The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1025: "Acquaintance" Sherabi

Immediately stopped the loose hand.

Aoki closed her eyes again.


The sound is very crisp and ethereal.

It feels like the sound of the most innocent child.

Seeing Aoki closed her eyes again, Ogo and Furong looked at each other, showing a touch of joy.

At this time, in Aoki's mind, the channel created by superpowers.

It's like passing through another channel and entering another world.

open one's eyes.

Aoki came to the endless grass.

The blue sky, the sun's light shining on the body, can actually feel warm.

"It's so warm, isn't it the conscious world here? Why is there a physical feeling, and not just the temperature, the air here is much fresher." Aoki took a deep breath.

The natural and fresh air enters the lungs along the nose, and I feel a lot more energetic.

Snow it--

The sound sounded again.

It just felt like the sound was ringing in my head, but now it appears in my ear.

With the appearance of the sound, all kinds of colorful flowers bloomed on all the grass in the field of view of Aoki.

In a blink of an eye, wild flowers bloom everywhere.

"Able to have this ability ..." Aoki looked at the scene, remembering what elves could do.

But before he figured it out, a pale green elf appeared directly in his sight.

This part is round and converges in the shape of an arc. The forehead has green antennae with blue tips, pale blue eyes and thick black circles.

Looks like a very petite elf.

Walking back and forth among the flowers, with a sweet smile on his face, like an elf in the flowers.

"Shellaby ..." Aoki murmured when he saw the elf.

That's right, the elf who appeared in front of Aoki was the legendary elf Xuerabi.

Like fantasy, it belongs to a kind of fantasy beast.

It can also be said to be a beast.

It was as if hearing Aoki's call, and Xuelabi swept through the flowers and came to him.

Staying less than three meters from Aoki, there are two transparent small wings behind, fanning.

Big blue eyes with deep curiosity.

"Here, isn't it Sherabi's conscious space?" Aoki thought.

It was only that Xuerabi's little nose was drawn, as if smelling the smell of Aoki's body.

"Who are you?" Xuelabi's voice sounded.

It is something that Aoki can understand directly.

It is even more certain that this is the conscious space.

"Sara is better than you. I'm Aoki." Aoki said.

"Aoki?" Xuelabi tilted her head, as if she was remembering the person.

"Aoki ?!" Repeated the change again, but Xuelabi's eyes lit up, as if remembering who Aoki was.

"Huh?" But Aoki frowned when she saw that she seemed to know her own face.


Should not!

She hadn't seen Shelby before, and she shouldn't have looked like who was remembering her.

"Do you know me?" Aoki asked curiously.

In response, Xuelabi smiled and nodded more happily.

"Know Aoki! I've seen Aoki! Aoki, good friend!" Xuelabi said again.

But he talked about Aoki.

"Xiao Luo's breath, Xiao Meng's breath, and ... and ... and the kitten's breath, you are Aoki!" Xuelabi said again without a thought.

But Aoki understood this sentence.

Xiao Luo, is it Rockia? Little dreams are dreams?

So what is the kitten ...? Arknom?

But soon, Sherabi's brows frowned, and her nose sniffed again, as if trying to determine something.

In the end, he was sure, and hesitated, "How can there be his breath? How can Aoki have this breath?"

Aoki frowned, never letting go.

Sheilabi seemed to be a little familiar with herself, and she knew all about her breath.

Is it ...

Aoki's heart pumped suddenly.

Think of a possibility.

There is also a high probability that it is true.

Shelby is an elf who can travel through time and space.

Almost every timeline in the elf world has a Shelby.

So, as long as time passes, Shelby will almost never die.

Could it have been that Xuerabi had seen himself in the future or another timeline world?

Only Aoki can think of this explanation.

"Xerabbie, have you seen me, I was then ..." Then, Aoki touched his cheek.

Sure enough, the mask on his face disappeared in the space of consciousness, and the real Aoki was displayed in front of Xuelabi.

Hearing Aoki's words, Xuelabi tilted her head and thought again.

She experienced too many things, too much memory in her brain, and it was hard to remember all of a sudden.

Shelby's eyes brightened again, but soon faded.

Aoki looked at Xuelabi's expression and wondered what she thought of.

"Can't say, can't say." Xuelabi bit her finger, tangled, but the answer was firm.

can not say!

It ca n’t get stuck in this way.

But Aoki couldn't force Shelby.

"Sherabi, is this your world?" Aoki shifted the subject.

Hearing that, Xuelabi quickly put down what he had thought before, and smiled again.

Nodded strongly, happy, "Huh!"

As if to verify this sentence, Xuerabi waved his little hand and drilled a small sapling from the soil. Then under the control of Xuerabi, the small sapling grew instantly.

Within a few breaths, this sapling turned into a towering tree. At the same time, the tree blossomed and bear fruit. Light blue fruit appeared on the tree.

It's like the emergence of a tree of life ...

Xuelabi flew over, plucked a fruit from the tree, and handed it to Aoki.

"Aoki, eat!" Said, looking at Aoki with anticipation.

Aoki smiled and took the fruit from Xuerabi, and bit her down.

Suddenly ... his face became iron blue and his eyes began to turn red.

Then tears overflowed from the eyes.

In the eyes that Xuelabi was expecting, she swallowed forcibly.

A grinning smile, even worse than crying, said, "Okay ... delicious!"

Upon hearing that, Xue Labi suddenly showed a happy smile.

But Aoki's mouth was completely exploded at this time.

Numb ...

No consciousness at all.

At this time, Aoki identified this tree fruit.

Hemp fruit.

Sure enough.

Secretly put the remaining tree fruit in his pocket.

Hurry up and change the subject.

"Sherabi, do you know the space outside?" Aoki asked.

"Uh-huh!" Sheilabi didn't think much about it this time ~ ~ answered Aoki's question directly.

"Is your space outside too?" Aoki asked again.

Before Snow Rabbi answered, Aoki felt white and couldn't see anything.

When I opened my eyes again, I saw the emerald green eucalyptus tree in front of me. Still, Ogo and Furong stood behind them, waiting for the result.

Everything seemed to disappear.

Snow it--

A crisp sound sounded in this small space.

Both Dawu and Furong showed surprised expressions.

They all heard it.

The familiar pale green figure emerged from the tree in front of him.

When she appeared, the green energy of the entire space fluctuated, as if the pause button was pressed.

All stopped.


Fifth more! Ask for a monthly pass! 10/12 for the leader of the cold ink boss!

Dark Rise of the Elves

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