The Rise of Annixon Bright

11 Annixon's Plan

An hour later somebody showed up at Annixon's door in his room. A young brunette girl in servant's clothes rapped on the door.

Annixon smiled, he was waiting for this. He was waiting for this. It was time to set his next plans in order. He had an ultimate goal. Teach this world something completely new. Rip them out of their ways and change everything. Unfortunately, Rome wasn't built in one day. Baby steps.

He looked at the girl. She looked slightly older than Anastacia. She had brown eyes and brunette hair. She exuded a certain naivety, but perhaps that was fear? She too was short, but slightly taller than Anastacia. She did look fit like she had been undergoing some training.

"I don't bite girl."

"My apologies, my lord."

Annixon raised his hand, "Girl, I am no more a lord than you are. Besides, that is some moron's idea of sovereignty from way back when."

"Then what should I call you?"

"Annixon, Annixon Bright."

"You rescued milady from the vile elves…single-handedly."

Annixon smiled, "Lass, what's your name?"

"Simah, my, uuhm…Annixon?"

"Your Annixon? Bold."

This made her blush quite deeply. Annixon laughed, "Just jesting. You have news for me?"

"Yes, the lady Emarant has time to see you now."

Annixon smiled and beckoned her to lead on. They went down a few sets of stairs and arrived at a door, which Simah knocked on.

A voice could be heard on the other side that told them to enter.

Annixon entered to find all sorts of ingredients stacked unto cupboards and shelves. Even some of the most bizarre creatures were in cages and glass containers.

An old but wise-looking female looked at him, "So, what do you want. I don't get all day."

Annixon, "I want to show you something that is going to blow your mind."

This piqued the old lady's curiosity, "Okay, what do you need then."

"I need Saltpeter, sulphur and some charcoal. Please tell me you know what that is."

The old lady stood up and went to a cupboard. She opened it and took out a jar with yellow powder and white powder, "Charcoal is there in the corner. Help yourself to some."

Annixon smiled brightly, "You're a saint."

He looked around for some tools and started mixing black powder. He saw something like a Bunsen burner and cooked the saltpeter. After a while, he mixed the three together. He produced a small amount in a plate. He also took out his flint and steel and struck at the powder, igniting it.

In a quick flash of fire everything fizzled out, "Do you have some soda of ash and some sugar?"

"So you made a powder that burns. What's so special about it and why sugar?"

This made the old lad's jaw drop. A method that can combat magic immunity. This could revolutionize a war, "It just burns out. How could this be destructive?"

"Basically used in the right way it can produce a massive amount of kinetic energy. Think of it as a hammer going outwards when used right."

"This is remarkable! Can you show me?"

"Unfortunately not."

"Then why the hell am I helping you."

"Simple, the current technology isn't capable of producing the means to make it monstrously effective."

"What do you mean the technology doesn't exist?"

"It means I have to find ways around it. I need paper and string as well. I can at least show you how to produce a flashbang and a smoke grenade. Used in the right way they could be effective in any combat scenario, but we need a lot of more of the ingredients I named oh and some magnesium if you have."

Annixon sat for more than ten hours producing smoke grenades, flashbangs and when the lady was busy making her own, dynamite sticks. Yes, his first steps were to basically make them all recognise modern technology, and create some freedom for a certain someone.

In the next three days, after he was able to produce enough he went around the mansion and placed smoke grenades out of sight. He created some holes in the ground close to the walls and placed dynamite in them.

The flowing day he carefully studied the layout of the mansion. From the main hall to the gate. He went to look at the city and plotted out the closest path to the harbour.

On the third and final day he went to the room he was going to have an audience with Louis. He requested a cloak that the alchemist lady gladly gave.

With a calm demeanour, he stood in front of Louis and smiled "Good day, my lord. I pray that you are having a good day today. Do you have the reward I requested."

Louis mentioned with his chin to the table where a bag was. Annixon went to the table and picked it up. He opened the bag and threw out his contents. He started counting the coins. It was exactly 250 gold coins, "You are a man of your word, my lord. Now on to the next bit of business…"

"You are done here. Take your money and leave, before I lose my patience."

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Annixon started to laugh, "Such impatience…Louis. I got…"


Something snapped in Annixon, "Careful, I am not a man you should take lightly."

Louis went right up to him, "What are you going to do about it. I rule this city. Are you going to take on the entire city?!"

Annixon made his way to Anastacia who was standing close by, ignoring Louis, "Anastacia. Do you wish to be free?"

For some reason, she didn't hesitate, and started crying, "YES, I WISH TO BE FREE!"

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