The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1027: 3 Bangila

Aoki saw a few cracks in the space that Furong entered.

It was almost dark inside, there was a bright moon in the sky, and there were several ghosts passing by.

When girls see this kind of scene, they should be very scared.

But for Furong, such a scene makes her more intimate and even more like it.

After all, the environment in which she lived after birth, plus her inherent ghost-elf affinity, and the special power of this ghost power.

When the ghost of the ghost system sees her, she may be very close to her.

Presumably Xuerabi also knew the attributes of Furong's specialization, and then sent it to such a world.

Finally, she understood Aoki's meaning, and then reminded her to be aware of it.

Then the crack that Dawu entered at the beginning is either the metal world or the rock world.

After all, the elves he is good at are both of these attributes.

However, Aoki speculates that the metal may have a higher probability in the world.

I just do n’t know why I entered the rock world.

Although there are many rock spirits in Aoki's hands, Aoki is not a trainer specializing in one attribute.

It may be that Sherabi feels that this place is best for him.

As for how weird spaces are found and how they are connected, this is not what Aoki can imagine.

In the elven world, the legendary elves' special abilities are almost not intuitively imaginable by humans.

Especially for top fantasy beasts like Xuerabi and Fantasy, their frontal fighting ability may not be very prominent compared to other **** beasts, but those strange and strange abilities are not comparable to those **** beasts.

In short, the elf world is where everything is possible.

The strange and strange space is even more numerous.

After all, the elven world is just an area located in a different space.

It just made Aoki a little surprised, but there was a little elf in this place.

Most are rock spirits, and some of them are terrestrial.

There are few sprites for the rest of the attributes, few are invisible.

The least were the elves of the water system and the grass system. Aoki took Boscodora to walk a long way, but only saw one or two.

And because of environmental problems, they are not well developed.

However, the spirit of the rock series is really good here.

Some can even compare with the elves trained by ordinary trainers.

It may also be that the rock series here is too rich in energy.

The rock elf, which was relatively rare outside, was not rare here.

For example, you can see gregarious snakes.

The rock elves cannot be said to be rare, but after all, the requirements for the living environment are relatively high, so it is still difficult to find a rock rock snake in the wild.

I didn't expect it to be here.

Not to mention the more common elves like Xiaoquan.

Excessive ease of life led to the elves here being lazy, although they were still at a high level, either looking for food to eat, or sleeping, or simply bored.

Just pass the time.

And there are rocks everywhere, and the minerals in them are very high, and their lives are not at all stressful.

Seeing this scene, Aoki frowned gradually.

"No, if it's so easy, the elves here are already overflowing. Even if the rock system in this space is rich in energy, it won't be as balanced as it is now. There must be some elves or creatures. Maintaining the ecological balance here. "Aoki thought of this.

Although I walked a short circle, I still don't know exactly why Shelby sent himself here.

But I always feel that it has a great relationship with my three rock-based elves.

However, after coming here, whether it is Boscodora, Shakira or small broken diamonds, they feel very comfortable.

The energy of the rock series is everywhere, and for them, this is their home field.

After walking for a while, I found a relatively flat place and sat down, ready to solve the problem of eating.

Fortunately, there is some food in Aoki's storage space.

Otherwise, it looks like there are stones everywhere, and finding food is troublesome.

"Shakira, how do you feel?" Aoki asked, simply solving the problem of lunch, with jerky and water in his hand.

Shakira they don't have to worry about food.

Rocks are everywhere here and everywhere.

Compared to the ore and diamonds they usually eat, it is a bit worse, but if it is just to report the belly, there is no problem.

Suddenly, the lazy little boxing stones and other rocky elves who were still lazy in the rock piles were noisy and ran in one direction.

As if something was going after them.

Aoki stood up and looked behind them.

Boscodora and Shakira also let go of their things and looked over there.

Boscodora's height reached three meters, and the so-called ascent looked far away, and he saw the situation the first time.

Shakira, who was suspended by the steam, also saw the situation in the distance.

In the last energy pool, Shakira raised his level to 54 and suddenly let him skip the long accumulation period.

It was just this accumulation that prevented Shakira from successfully breaking through and evolving.

In short, it's still worse.

After the rock-based elves ran away, Aoki saw the situation in the distance.

His eyes narrowed abruptly, Rao was a situation that Aoki had seen, and at this time was also a little surprised.

Three green elves appeared on top of the opposite rocks.

Whether it is a relatively weak elf such as Xiaoquan Stone, or a relatively strong elf such as Big Rock Snake, they cannot stop their footsteps.

Because these three elves are


Three Bangilas!

At this point is standing at the top of the opposite rock pile ~ ~ Yang Tianchangxiao.

A domineering Godzilla.

Aoki was also surprised because of their appearance.

At this time, Shakira, who was suspended by Aoki with her own steam, looked at the opposite eye with a strong shock and a longing for her.

From Aoki, he knew what he would look like after evolution, so Shakira also recognized Bangila.

Seeing the domineering look of the three Bandira on the opposite side, Shakira was really envious.

I don't know when I can become like them.

The three bandilas held two small fist stones in their hands.

After seeing this scene, Aoki understands why the number of rock spirits here is still so balanced.

It is because of these bangla's maintaining balance.

Although cruel, this is the best help for all the elves in the entire rocky area.

They act as wicked.


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