Three weeks had passed. Thanks to an apothecary Annixon was back on his feet within two.

Progress on the school and the factory was going well. He also developed about nine more cannons but wasn't what he wanted to do. He wanted to start rifling. Those would be the determining factor in any form of war. The school wasn't finished but people were attending it none the less. He made his way to a local hunter. The man was busy sharpening the tips of his arrows. He immediately recognized Annixon and stood up to bow, but Annixon stopped him before he did that.

The story about his supposed death spread like wildfire and he was able to walk among the people within three days. He was also rained with praise.

That's why the hunter wanted to bow to him. They saw him as a hero who saved a city. Truth be told similar things were happening to Athena. Back in the day, she would have appreciated the attention but she avoids it at all costs now. She only wanted to train new adventurers, which by the way was showing up in droves.

The name of Annixon Bright had started to make its way to neighboring cities making people flock to it due to the news that a device existed capable of fighting back against the Decay. It made the Baron pleased. More people meant more influence on the grander scheme of things.

The information about the device was only actually known by four people. Annixon and D'verg who did most of the work on it, and little Karuli who helped with the production of the ammo and of course Athena who actually used the device herself. Naitra and Maania had an idea how it might work, but never actually saw it in action.

Due to this incredibly secretive way of handling things made Juliza incredibly curious, but Annixon always refused her. He didn't want the information to accidentally slip out. Juliza, on the other hand, was getting an idea of how Annixon's script worked. She was able to perfectly replicate the script and even started to learn it to those that were interested.

Annixon cleared his throat when he began speaking with the hunter, "I would be will to pay you for a pristine condition hot bush."

He raised his eyebrow at the request, "That is a really odd request. Why would you want something so mundane?"

"I am working on a new project that will involve them."

Truth be told he wanted to start on it some time ago, but due to his injuries and a certain bunch of girls who didn't want to hear anything, he wasn't able to.

"If the brush is too young, leave it. I need mature ones. I will be cultivating them here."

Annixon's next stop was at D'verg who was busy teaching Karuli some sword-smithing, "D'verg, you have some time?"

"Don't you think the ten cannons were enough? Holy crap boy, you intend to end the world?!"

"Sounds like a big project. What do you need?"

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"Simple. I need you to make a small round device. It will be on the premise of a wheel. I am going to be attaching it to an engraver."

He made a quick sketch of what he wanted. D'verg studied the sketch for a bit, "Seems doable. It would be good training for the young misfit."

Annixon patted her on the head. She smiled gleefully.

"When can I expect it?"

"Well I do have enough material for the job, but the cannons really took a lot of ore. We will have to consider that financing further future is going to require money."

"That is why I want these wheels. They are going to turn the engraving industry upside down."

"Why don't you just sell some of that scripting stuff you do?"

"Because I will only use it on private affairs. I am training some people to handle the basics of the script. Their products will be sold. I don't want nobles and greedy merchants to find the real secret behind scripting."

"What I am trying to say you sodden bastard, was the lack of capital. Your money ain't gonna last forever."

"I know, the luck I got was a bunch of people is helping us for free. The school will help. That I promise you. So…"

"Fine, you can get it by tomorrow."

"Thanks, old man."

"Now get out. We have work to do."

He only then remembered about his book. He hadn't used it for quite some time now. He picked up the book and saw that there were two runes. Two?

The first one was for the cannon while the second one was for killing the necromancer.

An unusual blade with an Atlantis blue metallic sheen. His instincts screamed at him. This was a true blue Robium blade made specifically to his fighting style. HOLY CRAP! It was highly ornate with a beautiful red and gold pommel. He found the lack of runes odd. Probably had no magic affiliation.

The other one was dual gauntlets made from the exact same material as the blade, but underneath it, there was a leather that looked like it was alive. Dragon leather! Both these items where unbelievable.

He tried them on, but as soon as it was on it disappeared. Annixon found this curious. He pulled the knife from its scabbard and as soon as he did the gauntlets reappeared. So the gauntlets hid when not in battle. Which meant he could always wear it and not be suspected.

He waited until the following day. He was practicing to wield the new blade during that time. It felt the blade he used when he was training back on earth.

He had already got himself an engraver by the time he arrived at D'verg.

D'verg tossed him one of the pieces, "Well, what do you think?"

Annixon smiled. As usual, it was a perfect job. He attached the wheel to the engraver with a small plate that had a script on it.

It transferred the energies from the engraver onto the wheel. The wheel itself had a script right at the divot of the wheel. This script would glow bright red and burn the script onto any wooden surface.

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