The Rise of Annixon Bright

39 The Introduction

Annixon waited outside of the door. When the sun started to go down, the door of the institute opened. She was all smiling with her stuff, but Annixon noticed the trace anguish in her face. Something had happened.

He walked up to her and lifted her chin. She showed genuine surprise, "Something wrong?"

"You tell me? I will let you in on a little secret. Very few things miss my line of sight." He lowered her lip. A quick fix but one could see that her lip was busted.

He placed his finger on the wound. Runes of light appeared and went into the wound, healing it.

"Somewhere along the line we will come back to this place, and I will warn you beforehand. It ain't gonna be pretty. This institute needs a makeover. I will also find out whether you want me to know or not. What goes around and whomever it was is going to receive it ten times harder…"

"Please… don't, I grew up here."

"I ain't gonna do anything now. I did say someday, but it is going to happen whether you like it or not. One thing you should know about me. I really don't like seeing shit like that."

He bent over to pick up her stuff, "Enough with the maudlin stuff. Let's head out. One point I should bring up though. There are some youngsters that are living with me and an old lady. Just keep away from Maania…You're a dracana, probably won't be so bad."

On the way, Juliza became a chatterbox. Talking about the things she wanted to learn and the things she thought she knew. Annixon just quietly listened to her, smiling and giving the occasional nod.

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They arrived at the mansion, with the slightest of light on the horizon. Maania was waiting at the gate, "You're late. I made the food. What's with the dracana?"

Annixon cowered behind Juliza, and whispered, "There she is keep away if you value your own life."

Maania crossed her own arms waiting for a reply, Annixon sighed and spoke up, "She is my student. She came from the institute."

"You have barely been gone for a day and this is what you bring home."

Juliza was getting agitated, "I am right here you know."

"Sorry, it's just this man attracts the opposite sex like the open flame attracts moths.

Annixon resented the statement, "Oi, stop making it sound like I am some sort of player."

"Maania, that's enough. I would prefer that we do not go there."

Maania scowled at him and turned away, "Food is ready, and you need to eat."

Annixon exhaled loudly as he looked at Maania's shrinking back, "You will probably learn to live with them, for now, let's go inside and introduce you to everyone."

Anastacia rushed in and gave him a hug, "See Sinah, I told you. He wasn't going to leave us."

"And I told you that if he didn't, he was probably going to bring someone else."

Anastacia stuck her tongue out to Sinah.

Annixon pointed to all the people in the room,

"That is Anastacia and Sinah. Over there, the quiet one is Amara. The wise old looking lady is Naitra. You've met Maania, by the way, she is much older than she looks, and then there is me Annixon."

Anastacia chirped up, "The band leader of this ragtag group."

Annixon rummaged his pocket and took out the crystal, "I have some work to do. Which one is my room?"

Naitra spoke up, "The second floor straight down the hall. The last room."


He was about to leave when Maania grabbed his shirt, "Ah, yes food."

He sat down at the table as everyone else joined him. They asked what he was up to as he recollected the day.

Anastacia spoke up, "So now that you have a magite, what are you going to do with it."

"Create a high-powered battery with it. I need some to use it in electrolysis. Basically, I need pure oxygen. I just need to figure out a way to contain in though. Better go speak with D'verg again tomorrow. "

Naitra spoke up, "You have a bed now. Sleep. And make sure you get some proper rest."

"Will do so, mum."

"And if you don't you are going to get proper hiding."

Annixon couldn't believe what he just heard, but couldn't help but chuckle at the statement.

He took the crystal to his room. When he got into the room he was pleasantly surprised by the massive bed. It turned out to be the master bedroom. It even had a desk against one wall. Now it was possible that the girls arranged it but he wasn't about to complain,

He had to think long and hard about how he was going to implement a way for energy release to happen slowly, and not a one-shot release.

HE started by gathering some runes that were blue in nature and it invaded the transparent crystal. Eventually, a lively lightning bolt started to form on the inside of the crystal. He needed to create restrictive runes of the ends of each to create a hopefully positive and negative pole, but he had no engraving equipment.

From the rune book, he came across some basic rune engraving methods. It was surprisingly simple, but it was in a picture format. He has never actually seen someone doing it.

He studied the crystal as Juliza entered the room, "What are you busy with?"

"The crystal battery. It will basically be a method for energy release. The upside is I can instantly recharge this bad boy. My frustration comes in the form of engraving."

"I have some engraving tools if you need them."

"Wait seriously?! Lucky! Why would you have engraving tools? Have you dabbled in it?"

"A bit. I can do some basic engraving, nothing flashy."

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