The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 990: 4 days king resigns

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Did not fight for too long.

Night falls.

Aoki led the elves to camp not far from the foot of Chimney Hill.

Many elves were temporarily transported back to their island by Aoki.

Now that the island has been consciously controlled and developed by Aoki, it has begun to take shape.

Living in it is like living in an unknown paradise.

At this time, the elves that followed him were Shakira, Boscodora, Flaming Chicken, Giant Marsh Monster, La Rulas, Baby Dragon, and Mohair. There were a total of seven elves.

Except for Geng Gui as the last self-protection in the shadow, only the desert dragonfly is left as a flying mount.

Now Shakira is completely silent, and after being summoned by Aoki, he stands still with his eyes closed, motionless.

The original active character now seems to be forcibly restrained.

However, this forced meditation method can still exercise Shakira's mentality and mood.

As long as you can come over, the future Bangla will be smooth.

The 49-level Shakira is not far away from the evolution, and there are still six levels left. Aoki hopes that Shakira will cross in a very stable manner.

As for Boscodora, it was completely two states with Shakira at this time.

He eats and moves every day.

This was what Aoki let him do.

Boscodora's ability to move is still his uncle, after all, it is impossible to completely change it, and it can only be adjusted through ordinary training and habit adjustment.

But Boscodora's most powerful weapon was his body.

If you want to afford such a heavy metal armor, every muscle in your body should be exercised.

This is why Aoki makes him eat more and move more.

The flaming chicken has completely changed its cultivation status.

Originally a fighting elf, he also focused on physical exercise, but recently he has always been able to see him sitting on a tree trunk with his eyes closed as if thinking about something.

This is under the guidance of Aoki.

Sometimes power is not all, especially speed-type elves like the Flaming Chicken.

In order to exercise strength, increase your own strength and lose your strongest speed advantage.

It is even more important to unleash the most effective skills if the biggest blow is done with limited power.

Therefore, now the flame chicken spends one to two hours every day thinking about how to make his attack more threatening, if he can do two damages with one force.

Aoki knew something about Tai Chi, Rou Kegang, four or two pounds, etc., but he only heard about it and did n’t understand it in depth, so he just gave those things he knew, theoretical things to the Flaming Chicken, as much as he could learn from it Whether or not things can create his own fighting style depends on his own efforts and talents.

The giant marsh monster was among the elves of the second echelon of Aoki. It first broke through to the quasi-king level, but was hidden by Aoki for a long time.

It's not because the monster monster's strength is not good, but because his level upgrade speed is too fast, it must be pressed.

In addition to the giant monster monsters in the water diving fish period, with the Kira and settled for a while, the subsequent levels soared all the way.

Mainly because Aoki wants to participate in the Shennian Olympics. Under the circumstances, he did not stop the giant marsh monster from improving.

That ’s why for a long time afterwards, the giant marsh monster was unable to appear in the battle.

After such a long time, the current giant marsh monster has completely recovered, so Aoki brought it to his body again.

This time without the mosquito coil frog emperor, Aoki was preparing for a small-scale exercise sandstorm team, so the mosquito coil frog emperor, which is the core of the rainy team, was temporarily released.

Not to mention that the giant marsh monster, which is a water system plus a ground system, is not unable to be integrated into the sandstorm team.

In addition, as a water monster, the giant marsh monster can resist the water monster of the sandstorm team, and can be a co-defender.

Of course, if you encounter grass-elves, you don't think of Aoki as that.

In addition to the four elves of the second echelon, Baby Dragon, Mohaima and La Rulas are the protagonists at the foot of Chimney Hill.

At this point Larulas was at level 19.

In fact, according to her growth and fighting, she should have reached level 20 and evolved into Qi Lulian.

However, Aoki still suppress the elves that are about to complete evolution in accordance with the usual practice.

This will allow them to develop their bodies better.

If there is one in Aoki's current elves who is most likely to try to attack the purple class qualification, it is La Rulas.

It's one point more than Shakira.

After all, when she was born from an egg, it was light blue.


It was La Rulas.

So suppressing the rank of La Rulas, in Aoki's view, it is absolutely necessary.

This is accumulating for her, and at the same time giving her momentum.

The growth of the baby dragon does not have to worry about Aoki.

The only thing he could not rest assured was that Baby Dragon worked so hard that it affected his own foundation.

However, I have to say that Aoki still underestimates the physical fitness of pure dragon spirits, as well as Genji Tianwang's research on baby elves.

That is, now Aoki has not found a suitable super material for the baby dragon, otherwise the future level of the baby dragon will definitely not be low.

Baby Dragon and La Rulas, the comparison between the two elves is actually a comparison of hard-working genius and talented genius.

Aoki believes that Baby Dragon's achievements will not be lower than La Rulas in the future.

At least in terms of combat effectiveness, there should be a hierarchy.

The last remaining Mohair.

It was just to make up for the elves subdued by the rainy team.

But now Mohaima is very well integrated into the Aoki team.

Growth rate is also fast, catching up with the pace of the baby dragon.

May also be stimulated by Baby Dragon.

Aoki also enjoyed it.

After arranging all the elves around him for training, Aoki sat directly on the ground and took out a lot of materials from the storage space.

Now that the materials are in order, the Qualified Elixir of Qi Lulian can be made first.

There is also a collection of repair materials for Leo's Wizard.

According to the calculation of the chip, it should now be possible to hatch Leo Road at any time.

It was only in a short time that Aoki really didn't have much energy to take care of the elves that had just hatched. It may not be until this time that everything is done before Aoki has time to calm down and take care of Leo Lu.

Such elves must be treated from the very beginning.

Aoki just made both things, but the Alliance's communicator rang loudly.

I took out the communicator, and saw a prominent sentence above ~ ~ Let Aoki stare deadly for a moment and never left.

The Department of Electrical Engineering Tianwang Tiexuan resigned from the position of Four Heavenly Kings in Fengyuan.

Fengyuan area ... It's going to be lively.


Tenth more! Ten more burst out! For the leader of the cold ink big brothers, I will pay more 3/12!

Thanks for the rewards of the important targets of reform, innovation and development!

Does hibiscus think that he belongs to the most sincere author of that kind of guarantee? I beg you for a wave! Just give it or not! ╭ (╯ ^ ╰) ╮!

Don't mention these pieces of water, I have already jumped the excessive plot in the middle at the fastest speed, and then it will become a fine outline, o (╥﹏╥) o.

All I can say is to show the later plot as soon as possible.

As I have been saying, reaching the level of Uranus, almost really started.

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