The Rise of Annixon Bright

47 The Beast of Decay.

"Well, my sincerest apologies. I will get straight to the point. There is a beast in the woods near Landenium Lake."

"I take it that this beast has something unusual about?"

"Its skin is white."

D'verg dropped his hammer and cursed accordingly, "You are telling me a creature of the Decay has shown up on this continent!?... We are doomed."

The Advisor quickly added, "It's only the one creature, luckily, and there is no sign of the True Decay. The last reports suggested that it was still in the northeastern Usahito continent of Utsufuku."

"Usahito? That's a mouthful. Who are they?"

"Best to describe them as a race with rabbit-like ears and a weirdly peaceful demeanor, similar to the wood elves. They just don't live as long."

"Mmm, if a Decay creature suddenly just showed up, doesn't that mean there is some outside influence?"

"You would be right master Battlemage, but a creature like that could only be summoned by a powerful necromancer. We have diverted a group of our top adventures to intercept this creature, but without something strong enough to slay it we will be lost!"

D'verg sighed, "Even with adamantite I do not think I would create something strong enough to withstand a Decay creature. Their skin is as tough as adamantite, and they have magical immunity. You sent adventurers to their death. An unforgivable act."

"So you are saying that you won't help."

"They will be dead by the time the weapon reaches them. I rather not waste my resources on a fool's errand."

Annixon intervened, "I think it's about time you leave, but first. Where exactly is it?"

He produced a map from his pocket and opened it up. He points to an area close to Landenium Lake, "Here."

"And how long will it take for the adventurers to arrive at the said location?"

"I would say about three to five days, depending on their feedback. Master Battlemage do you intent to intercede?"

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"Never said anything of the like, now you have clearly upset Master D'verg. Please leave."

"I must insist! The lives of this town will be in jeopardy!"

"I know, now please leave."


"In this instance, yes. Now leave before I lose my patience."

"I think the baron has heard enough about me already."

The man turned around and stormed out of the door, slamming it closed.

D'verg sighed, "Another unpleasant fool. I hope you know what you are doing, fool. Leaving those soldiers to their own whim is tantamount to suicide."

Annixon turned and walked to the furnace, "With a horse and carriage and a bit of tweaking we should be able to produce one and make the ammo and get there with some time to spare, but we will have start right now."

He grabbed another piece of paper and drew a round hollow ball, "Karuli I leave this job to you. I am off to find a suitable carriage and a large wooden surface. See you guys later."

Annixon ran out of the shop to go meet the girls.

D'verg just stared at him as he left, "You better be up for the task, little hellspawn. Don't waste my iron. It seems this man is confident that this thing of his will changes the battle. We will see."

Annixon saw most of the girls chatting away with an enormous amount of items and even a carriage. Annixon was livid, but he kept his composure, "We don't have the money for all these things. Anastacia I thought better of you."

Anastacia was taken by surprise, "Whoa, whoa. Its nothing like that. Most of these things we got for free."

Annixon relaxed and then sighed, "This makes things actually worse. They make it look like I am some sort of villain, which just wants to take. How does this make me any different than the other nobles?"

"Simple, here they gave it out of their own free will. We didn't even ask for it. Each and every time I and Sinah wanted to buy something they just gave it away."

Annixon slapped his own forehead, "So, you went and abused that privilege. Next time you refuse. I will make money and we will use that, for now, I will leave it, but next time. Well, there won't be the next time. They already suffer from being overtaxed to the point of abject poverty."

"I am…we are sorry. We didn't think of it like that. We only thought of a way to try and help you if only in this regard."

"It called haggling. That is how you can help me next time."

He goes over and patted her on the head, "I ain't angry, just frugal. Now, there is something I need to tell you…where is Maania?"

Naitra spoke up, "She was a bit uncomfortable with the attention she was receiving from the people. Since she stood next to you during the speech, but I think she only used that as an excuse to start working on the hellfire powder."

Annixon smiled, "Good girl, because…"

He recollected the events of the day and told them about the Decay beast. Everyone listened in shocked silence. Juliza felt panic rising, "If that beast hits the city most of us will die. We need to leave the city and fast."

The entire group looked at her and started laughing. She was totally confused, "What? Did I say something wrong?"

Anastacia spoke up, "You clearly don't know Annixon the way we do. Yes, a Decay beast is terrifying but so is Annixon. He killed a Kraken for Pete's sake."

Juliza shook her head, "You guys really want me to believe that? A Kraken? Nobody in history has ever done that."

The entire group, even Amara pointed at Annixon and said in unison, "He did."

Juliza was a bit befuddled, "Okay, say I believe you. How did you do it?"

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