That night Annixon had a strange dream. The room was pitch-black with a lone light shining down. An old man sat there on a rocking chair, swinging back and forth while smoking a pipe.

The old man looked up and saw him, "Welcome, you have been on heavy alert so I couldn't penetrate your defenses."

Annixon was confused, "Who are you?"

The chair turned into another direction, "Beautiful, isn't it"

The room was still pitch black for Annixon, "It's a black room there is nothing here."

"Look again."

The entire area opened up to brilliant white sand a breathtaking sun and crystal clear waters. They both found themselves on some beach chairs with a camisole overhead and a cocktail in hand. The gentle sounds of the ocean lapping the shore.

"You still haven't answered my question. Who are you."

"This world needs change. There is a force on this world that will bring all humanoid species to there knees, perhaps even extinction. An entity much like myself, but lacks compassion and only seeks destruction."

"Still avoiding the question."

"I think you can connect the dots, child of man and a being from another verse. Magic is useless against it."

"So it's like an antithesis of magic then?"

"Yes, and no. Its a force of its own. Living yet not living. Call it what you want. It's dangerous and is the reason why the world you are currently living in struggles to keep their heads above water. Metaphorically speaking of course."

The entire landscape changed into one of death and despair. Bodies laid everywhere, some eviscerated. Some crushed by debris. Seeing a mother hold an child closely to protect her child and just be killed, child and mother both. The fire was everywhere. There was barely any buildings standing. It was a scene like some sort of dystopia.

The old man continued, "This is what happens when it comes. It's a tasteless massacre."

He pointed at the child protecting the mother, "That child there could have been the next big thing. Now we will never know. There should be a balance. Death must come to make way for the living."

He turned towards Annixon, and smiled, "You know what I talk about, child. The circle of life, so to speak, but this world has stagnated. Stuck believing only the rules of magic."

The world changed again. This time showing a marbled floor and a creature of pure white sitting in a cage. Plenty of people stood around. Some were busy with alchemical concoctions. Some reading books.

"The old man sighed and continued, "They need change. I detected an anomalies energy in the fabric of space and time, and then exploited it."

"You mean our weapons."

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"No, no, not at all. You have knowledge beyond just what these people knew of magic. Technologies that could make people live longer, better and healthier lives. These people only see the magic in the form of war. Suffice to say they have created a thing or two that was pretty practical in everyday life."

"You want me to save a planet."

The old man shook his head, "No child. It is your choice to do that. I am not going to force you to do anything. All I will do is ask. Not to save this planet but all of creation. Will you help these people…and me?"

"That is a tall order for just one man."

"All I ask is to teach these people in the ways of your world."

Annixon didn't need any convincing. It was his goal, to begin with, "It could backfire"

"I know of the destructive weaponry from your world. I saw it all in your mind. Nuclear bombs. I request you keep that technology to yourself."

The old man gave off an aura of supreme comfort, "I have given you some gifts to help you in this world. First gift. You are a true mage. They are rare in this world. Especially the kind that can control all elements. You are such an individual now. The next thing I gave you was an awakened mind. It means that you can remember everything that you learn and see. It also means that you have a perfect sense of direction. If ever you felt you were going the wrong way, that is only doubt. Ignore it and remain true on your path. The final part of that is the ability to spot even the faintest emotions and habits of any being you see. My final gift is this."

He gave him a book, "I call it the path of knowledge. Simply put all you have to do is write a question and it will give you the answer. It will also guide you to do things that will aid you in your endeavors"

"How can I be sure this is all real?"

"Have you not noticed the changes in you. The way you got from the elven barracks to the lord. All that is going to aid you in the end, but be careful to listen to the voice of yonder, but if you are still in denial, then simply just wake up."

The old man stood up and gave him a soulful glance, "Call me what you wish, child of man, and remember, use the book."

The entire place went black again and he sat upright. That dream he had felt too surreal. He wanted to believe it for some reason. Just as he placed his hands down he felt something. It felt like a book!? The dream was real!?

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