The Rise of Annixon Bright

42 The Ego of Alexey. Valiant Shows Up.

"The name is Annixon Bright. In some time you will hear a lot more about me."

"I have never heard of you."

"No shit, Sherlock, but after today you will probably regret that decision. "

Sinah and Anastacia was pulling on his arms trying to get him away from an escalating confrontation.

Alexey was getting agitated by his attitude, "You dare speak that way to a Baron's son! The lord of this area!"

"Yeah, couldn't care less. Come back when you are the lord and have an army behind you."


"Yeah, you are the reason why people like me exist."

The soldiers drew their swords and aimed their spears at Annixon. Annixon smiled. Ah, the memories, "I don't have all day you know."

The first man roared and charged at Annixon. Annixon sidestepped the attack, and backhands him. Knocking him down instantly. He smiled challenging at the rest. The soldiers had a quick look at each other and started to charge him down.

Annixon twisted, dived and flipped his way through the incoming spears and swords. Annixon turns and drop kicked one guy. He rolled backwards kicking one guy in the sternum. One guys speared at him. Annixon grabbed the blade and pulled him in and head butted him through the opening of his helm, breaking the man's nose.

Two swords swung from different sides. Annixon used the spear he just got and diverted the attack while at the same time ducking to avoid the other. He swung the spear to knock the one assailant off his feet.

The too and throw went on for some while. Annixon got nicked a few times in the process, but no major damage.

Annixon did a quick check on his surroundings. His eye caught a rather narrow ally way. He smiled he dashed towards the location, weaving and dodging all the time.

He arrived in the alley way. The opponent might have numbers but he can more than handle two at a time.

It was exactly how he thought everything was going to happen. Some soldiers ran around the building to intercept him from the other side.

The first to enter was met with the blunt end of his spear knocking his wind out. He followed up with a knee to the face. He twisted and stopped less than an inch away from his face. He raised his finger and waved from side to side, shaking his head.

The man froze only to be met with a fist to his face. The fight went on for some while. Who would have thought that by simply waking up he would be in trouble. He guessed that misery probably loved his company. The fight raged on as the knocked out guys started to pile up in the alley way.

Heck he wanted to spread the new so far that he wanted the Baron himself to fear him. This was a perfect two birds one stone type of scenario for Annixon.

A booming voice could be heard from outside the alley, "What the hell is going on here! Cease this at once!"

Annixon had just knocked out the last guy and walked out the alley way while still clutching the unconscious man. He headed towards the sound of the voice.

An handsome looking Dracana with slightly softer eyes than most dracana males in full battle regalia stood there. Blond hair and a clean shaven face, with green eyes. He also had a bit of a grizzled veteran look about him even though his face looked slightly boyish. The grey in his hair suggested that the man has seen his own fair amount of life.

Annixon walked towards the man undaunted, "You should really learned to curb the pup."

The man was unimpressed, "And you should really learn to curb your tongue. Speak only when spoken too."

Annixon started laughing, "Oh, wow look at the moxy on this one. What, superman pissed on your porridge this morning? You do see a lot of knocked out soldiers everywhere. That was all my handy work."

"Alexey, what is this all about!?"

"That…villain dared reject my authority!"

The warrior slapped his own forehead, "Let me guess. You demanded more brides and you happen to pick on someone he cared about. How many times do I have to tell you!? You are going to CAUSE A GOD DAMN RIOT! Stop demanding ladies! For once this is a blessing in disguise."

He turned to face Annixon, "You will have one warning. Leave, and I will spare you."

Annixon laughed yet again, "Oh please spare me good sir. I will leave…You take me for a retard? You really think I am gonna back down? That kid needs to learn there are some fights you pick and some you don't."

"Oh, believe me he going to get what's coming to him, but I am under orders to protect the kid."

"Then this will be your funeral for following a suicidal order. What's your name so, I can engrave it on your tombstone?"

"The name is Valiant Schudar. What is yours so I can do the same?"

Annixon smiled, "The name is Annixon Bright. I suggest you back down. I am not from the ordinary rabble."

"What a coincidence, I was going to say the exact same thing."

Annixon shook his head and smiled. The man wasn't really doing his duty, he just needed a reason. He was a battle maniac. He lived for the fight.

Valiant unsheathed his blade. His stance alone resonated power. His blade glowed with symbols. A Magic blade. A tool for flow arts.

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Annixon looked at his nails. He was probably one of those idiots that relied too much on magic and not his own skill. Should be interesting to see. The man charged forwards at a blistering pace.

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