The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1042: Leave, return

Aoki hugged the petite little diamond directly.

In his surprised eyes, he put it in the pothole.

The little broken diamond didn't know what Aoki wanted to do.

But soon the doubt on his face disappeared.

Because he felt a lot of rock-based energy underneath, rushing into his body frantically.

Even Boscodra, who was standing next to him, felt a lot of unrestricted energy in the rock series.

Even if I just breathe, I take a lot of breath.

The growth rate of exercise is much faster than usual.

The two elves instantly understood what Aoki meant.

It was said that the stones shared by the three elves were absorbed by Shakira because of his evolution.

It is now being compensated for them.

The intensity of this energy, although not as good as those two stones, is almost the same.

At this time, Bangila was already filled with a large amount of energy that could not be absorbed, and it was not good for him to absorb energy again.

But the little broken diamond and Boscodora have nothing to do with it.

"Small broken diamond, now you should also know that your body is undergoing some kind of irreversible change. Now the energy you absorb should not be used to enhance your strength and see if you can use this energy to speed up your transformation. speed.

Only after you have succeeded in the transformation can you truly show your full value, and at the same time, it will bring great benefits to me and to your community. "Aoki didn't make any concealment, and directly explained the stakes to Xiaorui Diamond.

Hearing Aoki's words, the little broken diamond did not hesitate and nodded firmly.

He also wants to know what kind of changes will occur after his abnormal changes.

"Boskodola, you also absorb energy here with the small broken diamond. Be careful not to absorb it blindly, try to compress it to a certain extent, and then enter your body.

Don't cause instability in your original solid foundation due to excessive absorption. "Aoki said again to Boscodora.


Boscodol answered silently.

Then began to concentrate on absorbing and compressing energy.

After seeing them all in the state, Aoki did not leave, sitting beside them.

The degree of abnormality of the small broken diamond at this time is already a little high.

When all of his diamonds turn pink, his shape should begin to change.

From the last time the energy in the energy pool was absorbed by the small broken diamond, the speed of the mutation was increased, and Aoki discovered it.

Now the small broken diamond has gradually been able to control its rate of change.

Of course, it cannot be reversed, only the speed of the mutation can be controlled.

This is enough.

Only Aoki knew what the small broken diamond would look like and what kind of spirit it would become after the mutation.

Silently looking at the percentage of mutations in the small broken diamond in the chip scan.

The Horn of Zernyas has also been playing a role.


Three days passed in a flash.

Aoki took the elves in the Banghira Valley for another three days.

During these three days, Bangaila followed the leader of Bangla and the rest of Bangla to learn combat skills.

This is what the Bangui people have accumulated for a long time. It is the most suitable way to fight in Bangui.

Bangila's talent is also not said, learned a lot of combat skills from them.

The only thing left is time, which will be integrated into the mastery a little bit.

The little shattered diamond and Boscodora also left from that corner of the valley.

After all, the body is not bottomless, and it is impossible to absorb the energy in it without restriction.

But they have all absorbed to the limit.

At this point the diamonds on the small broken diamond have all turned pink.

Aoki feels that the diamonds that have come off from the small broken diamonds may already be pink diamonds.

I just don't know if it will taste better than ordinary diamonds.

Finally, Boscodora, now he was standing in the Bangirah Valley, sitting frantically with some physical training.

It is better to say that a big rock on the back is doing squats on the back.

Of course, it wasn't just Boscodra that was an elf, but Bangila was with him.

The two elves, level 58 Bangalla and level 56 Bosdorla, were filled with massive rock-based energy.

You need to use some physical means to allow yourself to absorb faster.

Now the three rock spirits of Aoki have reached a bottleneck and can no longer be quickly raised in a short time.

In other words, from now on, Aoki has almost no room for improvement in this space.

Unless the space below is explored.


It was like having a rhinoceros. When Aoki felt that the limit was almost reached, a space crack suddenly appeared not far from Aoki.

I don't know why, Aoki also has a feeling that Xuerabi will take them back in about the same time.

Aoki greeted the elves, except for the dull king, Geng Gui, and Bangla, they all recovered the elven ball.

Banguila obviously knew that one day.

At this point farewell to the leader of Bangui and the entire Bangui community.

In the past few days, not only did Bangila learn a lot, Aoki actually taught the Bangila people to learn some means of living.

For example, how to use these water sources more efficiently.

How to make more delicious food and more.

"How's it? Farewell is over?" Aoki looked at him with a bit of perseverance, and asked with a smile.

Bangila nodded when he heard Aoki's words.

At the moment he looked up, the dissatisfaction in his eyes had completely disappeared, and instead he was full of firmness.

Encouragingly banged Bangila's arm.

As a sandstorm king, he should return to the elven world with this attitude of dominating the world.

Take him and the dull king directly, and let Geng Gui enter the shadow and pass through the space crack.

After Aoki stepped out, the crack behind it was like a zipper, which directly disconnected.

Snow it--

Before Aoki had time to observe the surroundings, Xuelabi flew in front of him, exaggerating my expression.

I don't know why Xuelabi would be so close to himself.

Maybe it's because of some lochia and dreamy breath in him.

It may also be because she and herself have met in a certain timeline.

Whatever the reason, I really get a lot of benefits now, "Thank you, Sherabi."

Snow it--

Hearing Aoki's thanks, Xuelabi hovered happily in the air.

Xuelabi waved his hands again, and Aoki again had two space cracks in front of him.

Without much waiting, two people rushed out of it.

It is Dawu and Furong ~ ~ But now Dawu and Furong look a bit miserable.

Dawu's original handsome suit was dusty at this time, and even had many holes.

Furong's face and body were dusty, and there were even a few wounds on her arm.

However, although their appearance is terrible, their eyes are very bright.

It seems to have received a lot of benefits.

Dawu followed his flashing giant gold monster, while Furong followed a strong night spirit.

The strength of both elves has also been greatly improved.


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