It will have a string made of interlaced wire and a very strong limbs. He considered fiberglass but the current technology still needed to catch up. A large mug of ale is placed down next to him, "You've got to stop. There is always tomorrow." D'verg leaned against the table Annixon was sitting at. He didn't particularly like the taste of alcohol in general in this day and age, except mead, which was slightly sweeter. He took a swig of the Ale and expected to worst. He was pleasantly surprised to find that it tasted like ale. The only downside was, it was warm. He preferred his ale cold. D'verg actually noticed him enjoying the ale, "Dwarf excel in one area the most in general. Craftsmanship. Be it ale or be it swords. We always strive to be the best."

Annixon chuckled, "Ah, yeah. I have to agree. This is pretty good."

D'verg picked up the piece of paper Annixon was working on and examined it, "Haa, what sort of monstrosity is this?"

"It will be a crossbow. A mechanical version of the bow."

"A bow? What is wrong with the normal bow?"

"This can be miniaturised to fit in one hand, or even keep it hidden. Excellent high powered long range weaponry."

"One hand, huh? You really do come with some outrageous ideas."

"Yeah, but the two handed version will far exceed the bow in both accuracy and power, and requires little training. Though I do intend to create handheld weaponry that would exceed the crossbow for accuracy and power by quite a margin."

"Once upon I time I wouldn't have believed you, but time and time again you leave me stumped. So I am inclined to believe you on this. So what would you need?"

"I want the glassmaker as well as a woodworker."

"As I said before, I know of a trustworthy glassmaker, as for the woodworker. A pretty common practice. As for someone I can trust, not so much."

"Dammit, I might have known someone who could help but he is out on a trip. Guess I will have to learn woodworking myself."

"Why not go to the School of artisans?"

"You know I learn by just looking. A local woodworker should do fine."

"I will go check on him when I have the first change."

At the Baron Kedrick's mansion.

Sidero wanted to quickly pop in and deal with her husband, "Where is my husband?"

One of the soldiers stood at attention, "The last time we heard he is in the treasury."

Sidero pondered that for a second but shrugged it off. She went to the treasury room where she found Kedrick looking at a chest filled with Ducats, "What are you doing here, husband? You should be at the party you arranged."

"Sidero, my love. Look, I made one hundred thousand in just one night!"

She raised her eyebrows, "What are you on about? Where did you get that kind of money?"

"I made a legal deal with somebody, and this is the result. I nearly doubled the coffers in just one night. I don't need to tax the people so heavily!"

"No, you will keep on taxing them. Now, more than ever before."

"No, I will not."

"My father is already amassing a force beyond what you are remotely capable of handling. You will tax the people, unless you wish to face my father on the battlefield."

"I have already stopped taxing the people so heavily. One of the reasons why I was able to make so much money."

"If you go back to your old ways I can convince my father to stop. Also you will need to get rid of the battle mage in this town."

"I cannot. That man singlehandedly saved this city!"

"Either you do that or face a force of twenty five thousand men!"

Kedrick realed from the news, "Twenty five thousand!? I am a small timer! Why amass such a large force!"

"You should have considered it when you decided to side with that man and not our own child!"

He couldn't retaliate. He had no means in hell of stopping a force twenty five thousand strong, His head dropped, "You really are leaving me without choice. That man could make us rich beyond our wildest imaginations!"

"He is a threat to the Marina Family. The Marina family doesn't tolerate upstarts. You will arrest him tonight before my father leaves."

He closed his eyes in frustration. Then he thought of the upside, "Of course! That is a brilliant Idea. Sidero, my love. I will do as you ask, because it means we will have access to his technology!"

"Why would that be important?"

"He is the reason that the Robium blades exist! He had made an facility that allows him to make Robium Blades! If we can get our hands on it…"

Sidero smiled, "Then we will be in the forefront of technology. All the more reason to arrest him."

"What's more, is we can get our hands on his fortune that is currently more than a million ducats!"

This news made her smile even more.

The night dragged on as the household of Annixon where celebrating in full force as a knock sounded on their doors. Annixon was still rather sober as he was trying to enjoy the drink than pig out.

It was the last man he was expecting to see. Valiant stood there with an entire contingent behind him. All with their drawn, "Valiant, long time no see. I see you brought friends."

"Master Annixon Bright, you are hereby placed under arrest."

"On what grounds?"

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