The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 992: Ogo and Hibiscus are missing

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Desert dragonflies can't meet the requirements of Aoki, or the Qixi Festival Bluebird is faster.

As for what Aoki was going to do, he had to put it down temporarily.

After all, this emergency event involves the entire Fengyuan area.

One day and one night of crazy rush, finally arrived in Kena City before night fell.

I didn't care about the prohibition of flying in the city, and flew directly towards the base set up by the Center Alliance in the backyard of the Pokemon Center.

Ignored the no-flying issue from the time of the senior search officer, and now Aoki has to be willful.

At this time, Aoki had changed back to her chief search officer's costume, the whole body was dark like a tunic, a cloak flying in the wind, and the chief search officer's medal on her chest was shining.

Standing coldly on the back of the Tanabata Bluebird.

Someone who was still busy outside the venue behind the elf center suddenly felt a gust of wind.

I knew for a second that someone was sitting on a flying mount.

This is not the first time today.

Very skilled to put down the things in his hand, walked aside, silently waiting for the coming of people.

Tanabata Bluebird landed directly under the command of Aoki.

Without any stops, use the elf ball to put away the Qixi Jade Bird and take a big step towards it.

The person who stood at the door and saw the chief search officer's medal on Aoki's chest revealed a glowing and worshipped look. His posture was quite standard when saluting.

When Aoki was in the square, the people behind him continued to do their own thing, while whispering about the star festival of Aoki, Aoki's identity and his age.

Not to mention, there are many people who know Aoki.

Some met during the league ’s promotion of Fengyuan Gemini, while others met on television during the Olympic Games.

In short, in a word, the current Aoki is almost half of the Fengyuan Alliance.

All the way up and down, without any obstruction, went directly to the door of the temporary meeting room.

After confirming his identity, Aoki pushed in the door and walked in.

I saw it as if it were a vegetable market. All of them were alliance leaders, but none of them sat and talked. They all stood there with red ears and red necks.

However, Aoki found that Adams had not yet come, it should be on his way, otherwise this would not be the case in the conference room.

I saw Liu Shenggang looking tired in the corner.

Walked over immediately.

"Teacher." Aoki shouted.

Hearing Aoki's voice, Liu Sheng just opened his eyes slowly.

"You're here." Liu Shenggang's voice was a little hoarse.

May have been arguing for some time before.

"Teacher, please drink some water, what about President Adams?" Aoki took out a bottle of water from the storage space and handed it to Liu Shenggang.

Liu Shenggang didn't hesitate, opened it and drank nearly half a bottle.

"Adams should be approaching. This time it was a little sudden. He didn't respond." Liu Shenggang said.

"Why are they arguing like this?" Aoki asked.

"Because the iron spin came back, some people didn't come back. Among them was your good brother Dawu and Furong who went together. Now the most urgent person is from the Zvuchi family. One side requested immediate rescue, while the other wanted to wait for the iron spin After waking up and making a decision, Adams's evolution has changed to what he is now. "

"Ogo? Hibiscus? They went together?" Aoki's face became hard to look.

No wonder the call didn't work at the beginning.

Moreover, Hibiscus is obviously the person to be taken care of by Aoki, but now he is missing with Ogo.

Aoki didn't know how to face Adams.

Sometimes you don't want to see, but just let you see.

When Aoki and Yanagi talked, the door of the meeting room was pushed open again.

This time, Adams, who was wearing a formal suit, was very serious.

Aoki has never seen such Adams, this is the momentum that the regional champion should have.

Those who walked in behind him were also big brothers.

The Dragon King Uji, the Ice King Uboni, the Evil King Uranus, and the patriarchs of various large families, including Dawu's father, the current head of the Zvuch family, Zvuch Hibiscus.

Junsha family, Joey family, etc.

"Start a meeting now! Those who are not high enough will go out for me! Noisy, is there a bit of an alliance?" Adams slammed the table directly after he came in, shouting with vigour.

No one dared to look at him across the audience.

The people who were still arguing either sat down or they walked out of the conference room.

At this point, the entire meeting room was completely quiet.

Adams sat directly in the middle of the conference room, and the rest also took their seats.

Adams's right-hand side sat down one after another, namely, the Dragon King Uji, the Ice King Uboni, and the Evil King Kawanuki, leaving a space, originally belonging to the position of the iron spin.

On the right-hand side is Liu Shenggang, a prince of Zvolch, a patriarch of the Joy family, a patriarch of the Junsha family, the chairman of the Coordinator Association, and Aoki's teacher.

This is the first time Aoki has seen all the big brothers of Fengyuan Alliance in one conference room.

From the seats on both sides, you can see the identity and status of each person, including the combatants on the right and the factions on the left.

The people who can sit at this conference table are the true leaders of the alliance at this time, and some older and older seniors are sitting on chairs on both sides of the conference room.

Although these people are no longer in charge of the affairs of the alliance, the former Fengyuan alliance construction has a great deal of their credit, so to a certain extent, they still have to listen.

As for Aoki, he sat directly under the position of the iron spin.

The first is because Aoki is also a member of the Alliance combatants, and the chief search officer is already qualified to sit in position.

Another point is that today, the search officer organization came to a chief search officer in Aoki.

The rest of them, Aoki, didn't know what they were doing, so Aoki now not only represents herself, but also organizes on behalf of the Alliance search officer.

He sat in that position, no one said much, and even took it for granted.

So ~ ~ Opposite Aoki is his teacher, Liu Shenggang.

Representing the breeder's guild in Fengyuan area at this time.

For the first time, Aoki sat at such a large conference table and sat directly in the first seat after the Four Heavenly Kings.

I have to say that this is a great honor.

There are still a lot of league leaders behind, and many of them can represent a family or power.

But Aoki was not happy at this time.

Organizing a search officer is not just an honor, it's pressure.

At the same time today, Adams glanced at everyone, and his indescribable sharpness, Aoki did not take good care of Furong, making him a little afraid to look directly at Adams.


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