The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1045: Tens of thousands

Seeing that she was ready to shoot.

Mitchell was not surprised.

A smug smile appeared on his face.

The hand in the pocket is slowly taken out of the pocket and is a special device.

Like a watch.

Seeing Mitchell's movement, Dawu frowned. "He has a small movement! No! You can't watch here, giant gold monster, let's rush!"

The same goes for Hibiscus.

Fearing what happened to Sheilaby, "Little Black (Night Devil), let's go!"

Aoki, standing in situ, watched the two rush forward without stopping.

Mitchell thought he knew enough about Sherabi, but he was far worse than Aoki.

Aoki instead turned her eyes to Genji's battlefield.

At this point, Genji directed his six elves, and continued to attack the fire village and spring.

Although Mitchell's elves stayed to help, but how many combat powers can the elves explode without the command of a trainer?

Even if the fire village and the spring card are all out, there are two more elves, but in the face of the six dragon spirits of Genji, they can only choose to retreat a little bit.

Only battered land, no ability to escape.

Suddenly, Aoki's heart moved slightly, giving the dull king beside him a look.

The dumb king immediately noticed that the super powers slowly spread, involving the battle between Quan and Fire Village, and touching the bodies of the two.

Although at the moment of contact, they were bounced off by their countermeasures.

But after all, he was contacted by the dull king.


The dull nodded toward Aoki.

Aoki smiled.

No longer care about their battles.

Instead, she looked at Shelby.

There is not much difference from Aoki's conjecture. Sherabie, who is not good at fighting, also fights with two elves, and has no fight back.

Had it not been for the shelled ninjas who reluctantly insisted on their own characteristics, they would have been defeated.

However, Ogo and Furong's attack on Mitchell made him overwhelmed, and it was slower for Xuera than using a special device.

In the end, it was really impatient, so he transferred back an elf and pressed the giant gold monster and the night demon directly to the ground to rub.

No more effort to control them, Mitchell opened the device and aimed at the Sherabi because he was not too far away from the battle at this time.

"It works!" Mitchell's face exulted.

This device is a device developed by the Hunters' Guild in combination with the rest of the underground technology, the purpose of which is to deal with Shelby.

Super strong insect shock wave.

The buzzing sound waves shrouded Xuelabi directly.

Dawu and Furong had little resistance at this time.

Seeing the source of the situation here, he immediately wanted to come to help, but was blocked again by Aoki.

"Heavenly King, you hit you, no problem here."

Even if it is made of wood, it will be on.

After hearing Aoki's words, Genji was still hesitant.

In the end, I chose to believe.

But the fire village Hequan was miserable.

Genji broke out.

Aoki took Bangjila and the foolish king, and walked towards Xuelabi step by step.

Mitchell didn't care about him when he saw Aoki and his elves.

Just sent his elves in front of Aoki.

Aoki didn't mean to move forward anymore and shouted to Xuerabi, "Saraby, don't play anymore, you will be arrested again.

With a hint of ridicule in his tone.


Hearing Aoki's words, she was still very unhappy with the expression, and she suddenly recovered to the original, two big eyes staring straight at Aoki.

Reveal a pair ...

is it? I don't read much, don't lie to my expression.

Seeing what Sheilabi looked like at this time, Mitchell, who was still laughing wildly, was like a duck with a stuck throat, and the laughter stopped abruptly.

In fact, it is not just Mitchell. All the people present who are paying attention to this place, except Aoki, are all somewhat faint.

real or fake?

It just looked so uncomfortable ...

Hey, you did n’t learn to act, why did you act so much?

Aoki nodded helplessly.

Shelabby spit out her tongue, showing her original expression.

For the first time, the look of happiness got serious.

There was a trace of malaise in Mitchell's eyes.

Grunt ...

Do not know why, Mitchell felt that at this time he just needed to take a slow mouthful of water.

The device on hand clearly has the greatest power.

Seeing Mitchell, who was still studying the device on her hand, Aoki scorned.

What a junk, Xuerabi is so good at catching, please give me a dozen!


There was a hint of anger in this call.

Suddenly, in the air, numerous dense cracks appeared in space.

Like the stars in the sky.

But this star is a bit exaggerated.

Through each crack in the space, you can see some different scenes.

But there is one thing in common.

After the space crack appeared, from the space crack, a Shelby flew out.

One ...

Two ...



Thousands and tens of thousands of Sherabi appeared in tree holes.

These Sherbils seemed to be very familiar with each other.

After they came out, they greeted each other with a happy look.

When the greeting was over, all the Sherabis looked at the Sherabi who had summoned them.

Snow it--

Xuelabi showed an aggrieved expression, pointing at Mitchell in the bun with the device underneath.

Snow! !!

Snow! !! !!

Snow! !! !! !!

The call sounded uninterrupted.

The battle between Genji, Fire Village, and Izumi also stopped.

The three looked at the dense crowd above, with countless Sherabi.

Swallowed subconsciously.

At this time Mitchell did not know what to show.


Maybe crying for forgiveness?

After being shocked, Dawu and Furong looked at Mitchell with a touch of pity.

In the face of the enemy, the two of them should not show this expression, but just looked at Mitchell, who was lifted in the air by all the Sherabi, and they were also subconscious.

Without persisting, Mitchell did not know which crack in the air disappeared.

With the character of the Sherabi, it is impossible to kill directly.

But exile to a completely barren place should be no problem.

And there was no elves on Mitchell at this time, I don't know if I could live a day.

After playing happily, ~, after saying goodbye to each other, they returned to the crack that they just came out, but there was no meaning of confusion or mistake.

By the time all the Sherabi had disappeared, and only one remained, none of the people below had responded.

Sherabi looked at Fire Village and Izumi.

Grunt ...

The two swallowed and swallowed the shock in their eyes.

A very ugly smile appeared.

Take out the elf ball and take all the elf back, indicating that he gave up resistance.

Seeing that they were so acquainted with each other, the good-hearted Xuelabi did not embarrass them any more.


Ten more and fifth more! Please subscribe! begging! For the fourth leader of Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow, we will add 2/11!

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