The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1053: Alliance declares war

Leo's Elven Egg successfully rejuvenates.

If you use super power to perceive, you can feel that there are a lot of waveguide forces around the elven eggs at this time.

I have to say, Blessings depend on blessings, Blessings blessings.

Blessings accompany each other.

The Leo's Elven Egg was broken, though for unknown reasons.

But he met a man who could repair it, such as Aoki.

If it is bought by others, even the people in the alliance may not find a way to repair it.

But its luck is really very good, encountered a threat like Aoki.

I saved it.

Then the rainbow can always be seen after the storm.

The material produced this time, the strong power of the waveguide, ran wildly into the elven egg along the damage of the elven egg surface.

The incubation time of the elven eggs is also shrinking at a rapid speed.

From the time of a year to a few minutes now, it has become eleven months.

And with the injection of waveguide force, this time continues to shorten.

Not only that, under the scan of the chip, the color of Leo Road's qualification in the Elven Egg also changed.

The original teal qualification is very good for an elf egg.

But now these waveguide forces seem to be improving the qualification of Leo Road, which makes Aoki more happy.

The effort was not wasted.

Now you just need to wait for the incubation of Leo Road.

Aoki asks Geng Gui to return the elven egg to the shadow again.

According to the analysis of the chip, as the waveguide power is consumed, it will not hatch immediately, at least it will take some time to run in.

May be in a week or so.

After dealing with the Leo's Elven Egg, Aoki just fell into the bed and fell asleep.


Time is fast.

Aoki woke up with a knock on the door.

With a touch of exhaustion, he opened the door and found that Dawu and Furong were ready to go.

He was informed that the ship had arrived in Kena City and that Aoki was ready to disembark.

After hearing this, Aoki reluctantly revived.

After picking myself up a little, I got off the boat with Dawu.

After disembarking, they discovered that the patriarchs of Yuanzhi and Junsha were already waiting for them at the exit.

Seeing Junsha patriarch, I don't know why, Aoki is not willing to make some eye contact with her.

I don't know why, Aoki always thought that Junsha's eyes looked strange to him.

how to say...

It's kind of like ...

Look at son-in-law?


It seems that this look makes Aoki very uncomfortable.

Dawu and Furong were still laughing.

"Let's go, President Adams is already waiting for us at the temporary conference center in Kena City." Genji's expression was also a little strange, and he patted Aoki's shoulder with a smile.

Seeing Yuanji's smile, Aoki nodded helplessly.

Needless to say, this four-day king who is not respected is also laughing at himself.

The five were together without flying mounts.

Boarded directly in the police car sent by the Junsha family, they rushed all the way to the conference center still standing behind the elf center at this time.

At this point, the people in the conference room were full.

Senior officials and management of various alliances have gathered in this conference room.

President Adams is sitting at the front of the conference table.

The whole long conference table was full, and only a few places were left.

In the conference room, the chairs around were filled with people.

Old, young, young, familiar and unfamiliar, and unfamiliar, all gathered here at this time.

If anyone can end this here now.

It is estimated that the entire Fengyuan Alliance will directly collapse.

Of course, you also need that strength and courage.

The arrival of the five members of Genji immediately attracted all their attention.

Papa Papa--

As Adams applauded, everyone began to applaud.

I have to admit that the actions of Genji and Aoki this time deserve their applause.

Dawu and Furong looked at each other, both blushing.

This time they were rescued, and these applause made them blush a little.

Genji smiled and sat in the first seat of Adams' right hand, and the patriarch Junsha also sat in his place.

Aoki, Ogo, and Furong walked towards the side chairs.

This is where the three of them are.

"Aoki, sit here first." Suddenly, Adams stopped him.

Aoki was surprised.

Still sitting?

Did the search officer come?

But Aoki glanced around, and this time the other three chief search officers came.

That shouldn't be about yourself.

A glance at the three chief search officers of the Joy, Junsha, and Zvuche families showed that none of them were angry.

Dawu's cousin, Zi Fu Qi Mu Mu Zi, even directed at Ao Mu Nunou, motioned him to sit over.

All eyes were on Aoki.

Dawu also shoved him with a smile, and then sat down with Furong in his place.

Get the ducks on the shelves!

No way, Aoki could only obediently sit at the conference table again.

At this time, Aoki's teacher, the fourth generation king of Fengyuan, Liu Shenggang was sitting in a position above Aoki, with a smile on his face.

It is almost turning into a chrysanthemum.


When floating life is white!

"Cough, okay, the meeting started!" After Adams coughed, this alliance meeting officially started.

The main discussion is about the lava team, the ocean team and the hunter's guild, these three forces, and what kind of attitude the Fengyuan Alliance should face them at this time.

This time the Hunters' Guild brought the Lava team and the Ocean team, but it hurt the league enough.

It is definitely impossible to end so easily.

Eighty percent of the people have the opportunity to support and fight!

Be sure to beat them, be afraid!

At this juncture, obviously no one will come out to oppose, and those who do not support have also chosen to abstain.

"Then it was so decided, the alliance officially entered the state of preparation, and the first target was the Hunters 'Guild! Anyone who encountered the Hunters' Guild could capture it without any report. If the other party resisted, then there was no need to show mercy. "Adams directly announced the results of this discussion with a serious expression.

Kill in place!

The peace-loving forces such as the Alliance can give such orders.

It seems that the injury of Tiexuan ~ ~ really made Adams and all the senior members of the league angry.

The Four Heavenly Kings represent the face of a regional alliance. He was not awake because he was injured by some disgraceful means.

For the league, if no punches are made now, then the league's prestige will really cease to exist.

"As for the lava team and the ocean team, if you see them, try your best to capture them."

Lava team and Ocean team were not killed.

After all, it's the best way to show one to the two. If you start a full-scale war with all three, the alliance will be a bit uncomfortable.

"Aoki!" After that, Adams called Aoki's name again.


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