave of going to the coastal open cities was directly formed.

Everyone is dreaming of becoming rich overnight.

Everyone seems to be able to become a figure like Ye Zhao.

Countless people flocking in have increased this speed again.

In the case of large-scale bankruptcy of state-owned enterprises

, those workers who were forced to be laid off seemed to have found their direction all of a sudden.


"The people from the economic inspection team are here again."

Han Jiaojiao put down the phone and sat on Ye Zhao's lap very naturally.

"Let them come."

Ye Zhao knew what was going on.

There is a big wave of layoffs now.

He is so famous now, he must want to do more.

After all, Ye Zhao is the only one who has come up with this.

He needs to expand his influence to the whole country.

And the economic inspection team had called Ye Zhao to find out if he would agree.

Ye Zhao naturally understood it very well.

Agreeing at this time would definitely be the time for the greatest policy support.

Ye Zhao had no reason to refuse.

The economic inspection team was still led by the same person as last time.

He was the only one who entered Ye Zhao's office.

His expression was full of admiration.

"This change is happening every day, and it's only been a few months."

"I almost thought I came to the wrong place"

"The last time I came here, there were still many backward houses around."

"Now this place has become an industrial base.

The inspection team leader laughed.

"This is an inevitable trend, I just pushed it a little bit"

"The general trend is here, I will follow it."

Ye Zhao said with a smile

"You said it very well."

The patrol leader looked at Ye Zhao with great appreciation.

"You should understand why I came here this time."

"If you agree, the preferential policies here can be applied to any place you go."

The inspection team leader said seriously.

This was very important.

It was equivalent to Ye Zhao being able to get the same preferential policies in Shenzhen no matter where he built the factory.

What he wanted was to allow Ye Zhao to expand the factory further and absorb as much of this huge wave of layoffs as possible.

At this time, everyone was crossing the river by feeling the stones, and it was inevitable to be uneasy.

After thinking about it, Ye Zhao nodded and said

"There is unlimited potential in China but it has yet to be developed"

"With our current production, we will reach saturation after a certain period of time."

"Now my second-stage goal is the Southeast Asian market."

Ye Zhao also stated his strategic intentions very directly.

He also said that his frontier outpost had taken the first step.

The head of the economic team was even more delighted. Even a small fight could make a lot of foreign exchange.

Ye Zhao's second-stage goal.

Southeast Asia also has the market for sticks and chicken in the east.

If Ye Zhao could really get into it, the foreign exchange income would be unimaginable.

Ye Zhao mentioned holding a motorcycle race in Southeast Asia.

Use this as a publicity and breakthrough point.

Combined with their local media publicity and the sales channels of the three brothers He Mingwei in Southeast Asia, it will definitely not be bad.

"In this case, I will consider"

"Then we will join hands with local teams in Southeast Asia to hold an official competition."

"If we take the lead, we will have enough credibility."

The inspection team leader thought for a moment and then said


Those who won the championship in the last competition.

All of them were given a BMW motorcycle or bicycle by the BMW Group.

In addition, a BB machine.

When they learned that a Southeast Asian competition would be organized and led by the government, they were all excited.

In each group, the top three have the opportunity to participate.

And there will be extremely generous prizes, including food and accommodation. Those who get the trophy have the opportunity to become national athletes...

These motorcycle riders have never thought that such an event would be recognized by the country.

Suddenly, their blood boiled.

Only He Mingwei was a little embarrassed.

He is now an overseas Chinese.

But everyone knows and there is no dispute.

These motorcycle riders, as well as cyclists.

Just after the competition, they were training on the chassis of the BMW factory.

Soon, June arrived.

He Mingwei had made front-line preparations in Southeast Asia.

The economic inspection team did not disappoint.

The publicity of an official motorcycle competition in several countries suddenly exploded.

Before the expedition, the departure ceremony was even filmed and broadcast on CCTV.

Win glory for the country!

Defeat them with Chinese motorcycles!

Before the fight, Southeast Asia had already been bombarded with overwhelming propaganda.

Motorcycle riders from various countries were rushing over quickly.

Southeast Asia, a grand event!

Lay the groundwork for the propaganda in the area.

Spread it out in all directions.

After He Mingwei's operation, plus the name of the inspection economic team and Ye Zhao's money.

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