The Rise of Annixon Bright

2 A Parallel universe?

Annixon looked up from where he was lying in the ground only to be met by a bunch of spears pointed straight to his face, "Who are you human!?"

Annixon raised his hands in defense, "I am with the military. Now, I know you are only cosplaying but it's never polite to point your pointy things at someone's face."

"We should kill him. He is a human!"

"Relax Maraketh. Human, you should know you are in the wrong part of the country. Now, could you fill us in on how you got here?"

"An Einstein-Rosen bridge or a wormhole if you are less academically inclined."

"Are you insulting our intelligence?!". The man poked him in the face until he drew some blood.

"Real weaponry. Wow, that is taking cosplay to a whole new level. Should I be concerned?"

"Maraketh! That's enough. Was it one of the desolator worms?"

"Desolator worms? Oh, I see, this is larping. Life action role-playing. I never thought I would be a part of one of these. So you guys must be elves? Realistic make-up and all. Very impressive." He noticed the lanceolate shapes ears.

Maraketh shouts out, "Of course we are impressive. We are the elves of the Northern greater glaive forest."

Annixon's face dropped, "Spare me the drama. Where am I? From the way you sound it seems you are from Britain perhaps?"

"Brittian? We just said we are from the Northern greater glaive forest."

"Oh, yeah. Right, right. Well if you are all fine and dandy. I am lost and I need to get to civilization so I could call an Uber."

"Must be some kind of summoning spell, it must be."

Annixon replied in a maudlin voice, "Yes, it's called a cell phone."

The leader of the group froze in horror, "Find that cell phone now!"

They start searching for him and finally discovered the cell phone, 'Is this it!"

"What do you think Einstein?"

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He got hit pretty hard by the blunt side of the spear knocking his wind out. Annixon buckled down in pain but was help upright by two other soldiers. The leader of the group's eyes started to glow, as one of the soldiers spoke up, "Evelob, do you see anything?"

"Nothing…Did you not say you could summon an Ubeg with it?"

"Did you not say you could summon an Uber?"

"Yeah, but it's a driver. Man, you guys take this larping shit way too seriously. Now could you let me go?"

Maraketh hit Annixon pretty hard in his gut. He scrunched down and made an attempt to hold his stomach while coughing, "Tell us how your device works and now!"

He got picked up again by two soldiers on either side, "It's a communications device. You can send out information over long distances in one way or another."

Annixon sighed and shook his head, "Why did you make me say all this silly crap?"

"Regardless, this device isn't powered by magic. So I can't see it being dangerous."

"He could be used for ransom."

Annixon narrowed his eyes, "Wait, you guys actually believe magic exists?"

One of the soldiers created a water ball out of thin air and flung it towards Annixon. Annixon squirted the excess water out of his mouth, "Really? So mature."

"We are elves. Most of us can use basic forms of magic. Even though true magic users are rare it's at least more common in elves."

Annixon came to a realization. He was in an alternative universe. The multiverse theory actually exists!?

"Okay, I am not in Kansas anymore. You guys said you want to use me for a ransom. Good Luck with that one."

"You would be surprised by the worth of nobility."

"I am a 1ste lieutenant in 22 Field regiment, not nobility."

"Military officers even more so."

Annixon sighed, "I ain't even from this world."

"Save it. We will find out who you belong to by that emblem on your chest."

Annixon chuckled, "♪Goood luuuck♪ Just remember to feed me. So how much worth do you think I would be?"

"At least a 1000 dashuns."

"Dashun. The hell is that?"

"The human currency. Duh."

"Oh right, of course, silly me. I am not even from this world and I am supposed to have known that."

"Yeah, sure, and my name is Celes Lascentia, and I ain't even female."

They kept on going at each other for about an hour before they arrived at a primitive, yet imposing structure.

"Our pride and joy. The Oppressor. Whenever we capture one of the Prime races we bring them here. No magic can punch through our walls. So don't even think about escaping."

Annixon smirked. He could bring this building to its knees in three steps.

They bound his hands with primitive cuffs and threw him into a grimy cell with nothing except for a dusty, moth-eaten rag that acted as a blanket of sorts.

He got shoved in with a smile, "You do know I am going to get out and escape within the hour."

The guardsman just laughed it off.

He stood there examining the hinges of the door.

He heard a soft-spoken female voice going off to his side, "You ain't going to bust through that door. Its magic proofed. Believe me, I tried."

Annixon went to the barred window and peered through, "And you are?"

"Anastacia van der Hart. Third Daughter of Louis van der Hart. They took us by surprise and are holding me for ransom."

Annixon nodded a few times, "Don't know who your father is. I couldn't really care less. What I do know is that there is a girl here who probably wants out…and I don't like seeing young ones in distress."

"I can't see how you can help me. I have been cooped up in this cell for who knows how long. I just wish my father could speed everything up. I am tired of this."

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