"The wife? I think I understand why his son is the way he is. This is a political game. Interesting. It does explain a lot about the son. Now I know who I really need to…tame."

Anastacia wasn't having any of it, "No, you will do this by the book. This is but a simple negotiation. No need for theatrics."

Valiant was starting to panic slightly, "Yeah, what she said. No theatrics. Please. I beg of you. I have already spoken about you on a previous account with the Baron. We were just having a hard time tracking you down. He too wanted to meet you."

"I am well aware."

Just then the Baron and his wife walked into the room. Kedrick extended his hand while he spoke, "Who do I have the pleasure of talking to/"

Annixon smiled and took it in his own, "The pleasure is all mine. They call me Annixon. Annixon Bright."

He could instantly see a cold sweat break out on Kedrick's forehead.

Annixon raised his one hand dismissively, "Do not fret. The rumors about my untimely demise were grossly exaggerated. I was basically falsely buried. Have to say not the most pleasant of experiences."

This made the Baron relax, "My, my. You are the Annixon Bright? This is most certainly a fortuitous day. This is my wife Sidero. My name is Kedrick von Helsgar."


Sidero was slightly bemused, "For a commoner, you speak well. Could I ask where you hale from?"

"Of course, Lady Sidero…Not here."

"Hmm…I guess the commoner will always remain the commoner. Be quick about your business and leave, filth."

This triggered Kedrick, "My dear wife. I implore you to curb your rancid tongue. He is a highly esteemed guest."

"Ha, a man wearing plebeian garments? An esteemed guest? You have fallen my husband."

Kedrick closed his eyes in frustration, "I apologize for my wife's vulgarity. She doesn't know any better."

"No need. I will get down to it. I am here to claim the bounty. I have Athena to my right and this is Anastacia to my left."

Sidero spoke up, "Wait, you are not by any chance Anastacia van der Hart?"

Anastacia smiled, "Yes, but I do not associate with that name."

Sidero rubbed her chin, "My, two birds in one cage. A fortuitous day indeed, my dear husband."

Annixon didn't like the sound of that, "Let's get to it than. The amount you had on offer was rather substantial. I would rather make use of it in improving the city. In exchange, I want a rather large piece of empty ground and one thousand ducats. What say you?"

Kendrick nodded his head, "That is a most amicable offer, and I happen to have a pretty large stretch of ground available. It's yours if you want it. Do you intend to start a farm?"

Athena smiled at what he said.

Kendrick continued, "A factory? For what exactly."

A casual smile appeared on his face, "The future."

Sidero started to speak, "It seems you are done. Athena and Anastacia. I will have you married to my son by the end of the week. Why don't you two remain here so we can hash out the details? Commoner, you may leave."

Anastacia knew that all hell was about to break loose, "Shit…"

Even Kedrick knew that Sidero just went and played with a volcano. Valiant froze on the spot. Athena was the only one who was oblivious.

Annixon calmly turned around while still walking on his crutch and walked towards Sidero, "What commoner? This is the nobility business. You are excused."

Anastacia slapped her forehead, "Lady Sidero, do you not know when to shut up? Fine, she is all yours."

Annixon started glowing with ruins all over his body. It exploded outwards producing a powerful gust that blew out all the windows. In that exact instant, there was a blade to her throat, "I probably should have mentioned this before. I am a Battlemage. Do not think for one second that you are going to abuse your authority in front of me. That is a death sentence, even in my state."

Sidero felt nausea in the pit of her stomach. She was face to face with a Battlemage! She started to connect the dots, "You were the one! You were the one to hurt my son!"

"Aye, he should have left well enough alone. Anastacia, Sinah, Amara, Juliza, Maania, Naitra and finally Athena are under my protection. They will marry who they feel is right, not some noble piece of trash brat!"

The Baron started to freak out, "Lord Annixon we have no intention of doing that. Please understand!"

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Athena spoke up, "Master Annixon. Sheathe your blade…"

She walked between them with her axe out. She placed her axe against Sidero's throat, "No need to get your hands dirty. Remember I am the bodyguard. I take that role seriously."

Valiant was about to intercede but Annixon raised his hand to stop him. He hesitantly stopped.

Athena spoke, "Sidero, my master doesn't like the fact that you are choosing people's fates for them. Now I regret to inform you that I have no intention of accepting that dumb proposal. Nobody in their right mind would."

"Anastacia is nobility she has an obligation to do that. Nobility must marry nobility!"

"You risk the wrath of a Battlemage and one of the country's best adventurers. You must have a death wish."

"I will let this go…for now. I seem to have underestimated you, master Battlemage, but don't for one second think you are the only battle mage in existence."

Annixon smiled, "And you will also find that I am no ordinary Battlemage. Come at me when you are ready, lady Sidero."

"Kedrick rebuke their so-called reward."

Kedrick shook his head, "I will not. Thanks to these two my city is safe. I will not let their deeds go unrewarded."

"You risk much by playing this game."

"I can live with that."

She stormed out of the room.

Annixon sighed and asked, "Is that going to be a problem?"

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