The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 996: Double Axe Dragon

Double axe battle dragon.

It is a dragon spirit registered in the United District.

This kind of elf, as a pure dragon elf, has all the characteristics of a typical dragon elf.

Dominant physique, physical fitness.

Flexible speed, explosive physical output.

Many of Genji's dragon spirits are flying spirits, which are difficult to deploy in small caves, while the double axe dragons are not limited by this terrain.

The internal terrain of the cave may change, but this is the most suitable for this double axe dragon.

Aoki first started the chip to scan the information of this double axe battle dragon.

Pokemon: Double Axe Dragon (Light Blue)

Gender: Male

Level: 80

Attribute: Dragon

Features: Breaking

Carrying props: None

Genetic skills: Resurrection, Key to Assault, Cruelty, Iron Tail

Basic Skills: Inverse Scale, Grasp, Stare, Malicious Pursuit, Dragon's Wrath, Second Cleavage, Ghost Face, Cleavage, Until the End, Dragon Claw, Dragon Dance, Provocation, Dragon Wave, Sword Dance, Guillotine, Ultimate shock

Teaching Skills: Meteor Swarm, Kicks Down, Dragon Wave, Water Tail, Electromagnetic Wave

Skill learner: hold, dragon claw, destroy light, earthquake, shadow clone, rock block, shadow claw, rockfall, cross shear, stand-in

Another champion-level elf, although also a first-time champion, may even have just broken through.

However, the championship level is still the championship level, which is not comparable to the Uranus level.

Moreover, although the total value of the race value of the two-axe battle dragon is not very high, his race value is added to a very reasonable place, so even if the total value is not high, it is not more than the average dragon spirit. How much weaker.

The racial value of 540 is not weak, and it is much higher than that of the general Yusanjia Elves.

The most important thing is that, as a pure-breed dragon elf, the double axe dragon can normally learn most of the high-powered dragon skills.

More than half of them can be learned as you grow up.

For example, Dragon Dance and Inverse Scale are two very powerful skills.

In addition to dragon skills, the double axe fighting dragon can also learn sword dance skills.

It took Aoki a lot of money to get this skill from the Rockets' trade conference, but he could learn it automatically.

In addition to the martial arts race value of 147 points and the speed race value of 97 points, it can only be said that this elf is a very good dragon elf.

The characteristics of this two-axe battle dragon of Genji are still out of the ordinary, which makes his output ability reduce the possibility of being controlled.

The dull king of Aoki is beside this double-axed battle dragon. Although he looks similar in shape, he can obviously feel the difference in momentum.

However, Genji is very interested in the dull king of Aoki.

"Is this your **** idiot king? I saw it on TV before, this is the first time I saw it up close." Genji said with a smile.

Aoki patted the dumb king's back and said, "I am one of my most trusted companions, and have experienced many lives together."

Wen Yan said, Yuanzhi's eyes lightened slightly, "Are you companions?"

The two of them had one to the other and each held a torch and walked towards the inside of this mysterious cave.

In fact, if you don't observe it carefully, the difference between the different color dull king and normal dull king is not very big.

It's just that the different color dull kings are slightly darker, while the ordinary dull kings are more pink.

The whole hole was very wet, and the sound of walking on the ground was very obvious. In order to prevent people from being found ambushing, Aoki proposed to let the dull kings' superpowers cover their feet with superpower films.

This way, no sound will appear, lest anyone hear footsteps and prepare for sneak attacks in it.

Although the idiot king at this time has completely transformed into a large meat radar, covering super powers around, beware of sudden attacks.

However, I don't know what the reason is. The two walked for a long time, let alone a human, even a wild elf didn't meet.

Gradually, Aoki was the first to notice anomalies while walking.

"Wait a minute!" Aoki shouted quickly.

"What's wrong?" Genji stopped short after hearing Aoki's words.

Although the two were headed by Genji this time, Genji still trusted Aoki. Looking at Aoki every time is like seeing his junior. After all, Genji imparts most of his knowledge about Eastern and Western spirits. Aoki.

If you really want to say, Genji may be more like Aoki's teacher than Liu Shenggang.

"Heavenly King, take out the communicator to see if there is no signal." Aoki said with a serious expression.

Hearing Aoki's words, Genji took out his communicator and glanced for the first time. There was indeed no signal.


"It seems that Ogo and Furong's communicator cannot get through, because of this." Aoki said.

"What's the reason?" As Aoki, a superpower, Genji didn't find anything abnormal, but Aoki found it, so he felt that it was right to bring Aoki.

"This mysterious cave is actually a look. We are walking towards a space that does not exist in the elf world. Now it is almost at the junction of this mysterious space and the elf world space, so the signal of the elf world appears disordered." Aoki explained.

In fact, he didn't find anything at first.

It was only in the brain of Aoki that the chip reminded that the connection with the island's multilateral beast was weakening, so Aoki said so.

Genji frowned. "It seems that this place really has something to look at."

There are still some mysterious spaces in the elven world, but these spaces are all passed down from ancient times and even longer.

These spaces are either created by powerful legends, or they already exist.

The ancients may know some of the means to create these spaces, but now that technology is so advanced, the alliance still can't find a way to open up space.

Knowing that to enter the mysterious space, while the chip is still connected to the multilateral beast, Aoki immediately used a portable transmission device to bring all his elves on his body ~ ~ Entering this space, the chip and the multilateral beast Disconnect.

And I don't know how long I will stay in this space, or bring all the elves on my body, Aoki is more at ease.

Even if they are trapped, everyone is trapped together.

Not only here is the powerful Dragon King Yuji, but there are also six little guys on Aoki's wrist, which are much better than others.

These little guys are also a guarantee for Aoki to break into the unknown space.

"Aoki, it seems that you know these mysterious spaces exist, so when you enter the space, you do n’t know what will happen. It may even happen that the two of us are directly transmitted to different locations, so now we are unified Check the mark, this will help us to quickly gather at that time.

Also, if there is an accident, use our current communicator time as a limit. After one week, if you can leave this space, leave as soon as possible. "

Genji made a final order to Aoki.


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