The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1034: Fight hard

It's like verifying Aoki's conjecture.

The two weird jaw dragons that were brought back were soon handled by Bangla.

The survival of the elves in the wild, especially in this extreme environment, the survival of the fittest is even more obvious.

Bangla is holding two hearts that look like earthy stones.

If it weren't for a trace of blood on it, it would hardly be different from a stone.

Aoki watched them say that this heart was handed to the leader of Banguila, and the leader of Banguila buried it again in the former soil stone gangue.

There may be the most energetic rock series in the entire valley, so this particular change occurs.

At this time, the two stones in front of Aoki were the same as the real stones, except that there was some warmth to the touch, and they were also hard to knock.

"In size, these two pieces are bigger than the two they put back in," Aoki thought to himself.

You must know that the two monster jaw dragons defeated before are completely Uranus-level elves, which are bigger than them. Is it still the heart of a senior Uranus jaguar?

"It really looks like a big gift."

Aoki lifted the two stones with super powers.

Even if Aoki is a human, almost all of the rock-based energy on the stone is so thick that it is almost visible to the naked eye.

Shakira, Boscodora, and the Shattered Diamond all showed intoxication.

It can be seen that this thing is still very attractive to them.

Even the little broken diamonds with weaker strength showed a change like drunk.

Aoki thought of the description of the chip. The spirits without certain strength need to control the amount of absorption.

According to the leader of Bangla, it should be seen that Shakira is already on the verge of evolution. As long as he absorbs this energy, he can complete evolution.

When their clan was on the verge of evolution, they all evolved in this way.

But Shakira of Aoki did not.

If it can evolve only by absorbing energy, Shakira can evolve in the previous energy pool.

But not.

This is for a reason.

The reason why Shakira here has reached the edge of evolution is that it can absorb evolution by absorbing these energy because their accumulation is sufficient.

Shakira, who lives here, starts with Kira, which is to accumulate a little energy and grow slowly.

Evolving to Shakira may take years or more.

And it has taken a long time from just evolving to accumulating to the edge of evolution.

More than ten years are considered short.

So they are mature enough in the state of mind, and can evolve smoothly as long as the external conditions are met.

But Shakira of Aoki is different.

He started from incubation, and it took only one year to reach the present level.

Its time is greatly shortened.

Of course, it doesn't mean that if you have to accumulate years or even decades of experience, Shakira can evolve.

But at this time he was still missing something.

There is a lack of reasons and reasons to grow and evolve.

Missing that sincere pursuit.

Maybe Shakira himself didn't realize that, in his opinion, other companions had already evolved, so he must also evolve.

After evolution, you can become stronger, you can continue to fight, and you can contribute more to Aoki.

That's the simple reason.

But these are the information he received from outside, not what he perceives and comprehends.

Of course, this does not mean that all elves must have different perceptions to be able to evolve.

Because he is a quasi-god, it is special.

Accelerating growth also requires a bit of conditions.

Today, I saw the fighting of the Bangui Las, and they fought blood and blood for their own people.

Shakira should have some touch.

At this time, Aoki was ready to take a savage medicine.

"Shakira, come with me." Aoki said to Shakira.

At this moment Shakira removed his eyes from the two rocks with very strong energy in the rock series.

"Boscodora and little broken diamond, the two of you are waiting for me here first, rest assured, you have your share." Aoki said to Boskovola and the small broken diamond.

The two elves nodded without hesitation.

They certainly trust Aoki.

Even if they are gone, they will definitely be replenished in the future.

Then Aoki took Shakira to the corner of the valley.

Together, there are the dull king and Geng Gui.

Go to the edge of the valley.

Aoki's look was slightly complicated.

Saying to Shakira, "Shakira, I think it's time for you to learn something."

While Aoki was talking, the dream demon floated out of his shadow.

Dream monsters, Geng ghosts, and the dull king, and Aoki himself.

Shakira didn't know what Aoki was going to do, and she looked puzzled.

Aoki nodded toward the other three elves, "Go ahead, Shakira, don't resist."


The dream demon murmured softly, red eyes appeared.

桀 ——


After the start of the dream demon, Geng Gui and the foolish king also acted.

This time, Aoki talked to them a long time ago.

Shakira listened to Aoki's words without resistance.

When he opened his eyes again, he appeared in a strange place.

Aoki is standing beside him.

"Take you to see something," Aoki said softly.

The scenes at the feet of a man and an elf change rapidly.

This is the dream that Aoki and the dull king constructed during Shakira's previous lecture.

Soon, they came to a small desert area.

A mighty banjara is standing in the desert.

The energy flowing through her expanded the desert area even more.

Shakira looked at the Bangila with Aoki with a doubtful expression.

Without knowing why, he felt a little familiar.

Time flows faster.

After the expansion of the desert, Banguila sat down on the spot.

There was no movement for a month.

Just when Shakira wanted to express his doubts, something unexpected happened.

A group of Heruga appeared in the desert, and the goal was very clear, that is, the bandila in the middle of the desert.

Seeing the appearance of the group of Heluga, Shakira beside Aoki showed a disdainful look.

He has seen the strength of Bangui La, some of these black Luga, look down on.

This group of Heruga clearly has no other Bangirak in strength.

But then something unexpected happened to him.

Banguila sat in the place, facing the impact of the Herugas, but only in a defensive posture.

"Shaki?" Shakira asked Aoki in amazement ~ ~ why she didn't fight back.

Aoki said complexly, "Keep watching."

Shakira could only restrain his curiosity.

I don't know why. Shakira was a little uncomfortable when she saw this bandila being attacked.

After persisting for a while, Bangila had some scars on her body.

However, Bangila showed a relaxed look.

Finally, slowly stood up.

Seeing Bangila standing up, Shakira suddenly showed a happy expression.

Is it finally time to start fighting back?

But soon, Shakira's eyes were attracted by what was behind Bangila.

An elf egg!


Fourth more! begging!

This scene was thought about when I was about to write Bangila, but I did not expect that from the earliest fifty or more chapters to the current one thousand chapters, it was a bit slow, but it did write my outline .

Dark Rise of the Elves https: //

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