Miklos was annoyed by the nonchalant attitude that Annixon gave him. The two daggers glowed as he charged forward faster than the eye can see.

This took even Annixon by surprise but was easily able to dodge the man's attack which was a straight forward lunge. Annixon pivoted on the spot and aimed for the back of the neck of Miklos. Miklos saw is coming and simply dived forward. He threw two knives into his general direction. Annixon grabbed both knives from the air, twisted and threw them back at Miklos. Annixon noticed that his reaction time is slightly absurd since he came to this world, but pushed it to the side in his head.

The knife coming back was deflected by Miklos as he jumped back some more. Annixon wasn't someone to be taken lightly, Miklos noted to himself.

His daggers started to glow even more. Annixon noticed this and was in his face before Miklos had even noticed. Annixon hits him squarely in the chest with the hilt of his blade. Miklos was knocked a few steps back and quickly recovered. Annixon slowly lowered his blade and said, "You're dead. This just stops this farce before someone really gets hurt. Casting magic takes too long for you. It would be…"

Miklos didn't hesitate to pounce on Annixon. Again Annixon just gracefully sidestepped every attack. This sent Miklos into a flurry and just couldn't land a single scratch.

He jumped back. This was unbelievable to him. His speed was magically enhanced. There was no way in hell he should be able to dodge is all so easy. He tried using magic again, but again Annixon got the better of him.

Miklos was starting to get irritated. He knew an instant flash spell. He used it immediately. The flash did indeed blind Annixon, but his sense of sound suddenly became heightened and dodge the incoming thrown knives.

Miklos's jaw dropped even blinded the man was good. He was stumped. Annixon was too fast to get a hit on him. The magic took too long to activate except for flash, which actually got him, but had little to zero effect on him. Then there were the knives. He just grabbed out of the air and was thrown back. He decided to come in for a grapple. Annixon simply dodged into his blind spot and aimed straight for his jaw. The impact rattled Miklos's brain and he flopped over unconscious, "Game, set, and match." He turned to the stunned crowd. Miklos was one of the fastest people they knew and this man-made short work of him. The Archer spoke up, "He's not dead. This match hasn't ended yet."

Annixon sighed, "Fine." And stabbed in the chest through his back.

Some of the soldiers looked away as the Archer felt a tinge of guilt in his heart, "The victor his… Annixon."

Annixon smiled and asked, "Does this mean you guys will let us be?"

Annixon bowed down and checked the pockets of the fallen Miklos and found what he was looking for. He raised the bottle, "To the victor goes the spoils.'

Anger formed in the Archer's heart but withheld it. Miklos was a good man. He was trained as an assassin, but he always took his opponents head-on. It was his job, after all, so he was forced to kill against his own will. Now this man gloats. How could he not be angry.

Then something pretty odd and amazing happened. Annixon removed his sword and turned him around. He poured the content out into his mouth and stimulated his throat so he could swallow. A dead man wouldn't heal, but his wound was starting to heal.

They saw him stab him in the heart, yet somehow he was still alive?! How was that possible? Annixon looked at them and responded to what they were thinking, like reading their minds, "It was simple. All I did was stab in such a way that it looks like I stabbed him through the heart, but in reality, all I did was stab into a cavity. It doesn't mean its safe by any means. Hence, I am helping him heal. You guys agreed to leave us. So I hope you guys are men of your words."

The Archer came closer and held out his hand, "You're too soft. It's going to get you killed."

Annixon smiled, "I can see when someone deserves death or not. I am not a murderer, but that also doesn't mean I won't kill. Now step aside."

The archer raised his hand and all bows that were trained on him were lowered.

Annixon stood up and said, "Anastacia, you go ahead."

Anastacia nodded and sprinted off on the horse.

Annixon kept looking into the depths of the forest. He was able to sense the other archer hidden in the undergrowth.

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The Archer looked at Annixon and asked, "You ain't gonna join her?"

"I will join her when she is out of arrow range."

"You're awfully paranoid. We will at least keep our word. In any case, we have no desire to tango with humans. The girl is, after all, a lord's daughter."

Annixon climbed on his horse. He is sure that she was out of arrow range. He was also confident enough to be able to get out if push comes to shove.

Anastacia slowed down as she knew she was out of harm's range. Annixon caught up to her after a little while.

She smiled when she saw him come, "You okay?"

Annixon raised an eyebrow, "What an odd question. I should rather ask, how are you holding up?"

"I'm good."

They rode for a little while when they finally saw the main gates.

There were two guards waiting at the gate as they saw them approaching, "Halt, what your business here at Port Maliart?"

Anastacia spoke up, 'I wish to speak with my father."

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