Under the watchful eye of military personnel from various countries, animated characters appeared.

An extremely strong electron wave fell from space and swept across the earth's surface.

Thousands of electronic items were paralyzed in an instant, and immediately after, countless warplanes rose from the sky and went straight to the territory of other countries.

Boom Boom!

Boom Boom!

The missile swarm tore through the sky and bombarded the surface.

Military buildings were destroyed in an instant;

Military arteries were destroyed one after another.

Subsequently, special forces, armored forces, ground forces poured into the battlefield ...

Wherever the road passed, all armed forces were cleared.

No one can stop you!

No one stops!

Seeing the picture shown in the cartoon, the military personnel of various countries were all shocked.

It's horrible;

It's horrible.

"Oh God, is this the mode of warfare of the future?"

"Oh my God, what is the role of numbers in this high-tech mode of warfare?"

"Anamesu, this kind of war is even more terrible than World War II!"

Military personnel from all countries raised their cries of panic.

Among them, the generals of the Xia Kingdom were the most uneasy.

Because in the past, the wars of the Xia Kingdom were won by numbers and soldiers who did not hesitate to lose their lives.

And now...

In this mode, human lives and numbers are completely useless.

What really determines the outcome of the war is science and technology, which is overwhelming high technology in all aspects.

In front of them, even if there are millions or tens of millions of their own soldiers, they will be destroyed in an instant.

electronic weapons paralyze all military communications;

Bombers attack military fortifications with precision.

The special combat team went deep behind enemy lines, accurately beheaded, thousands of missiles were uniformly washed, and finally, the armored ground troops marched in neatly...


Who can stop it?

Who can resist?


There really is no other way, this is no longer a gap in the number of soldiers.

This is the technological gap.

In the face of this gap, no matter how many people there are, they will only sacrifice in vain.

It's too strong!

It's horrible!

The birth of doll technology has not only changed human society, but also changed the mode of war in various countries in the future...

From now on, future wars will become even more terrible.

No wonder the name of this live broadcast room is called: "Informatization: Future Over-the-horizon Warfare".

Yes, over-the-horizon.

Because in this "cartoon", when the ground forces finally advance, the enemy forces are almost not visible.

The enemy has long since fallen in the guided bombardment of the opening game...


Xia Guo. Defense.


In the hall, the generals of the three armed forces collectively gasped.

Said Ben. Prime Minister's Office, Tokyo.


The politicians and generals were all shocked, and endless fear welled up in their hearts.

Europe, North America, the USSR ...

At this moment, the military personnel of thirty-seven countries on this planet were all terrified.

Everyone was terrified by the cartoon.

What is real modern warfare?

This is!

What is over-the-horizon combat?

That's it!


This moment.

USSR. Kremlin.

"Reform, we need to carry out military reform! And we need to do it as soon as possible, immediately!"

The Soviet Führer roared in horror.


"Oh God, this is terrible! Our current military thinking is completely backward. "

"Reform immediately, reform must be carried out. "

Asia. Xia Guo. Supreme Government Building. Office No. 1.

Looking at the cartoon in the computer, the old man's face changed rapidly, sometimes green, sometimes red, sometimes white.


After a moment, the old man took a deep breath and said loudly: "Inform the personnel of all parties that a meeting of the Supreme Military Council is going to be held at 8 o'clock tonight to discuss in detail the disarmament of our country. In future wars, the number of soldiers will no longer play a decisive role, and our country must grasp the quality of military affairs and take an absolutely high-tech line!"

"Yes, Chief!"

Secretary Yan saluted and hurried out to inform the personnel of all parties.


Unlike the military category, the political category room.

Many politicians from all over the world gathered here, who endured the high price of 150,000 US dollars per minute, watching the advanced scene of computer office and cloud government affairs.

The thinking and technology displayed in it are eye-opening for everyone.

Like what:

National Citizen Information Integration;

Like what:

Cloud-based government information.

For example:

Interconnected case handling, the "Sky Eye" system monitors the whole country, and criminals have nowhere to hide...

Looking at these contents, Western politicians are extremely excited.

It's wonderful!

This administrative model is simply perfect!

We will submit this kind of administrative plan to the Senate in the future, and once it is passed, our approval rating will definitely explode.


Eastern politicians are just as excited when they look at these contents.

In particular, the senior public security officials in charge of public order throughout the country were even more ecstatic.

If we can establish our own "Sky Eye" system in Xia Kingdom, then in the future, we will definitely become the country with the best security in the world.


Cool crooked!

According to these contents, make a report, and our public security system must also be reformed!"


And on the other side.

The leaders of other departments are saying the same thing.


Reform must be carried out!

What the?

You say that a lot of money is needed for nationwide reforms?


Don't talk about money, Xia Guo lacks everything now, just not lack money!

Everything that can be solved with money is a small thing!

Wow Ka Ka!


These are the administrative and military changes in various countries.

And in the folk.

Many people have also found their own "wealth" from this webcast event.

Shanglu. Hongkou.

A middle-class community.

"Dad, Mom, where is our family's passbook?"

The son, who has just graduated from college for a year, finds his parents and asks for a passbook.

Hearing this, the parents were shocked.

"What do you want to do with your passbook, that's the money left for your daughter-in-law!"

"If your career is not successful, what kind of daughter-in-law will you marry? My son, I will first start a business, and then I will start a family!" said the young man heroically.

Hearing her son's arrogant words, the mother was very worried.

But the father waved his hand and said approvingly: "Yes! My son is ambitious, and my father supports you! But you have to tell your father first, what kind of business do you want to create, and what kind of business?"

"Internet café!"

The young man immediately replied: "Dad, I want to open an Internet café near the university." "

(The second watch arrives, and there are still three more left.) Watermelon continues to code words!)

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