The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1001: Boscodora

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The Rise of the Darkness of the Elves Chapter 101 Superb Boscodolas [Monthly Ticket] (1/5)

The wolf dog's legs trembled slightly.

The four strong men looked at themselves, clearly not yet participating in the battle, but it was over.

And his trainer, the woman of the lava team, has a more brilliant expression than him.

At this point completely stumped.

She had thought that she might not be the opponent of the person in front of her, but she was not very worried because her companion had only left temporarily. As long as the battle was quiet, his companion would surely return at the first time. There shouldn't be any problem in the battle against one person, relying on the advantages of the number of elves.

So when she saw Aoki in the beginning, she was not very panicked.

There is even the meaning of ridicule.

Are the trainers of Zhun Tianwang weak?

Not weak at all!

Even if she enters this mysterious space this time, her strength is not weak at all, it is a medium-upside existence.

However, in the case of the same number and the same level, it was a direct defeat.

This is the gap between the training of the elves and the cooperation between the elves.

In other words, it can also be said to be the gap between trainers.

Even if the big wolf looks like begging for mercy, Boscodora won't let him go.

The final shot was Boscodora.

Grasp the tail of the Great Wolf Dog directly.

Any idea how Rocky was hammered by Hulk? It's too bloody, that's it.

In fact, if the wolf dog fights back hard, it will not be a chance.

After all, Aoki directly started all the wizards.

But this is only a one-time outbreak. As long as this first wave is resisted, you can fight slowly later.

But he did not expect that the other party was directly frightened by a wave of Aoki Elves.

It can only be said that it was Boscodora and the Flaming Chicken that they exerted too much force.

Look at the bivalve at this time, and the lava snail.

The worst is better than carving.

Do you know what it feels like being directly attached to a heavy tank?

Ask more than carving.

There is also a lava snail, which has a very high flame temperature, and there is no room to play. In the face of a violent giant monster monster, even his flame cannot cause any damage to the giant monster monster.

As for the spitfire camel, it was tried by the flaming chicken many times, and it failed to stand up.

It is best to stand up again, but see that all of his companions have fallen, and suddenly his heart is tight, and without motivation, he will lose his fighting ability.

The remaining Great Wolf Dog was partly because of his own tremor and partly because his trainer was stunned and did not give the corresponding command.

In fact, this is the three-board axe, and the sudden outburst hits your opponent by surprise. If you are not prepared, you will be hammered a few times and you won't need to hit it later.

But if you can hold on to the first few moves, then you can slow down and play hard.

Solve all the elves of the opponent. Under the control of Boscodora, the man and woman of the lava team have not fully reacted.

Use a rock chain to completely bind the woman.

Aoki came to her.

See the four rock chains tied by Bosco Doral.




Superb Boscodora.

Did not see it did not see it

Aoki looked at the woman from the lava team.

The other side was shocked and more humiliated.

Aoki flashed a little awkwardly.

Boscodora may use the rock and chain skills more often. This binding method is sober and refined.

"Cough Bosco Dora, cover all the rocks." Aoki coughed to resolve the embarrassment.

Although he is now sixteen years old, and is going to be seventeen years old, it is not that he has not tasted the forbidden fruit that should be eaten in previous lives, but now this environment, time and people make Aoki feel nothing.

After understanding the meaning of Aoki, the yellow light flashed in Boscodora's eyes. Pieces of rock were like sucking iron from the ground, wrapping the woman of this lava team directly.

It was Aoki who was able to interrogate this person well.

Sitting in front of her.

"You should be able to talk about it now," Aoki said.

But the woman looked at Aoki, biting her lip with a stubborn face, unwilling to say anything.

Aoki's expression gradually cooled.

He just felt that the previous binding of Boscodora was more embarrassing, but it did not mean that he was a compassionate person.

"This is the wild, not just the elves, there are many wild animals, do you know what a woman who does not have much resistance will encounter in this situation?" Aoki said coldly.

Upon hearing Aoki's words, the woman of the lava team was pale and shivered.

Looking at Aoki with an incredible expression.

Isn't he from the Alliance?

When will people in the league do this?

Isn't this what the talents of underground forces like their lava team do?

The alliance has seized the hostages. As long as it is not crazy resistance, it should be a chance to survive.

But the moment Aoki's eyes changed, she knew what Aoki would do finally.

It's not that the people in this alliance haven't killed anyone, but there's more than one!

In the end, when Aoki left this place, there were no traces left.

But Aoki's face was a little unsightly.

The woman of the lava team has the strength of a quasi heavenly king, and I know quite well about this time.

After getting all the information Aoki wanted from her mouth, Aoki's face was so embarrassing.

Because of his previous guess and analysis, there was nothing wrong.

In this incident, the lava team was involved, but the ocean team was also involved.

That's right, the two most powerful underground forces in Fengyuan area have participated in this time, so they have the confidence to operate on iron.

What really surprised Aoki was the third-party forces.

In addition to the Lava and Ocean teams, there are third-party forces.

It is also because of this third-party force that Lava Team and Ocean Team are able to put down the gap between each other and cooperate to accomplish this.

And this third-party force is the Hunters' Guild, which claims to never participate in the fight!

When he heard the news, Aoki was a bit reluctant to believe it at first.

But the man is about to die ~ ~ its words are also good.

This woman did not need to lie to herself, and did not reach the level of the Hunters' Guild. It was indeed impossible to integrate the lava team and the ocean team.

The real leader of this incident is also the Hunters 'Guild. Their lava team is just to get what they need from the Hunters' Guild.

I believe the same is true of the Ocean team.

As for what it is, the women of this lava team have not been exposed to status.

The leader in this incident is Huo Village, one of the three generations of lava team cadres, and the Ocean team is also one of the three cadres.

It was the two of them, and the leader of the Hunters' Guild, that the three of them worked together.


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Dark Rise of the Elves

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